Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Clown Bigotry – The Greatest Show On Earth.

Nolan Finley puts his head in a lioness' maw.

The reality over the years is that when we disagree with the clown from the Detroit News, its based on a reasonable difference of opinion over the facts.

We don’t hate clowns.  We are just don’t take em so seriously very often.. We call out clownish pranks and goofiness as such.  And truth be told, I once had a (sort-of) clown as a good friend. So there is ..that.

But the bottom line is that once in a while, a clown makes a point.  And today The News’ big top car stuffer is spot on.

Combating hate crimes is a worthy endeavor. But the new campaign announced by Attorney General Dana Nessel has the real potential to morph into thought policing.

Nessel, in partnership with Agustin Arbulu, director of the Michigan Department of Civil rights, say they will create a process to document incidents of hate and bias that don’t rise to the level of criminal or civil infractions.

That could translate to speech or expressions of opinion that some may find offensive, but are protected by the First Amendment. Bias is protected by the Constitution until it infringes on the rights and freedoms of others, and hate is often in the eye of the beholder.

If what Nessel and Arbulu are targeting are words, thoughts and opinions, this could easily become a weapon to shut down groups they find abhorrent, but are operating within the law.

Its true. 

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Perfect Example of why Conservative Americans Always Lose to the Progressive Left

Ingrid Jacques

Nicole Neily, the founder of Speech First, says she brought a similar case against the University of Texas in December and another suit is forthcoming.

“Sadly, there are many problems,” she says.

So credit the president for shining a light on a very real problem. But that’s where his involvement should end.

“There are terrible environments at many schools, but there are huge dangers that go with any federal effort to police expression,” says Neal McCluskey, director of the Cato Institute’s Center for Educational Freedom.

Whoa-Whoa-whoa-whoa, not so fast there, Ingrid.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Town Hall – We Build the Wall March 14th (Update!!!)

Okay, I just got back from a weekend with the family and I’m catching up on some correspondence when I came upon this in my inbox from the We Build The Wall organizers over the weekend:

This is Brian Kolfage. I want to make sure you all are aware that we moved our venue to Cobo Center. 

Two reasons why. We outgrew the Warren location by a long shot. We aren’t sure how many 1000’s are showing up so we need to be prepared.

Secondly, security. We need command and control of this event and the venue Cobo Center offers this security for our guests. 

With onsite secure parking, and onsite security who is trained to deal with these functions they are highly competent. Furthermore, we have 18 on duty Detroit Police Officers dedicated to working out event. 

With all these steps taken we believe security of our guests and speakers to be priority and have mitigated any mishaps from protestors who will not be permitted in the venue or building. 

This is going to be an awesome event for everyone and want to ensure it’s safe and secure for you and your friends.  

Thank you for understanding! I hope to see you there! 

Brian Kolfage 

While I’m glad at the outpouring of support for this event which apparently has more Conservatives backing it, than who attended last months GOP State Convention (how sad is that), I’ve got to chime in a several items regarding this Thursday’s event.

With all due respect to Mr. Kolfage, if anyone thinks that they’ve got the agitators under control…you don’t.

Yes, you can “secure” Cobo Hall and keep them at bay.

No, you cannot keep them from harassing attendees entering or exiting Cobo, or worse yet, vandalizing property. The Cobo Parking lots CANNOT be secured. Not only is it a public parking lot, it’s just far too big to effectively patrol.

Making matters worse, my sources have tipped me off that they are already aware of the new venue and are already planning for it. Unfortunately, that’s all I have at the moment.

This IS NOT meant to warn people away.

Just the opposite. I want to see as many people as possible at Cobo this Thursday. I especially want to see them arrive and leave as safely as possible for what should be a memorable evening (in a good way).

I would just want to make a friendly warning for attendees to locate other parking options around Downtown Detroit. There are many within walking distance of Cobo, and this is one of the rare times when I’ll advocate using it, take the People Mover to get to and from Cobo.

So to wrap things up, The We Build The Wall Michigan Town Hall will NOW be held at Cobo Hall in Downtown Detroit in Hall “B” from 7:00pm to 8:30pm

And from The We Build The Wall event page:



To ensure the safety and security of all guests, we respectfully request that attendees refrain from bringing back packs or any other personal bags or luggage. Upon arrival you will be subject to a security check prior to entry which will include metal detecting wands and a possible pat down in the event the wand detects metal of any kind.

Again, I’m not trying to scare anyone away. Forewarned and forearmed…that sort of thing.

For those interested in attending, please click on the following link.

You Betcha! (4)Nuh Uh.(1)

Gibsmedats and Shé Guevara

Fellow Michiganians, we are doing it all wrong.

