
And this is any better…why?

People thought that the Republicans might have had an epiphany last week while Michiganians were circling the Capitol Building in Lansing for a better part last Wednesday. Having 10,000 cars blocking traffic all around you and blaring their horns for most of the day does tend to draw attention, but I digress.

During a Friday News Dump, SML Mike Shirkey announced that not only was the legislature disinclined to extend Gov. Witless’ tyranny past May 1st, but that they had a plan, based upon a framework released by the White House on how this will be accomplished.

Outstanding! Now we can get Michigan back to work so that we can start fixing the colossal disaster her incredibly ridiculous “orders” have wrought upon our state.

But did anyone bother reading the fine print?

I’ve heard this line before.

{Read more about the trouble in Lansing by clicking on the red button below.}

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Conservative Creativity @ Operation Gridlock

After going through about 2.1Gb of video & images (and dealing with some work and home issues over the weekend), I finally whittled things down a little to give anyone who wasn’t able to go to Lansing on Wednesday another perspective on how things went.

Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to see is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

That out of the way…

{Click below to continue}

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Yep! We’re Done

Our ‘retaining water’ menopausal ‘helicopter mom’ governor Karen LARPing Walking Dead in our state, that never held a private sector job in her life – Gretchen Whitmer – unconstitutionally holding folks hostage via her jackboot Michigan State Police and Department of Natural Resources Conservation Officers, will if she can think, be ordered by her, this come to an end – peacefully – starting May 1.

My fingers are crossed.

“There has been a lot of confusion during the last few weeks pertaining to golf,” Burkardt wrote to members, in an email obtained by The News. “With these conflicting statements we are focusing on the fact that we are a private club that can allow play without opening any part of our golf operation including the locker room, golf shop or cart operation.

“With the availability of online tee times along with a membership that can adhere to specific rules, we could assure adherence with social distancing rules.”

In other words, governor, FuuuUUUuuck You! You too lezbo hebe AG.

We Michiganians have had enough of the Democratic Party bullshit.

Gov. “Half” Whitmer, you and Sleepy Joe along with now named John Kerry, on top of the indictments soon coming down, you people lost November 2020.

Kung flu scare was a bust- Game over.

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End the CON

For too many decades, health care in Michigan might well have been better and cost far less!

Michigan has been CONned for far too long.

The Certificate Of Need rules in Michigan have resulted in less competition, higher health care costs, and reduced flexibility when emergency situations arise. Limiting the choice of consumers to bloated bureaucratic health care systems that have no incentive to keep costs down or protect their employees naturally.

Sorry for mistaken nation versus state numbers. Watch the video, you’ll know what I mean.

BY the way ..don’t wonder why there are layoffs.

God Bless

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Democratic Party Voter Suppression Since at least 1924

What lengths will Michigan’s Democratic Party go to just to protect a looney tunes female in CD-11? Remember, this was brought to your attention before when stating, “What it always is about: power and, controlling the power of your vote.”

Well, here you go.

A decision by Eastern District of Michigan Judge Terrence Berg is expected in the coming days. He is an appointee of former President Barack Obama.

Whitmer noted the pending lawsuit on Friday.

“It’s really important that especially in times of crisis we protect these fundamentals that are truths of our democracy and our republic and that it’s important that we continue to have our elections, do them as well as we can and keep people safe in the process,” the governor added.

Like as in mail in election fraud? What about the governor’s “science and all of the best practices,” is all that just flapdoodle? Rock solid logic for old beer-swilling “Half” Whitmer who says abortion is life sustaining, right?

Oh, it gets better.

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Deflection and Projection

It didn’t take long for our beer-swilling Governatrix to saddle up her broom and fly the Clown News Network and MSDNC airwaves.

“It wasn’t really about the stay-at-home order at all,” Whitmer said. “It was essentially a political rally, a political statement that flies in the face of all of the science and all of the best practices from the stay-at-home order that was issued.”

Yah, sure, brews mother. Typical feminist Democrat projecting onto others what they are guilty of themselves. And, have you all noticed that Democrats like “Half” Whitmer resort to making claims of “science and all of the best practices” yet, push for voting by mail that’s rife with fraud? Yep, Pandemocrats always lie.

Exit question

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OK Karen

One of the things I have grown to adore about Trump Derangement Syndrome is that with all the frauds and liars who have it is that sooner or later they let their mask slip thus exposing the truth.

Whitmer said on Monday, Fox 17 reported.

“I also would just say, I think it is this group is funded in large part by the DeVos family and I think it’s really inappropriate for a sitting member of the United States president’s cabinet to be waging political attacks on any governor, but obviously on me here at home.

I think that they should disavow it and encourage people to stay home and be safe.”

“Contrary to the governor’s statements, the DeVos family hasn’t spent a dime on this protest nor has it offered prior support to the organizing entity,” Nick Wasmiller responded.

Holy shnikies! Does this insecure, narcissistic, overbearing ‘helicopter-mom’ schoolmarm see nazis under her governor’s mansion bed too? Is there not anything that family on the westside cannot do, well, other than get elected governor.

But I digress.

Cutting through all of Gov. “Half” Whitmer’s conniving lies- want to meet the Pandemocrats™?

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