
And people wonder why there isn’t any faith in the legal system any longer?

Yeah, I know that this isn’t much of a huge surprise.

But what caught my attention, and will make people scratch their heads wondering how things could get any more screwed up, happened yet again just within a week.

Twice, even.


{More after the fold}



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Riling the Silver Ponytail *Brotherhood*

Look for the union label, which if that floats one’s sinking boat… work it fo da chil’ren, sista!

The outspoken Brown – named running mate of Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Mark Schauer more than two months ago – expressed empathy with retired teachers at the West Michigan MEA-Retired Chapter at a luncheon gathering.

“I know it’s not a 9-to-5 job, and I know it’s not a nine-month-a-year job, either,” she said. “There’s some people in the state who feel that educators are evil. That’s really the feeling that seems to come out of Lansing all too often.”

Election HellIsn’t it odd that Lisa didn’t get in there that they start Teaching at 17. Ouch! Is that just a cheap shot at Terri List? No, not so much as she received …wait for it… a public education. C’mon, I’m no monster, I “feel their pain“. So, how bad is it for the Michigan Democratic Party? It’s so bad that all they can do is reach out to their base that is bankrupting cities and burying states in debt all across this nation. Seen Michigan’s liability just for teachers lately? Many players on “Team R” are complicit, too.

Exit question. What can Brown do for you? Perhaps, make an alleged Republican legislature grow a pair when there’s an actual card carrying Democrat in the governors office. They sure as Hell have no balls with the Bill Milliken v2.0 in office now. This November is going to be a choice between two losers for governor no matter which way the mop flops.

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Hospice – Another ACA Casualty

Hospice has been a way to deal with terminal situations in a compassionate way that suits patients and their families.

The way it has evolved with medicare has made it an affordable option; one that allows the passing of loved ones in comfortable and appropriate surroundings.  The medicare component has been affected by the ACA however, and the continued meddling by government in its attempt to provide broad health coverage to all has accelerated the financial troubles experienced by all in the health industry.

H/T Raffi Williams

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Michigan Blogger Round Up

A round up of Michigan bloggers and their work

logo-sphereFrom The Right –  Michigan Gives Up – A reminder the the GOP totally caved to progressive goals.

PartTimeMi.com – Suspension of the Part Time Legislature Ballot Initiative Due to numerous reasons it will not happen in 2014 by ballot.

Republican Michigander TWOFER

Michigan Capitol Confidential – Yeah, Detroit is going to get even more of the pie.  It’s Just amazing

The Shekel – Firearm Law Improvements in Michigan A couple of improvements, and looking for more.

The Voice of One Crying Out in Suburbia – When Did Modesty Become An Ironically Dirty Word? Seriously.

WatchDog Wire – Izzy tells us how ‘eco-tourism’ gets a great big boost from the starry eyed pols in Emmet County – $15 million in bonds approved by county commissioners and fulfilled by taxpayers.  Whatta bargain!

If you have a Michigan based blog that should be included, or have a Michigan based story that cannot be missed, shoot a message over via the tips link above.

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If it isn’t a Cousin With Furniture Contracts, Then it’s…

Other no-bid contracts on wasteful spending eliminated from Wisconsin government.

“I guess if I were running a multimillion-dollar company, which you are called MDOT, and I only got one bid, boy, would I be nervous as to what I had missed, and I guess I would step back and look at the entire process and start all over again,” said Sen. Bruce Caswell, R-Hillsdale.


Ironic is who is now the fly in Snyder’s Big “transparent” Government ointment. Yet, MDOT and the Republican brain-trust say they need more money for fixing roads? Gee, one wonders why

click to enbiggen

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Bully For CapCon!

Capitol Confidential Receives Multiple Awards For Impactful Journalism

Reporting can sometimes be more of a dance than simply presenting the facts.

Capitol Confidential has become a powerhouse of Michigan government and policy reporting.  Since its inception in 2010 it has blossomed into a respected source of information and insight.  And its writing is now being recognized for that growth.

In typical ‘main stream media,’ there are natural limiters to obtaining the truth, or at least properly reporting it.  Be it an advertiser’s objection to something once written, or a source of information who might have been embarrassed by a writer’s depth of coverage, there are conditions which can prevent a full telling of events; even if the tale of those events is comprise of “Just the facts ma’am.”

We might be inclined to opine from these pages, but more often there is a collection of facts and history woven into our stories.  If one looks through RightMi.com, it might be hard to find advertising, because we can equally offend all comers. Not that a few bucks wouldn’t help, but enjoying our content and putting the neck out to support what is an informative opinion site are two different options.

And one involves risk.

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