Whitmer unveiled her first budget proposal on Tuesday, March 5, and her proposals for a higher gas tax and a significant education funding increase got most of the attention.

But included in the spending plan was $15 million for a Flint reserve fund and $8.1 million in funding for existing programs addressing the Flint water crisis.

What surrounding communities need to do is mismanage their affairs and become totally irresponsible in their decision making as this is the new pathway to financial reward.

In this Friday, Oct. 26, 2018, photo, Gretchen Whitmer, Democratic gubernatorial candidate, cheers before a rally in Detroit. As the midterm election approaches, GOP leaders are bracing for the worst as Democrats appear poised to win the governor’s office and other statewide posts and to make gains in the Legislature. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

Ps. Stamas, you’re still an incorrigible reprobate.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Mr. Payne, That’s Just the Most Basic Side of Whitmer’s Fuel Tax Hike

It just warms the cockles of my heart that there is someone out there putting this obnoxious redistribution of our tax dollars into figures so the public is aware. This is what Michiganians are going to immediately feel out of their pocket.

Michiganians drive an average of 14,121 miles per year, according to the Federal Highway Administration. The average vehicle fuel economy for 2017 model-year vehicles was 24.9 miles per gallon, according to Environmental Protection Agency figures released Wednesday.

Do the math, and a 45-cent surcharge would add up to that $255 per year. That’s on top of the average current fuel bill of $1,389, assuming gasoline stays at the current $2.45 per gallon average price around the state.

Are the Envirotard dopes who are government subsidized in the purchase and, charging of driving their glorified golf carts around off the hook?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Gretchenomics: Welcome to the Granholm v2.0 era

Well, that didn’t take long to cast sunlight upon the Progressive Left’s wealth redistribution scheme.

If approved by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, Whitmer’s proposed 45-cent motor fuel tax increase would occur in three separate 15 cent tax hikes on Oct. 1, 2019, April 1, 2020, and Oct. 1, 2020.

The first two tax hikes would increase the tax by 30 cents and bring in an additional $1.26 billion during the 2019-20 fiscal year. But documents submitted by Whitmer as part of her executive budget recommendation on Tuesday indicate that the net increase to transportation funding will be just $764 million in 2019-20 fiscal year.

In other words, $499.2 million — an estimated 40 percent of the $1.26 billion gas tax increase in 2020 — would not go to roads. Instead, it would replace current transportation budget dollars that would be redirected to pay for other state government spending.


Yet, this obscene agenda has support?

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Town Hall – We Build the Wall March 14th

We Build the Wall & MEDEFCO are hosting a Michigan Town Hall on Thursday, March 14 in support of The Wall in Warren Michigan at 7:00pm.

Sponsored by 100% Fed Up  & One American News Network the event will be held at the Faith Baptist Church, 26510 Schoenherr Road in Warren.

And it couldn’t be more timely.

From WBTW:

Join us at a Michigan Town Hall with Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff Clarke, Angel Families and MORE.

About this Event

Michigan Townhall with Brian Kolfage, Steve Bannon, Kris Kobach, Sheriff Clarke, Angel Families and MORE.


  • Michigan Conservative Union
  • OANN- One American News Network
  • The Gateway Pundit

We Build The Wall, Inc.

⭐ We acknowledge that the federal government won’t be able to accept American Citizen donations specifically for the wall anytime soon.

⭐American citizens in the private sector are better equipped than our own government to use the donated funds to build an actual wall on the southern border.

⭐We Build The Wall, Inc’s highly experienced team is highly competent and will complete significant segments of the wall in less time, and for far less money, than the federal government, while meeting or exceeding all required regulatory, engineering, and environmental specifications.

***Ticket to event is free only to supporters of the wall, we reserve the right to remove anyone from the event for any reason at any time. You may be required to show ID with ticket upon entry.***

For those interested in attending, click on this link.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Word DUPLICITOUS Does not Even Begin to Scratch the Surface

It boggles the mind how this clown still collects a paycheck.

I’ve advocated for a tax increase to fund road repairs, and Whitmer reportedly will call for a 45 cents hike in the fuel tax. That will be painful for motorists, but necessary. Michigan has neglected its infrastructure for so long that there’s no painless fix. The hike will give Michigan the highest per-gallon fuel costs in the Midwest, but we have to do it.

Wrong, dummy, we already ARE the highest per-gallon in the Midwest.

How quickly everyone forgets.

As for the rest of this nincompoop’s idle drool about legacy costs, Proposal A, education and other adult age socialism, well, that’s what happens when local leaders cater to public sector unions for endorsements to the offices they sought, of which, the much ballyhooed Freedom-To-Work Act never even came close to addressing.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)