
Yep, it’s a Farce

Hate to say I told you so but… told you so.

However, Little Ronna campaigning for her uncle Willard? That is just okie dokie…

Because, you know, road funding vote$ is priority or, “unity” or, whatever smoke you’d like blown up your posterior.

H/t Me

You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(1)

Happy Anniversary

Today marks a whole year of additional expense levied on Michigan employers.

min-wageIts been a whole year since the new minimum wage law (crafted by ‘republicans’) required employers to ante up a little more.

Sept 1, 2014 was the demarcation point for the stepped increases signed into law by Rick Snyder that will eventually bring the minimum outlay for the entry level workforce up to $9.25 and hour.

The rates are as follows:

 Effective Date  Minimum
Wage Rate
 Tipped Employee
Hourly Wage Rate
 85% of Minimum
Hourly Wage Rate
 Before September 1, 2014 $7.40 $2.65  $7.25*
September 1, 2014 $8.15  $3.10   $7.25*
 January 1, 2016 $8.50  $3.23  $7.25*
 January 1, 2017 $8.90  $3.38 $7.57
 January 1, 2018 $9.25  $3.52 $7.86

Nothing says conservative ‘Republican’ like statist moves forcing it’s small business to pay more than a person’s labor is worth.  Next stop is January 1, 2016. If they cannot raise taxes on you one way, they will do it in so many others.

Congratulations Michigan.

Pass the party favors.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(1)

Benishek ‘Frankly’ Wasting Taxpayer Money ..As Usual

Michigan congressman expects post office to travel through time for his constituents.

We all know they do it.

But it hardly makes it right.  ‘Franking’ has been used by sitting politicians to expressly ‘inform’ constituents, and cleverly advantage their public budget in electioneering efforts.  Incumbency has its privileges.  Congressman Dan Benishek, holding true to DC assimilation, doesn’t even hide the abuse in any meaningful way.

In a recent ‘Franking’ mailer, his announcement of an upcoming event celebration arrives far too late for those he supposedly wishes to inform.

A reader sends this in:

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

A Dam Fine Mess You’ve Given Us

Short sighted grant based planning leaves a community in worse shape financially.

BrownbridgeReposted from grow.tc

Grand Traverse County residents have for the most part, been kept in the dark about the truth surrounding Dams removal.

There have been stories covering the removal process, and no doubt most folks are familiar with the mistakes made during the removal process, but what is the back story behind the entire affair that needs to be told? Who did what, and why is it being done?

However, the as-demonstrated limited attention span of most of the electorate who read this must confine it to some previously unpublished facts. Take it for what you will.

In September and October of 2008, a survey was taken to quickly gauge public knowledge/concern/interest in dam condition/repair/options. The executive summary noted that it was as much informal, as looking for opinion:

“The Public Opinion Survey developed and administered through this project was not designed as a referendum or a statistically valid sample of public opinion. Rather, the Survey and associated Informational Booklet were intended to inform and engage the general population while offering another opportunity for public participation. The Surveys were distributed as broadly as feasible given time and funding limitations between September 23 and October 10, 2008.”

Of course, the “public participation” is quite limited when removal meetings are held mid afternoon, on weekdays when many who might otherwise be engaged, are busy working.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Memo to Michigan’s Gang Of Polyps: Don’t Even Think About Trying to Pull This Crap

Read this: https://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=230575

More details here. Remember, the Magic Underpants/Nelson Rockefeller wing of this state has already circled their wagon around ¿Yeb?Asian anchor babies” Bush. GOPe has gotta Hispander, you know?


Ps. Ken Cuccinelli could really use a big cup of STFU.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)