Loss of two legislators will have fiscal policy consequences.
In all likelihood, any replacements for the Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat positions will be inclined to lean leftward and distance themselves away from ‘Tea’ political positions.
The vote by committee this morning didn’t go well for Gamrat and Courser. An upcoming vote by the full house would close the deal. The wife sends me this:
Well there goes the road tax. We pay more
She may be right
And NOT simply at the pump.
You Betcha!
(19)Nuh Uh.

With all the REAL criminals looming about Lansing, I'm disgusted at all the resources spent on this issue. Remember all you state reps--if they can do it to them with scanty little BS, they can AND WILL do it to you. Censorship is appropriate here if at all.
Just the cost to scan in all of THIS.. much less the time wasted.
With the notable exceptions of George Bush and John McCain and Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and anyone with a last name of Romney and...wow is this is getting disappointing, I've never seen so many "conservative" republicans clamoring for a tax hike.
In regards to the C-G debacle, I'm of the strong opinion that those two nitwits aren't the only ones engaging in the misuse of their office and public funds.
From Chad Livengood's piece in today's Detroit News.
"House Democrats on Wednesday questioned why the GOP-run committee struck the entire testimony of Speaker Kevin Cotter’s former chief of staff, Norm Saari.
Under oath Wednesday, Saari stumbled on questions about when he learned of Courser and Gamrat’s misconduct from the staff who confided in him. On party lines, the panel voted 4-2 to strike Saari’s testimony from the committee’s official record.
McBroom said Saari’s testimony did not fall under the committee’s narrow task of judging Courser and Gamrat’s ability to remain effective members of the House.
“That testimony was not relevant to this committee,” he said."
I don't know exactly what Rep. McBroom is trying to cover up here, but I'd like to know EXACTLY what Speaker Cotter knows and when did he know it.
Based upon my reading of what transpired so far, alarm bells should've been going off in the Business Office months ago, yet nothing was looked into (at least officially).
Is anyone else the least bit curious as to why?
I Yam.
Mary Whiteford has already announced her candidacy in the 80th should Gamrat be expelled. Gamrat defeated Whiteford in the four way August 2014 primary. Stephen Schultz was third. Whiteford raised the most money by far and was backed by the Chamber of Commerce types. Schultz was the candidate of the Allegan city establishment and was endorsed by Right to Life. No word on Schultz's plans should Gamrat be expelled. Randy Brink was 'out of the money' with only 4% of the vote.
One wild card here. Gamrat could run in the special election if she is expelled, should she so choose. Article IV, Section 16 of our 1963 Constitution concludes with: "No member shall be expelled a second time for the same cause". While Gamrat might not win, she could substantially affect the outcome of a special election primary, which probably will not have the turnout of a normal August primary.
Democrats are not really a factor in the 80th under normal circumstances, but could become a factor if Gamrat were to run in a special election primary and win.
These two cannot be counted on to be truthful in word and deed. Good riddance.
And, go figure, from yesterday's Ivory Tower:
. . . in other words, the Nerd King wants his tax, therefore he shall have his tax, and we proletariat have no say in the matter.
Nah, it's just that Boobus Michiganderus were stupid enough to give the rest of us the government we're getting - good and hard.