Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.


$500,000 buys a card to be here.

Japanese pastry shop mentioned by WXYZ that isn’t Japanese. Imagine that. Ambiguous allegedly gay dude and twofers explain…

More bullshit from Fake News WXYZ Diversity (All Hail Diversity!), and Oakland County going into the toilet- hard.

Livingston County gone in five.

Called it five years ago. Dan didn’t like it, but you watch.

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At What Cost?

Spending more in one area of the economy comes at what price?

One of Governor Whitmer’s veto targets may have been a good thing.  In one way anyhow.

For all the wrong reasons, the governor popped the fuses on a number of causes that have had state support for years.  Charter schools ability to get on-par funding with their failing counterparts, health subsidies to regional hospitals, and busing for kids in remote regions closely associated with the house speaker’s election district.

All of these met the veto pen as leverage for her 45 cent a gallon gas tax.  Clearly, the governor has shown where her heart lays on particular issues. Using at-risk children and health providers as leverage to get her 45 cent tax on the working poor.

One particular veto however, has a silver lining.  The end of taxpayer dollars used for advertising a particular industry.

Under the guise of benefit to all, the tourism industry has enjoyed a 13 year subsidized existence with the Pure Michigan campaign. 

The state has run the Pure Michigan campaign since 2006, ultimately placing advertisements outside of Michigan in hopes of luring in tourists and their dollars. It has had some memorably creative moments, such as the ads narrated by Michigan actor Tim Allen and overlaid by the theme music from the movie “Cider House Rules.”

We all like the music, and know the voice.

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Rest In Peace BK Bill.

Moderate Democrat Dies at 97

The most obvious example of what a RINO is, may have gone on to warmer climes than Northern Michigan.

The pro-abortion, high taxes, consummate milquetoast, yet super ‘nice guy’ Bill Milliken has passed.  I offer prayers for his immortal soul, and to his family that they find a path to Christ, one not usually found by pretending that God condones the unholy murder of his children in the womb.

As only God is our final arbiter, perhaps we will someday see how he responds to those who openly advocate for the destruction of His gifts.  In our worldly plane however, we can still offer respect and pray for a level of forgiveness that our creator alone can grant to those who have consistently violated His trust.

However, while we are still here, it may be prudent to remind folks why BK Bill Milliken was wrong. In 2016, much to the horror of Democrats and a few moderate GOP types, some of us did

Indeed, we could be passive and obtusely respectful. Or better yet, use the occasion to remind why just because they have our colors on, some folks are simply not on our team.

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Shane Hernandez for Congress

Back in July, Michigan 10th district congressman Paul Mitchell announced that he would not seek reelection after just two terms.  More than two months later, the first serious Republican candidate has announced.  State representative Shane Hernandez of Port Huron is running.

Shane was a Tea Party leader in St. Clair county who helped conservatives win control of the county GOP there.  He also served on the 10th district committee.  In 2016, Shane ran for state house in the 83rd district, including all of Sanilac and part of St. Clair Counties.  He comfortably won a three-way primary.  He won the general election with 63% in 2016 and 64% in 2018, in a district that elected a democrat as recently as 2008.

Shane quickly established himself as one of the most conservative members of the Michigan legislature. The American Conservative Union rated his votes 93% conservative, tying for most conservative in 2018.  MIRS rated him 93% conservative, tying for most conservative in 2017.  RightMichigan rates him 88% conservative, tied for most conservative in 2017-2018.

Unlike some legislators who vote the right way, but are otherwise unproductive in office, Shane has worked well with his legislative colleagues.  He helped to elect conservative leadership in the state house.  In 2018, he was appointed chairman of the house appropriations committee, widely considered the most prestigious committee chairmanship.  Unlike some legislators who use this position to deliver pork to pet projects, he produced a fiscally responsible budget that resisted Governor Whitmer’s plan for massive tax and spending increases.

Shane is pro-life, pro-gun, and an all-around conservative leader.  All conservatives should support his campaign for Congress.

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Norm Hughes – Rest In Peace

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. - Matthew 16:25

May the Lord take you into his arms my friend.

Norm Hughes passed away yesterday.  Norm was instrumental in passing Right To Work in Michigan, and was the founder of the Michigan Conservative Union. Norm was a stalwart in the conservative cause, and brought many together in order to help this state and our nation to preserve decency, common sense and tradition.

He did so at great expense, and sometimes great sacrifice. It was an honor to have known him.

He is survived by his wife Susan, and several hundred patriots throughout the state of Michigan who were brothers and sisters in the cause of conservatism.

Rest in peace brother Norm

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And Then There Is This

MiGOP reminder of Whitmer's absolutism.

I share the common distrust of the powers that be in Lansing to hold off on NEW gas taxes.

It seems that even the post directly preceding this has noted potential end-around solutions that will provide new income streams from taxpayer to bureaucrat for whatever purpose. We advise strongly against new enabling features that give local government more ways in which to screw us.

In the meantime we can at least enjoy the fact that the legislature did force Whitmer to show where her priorities are not, by witnessing the line item vetoes made. I agree with several of them, but frankly think at this point she owns any discontent from those sectors.

The next couple of years will be interesting.

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New MIGOP Sell-Out Scam Revealed: Empowering Counties to Hike Gas Tax!

The Michigan Republican Party of Rick Snyder is still intact, as Republican lawmakers in Lansing are getting ready to push another gas tax on us!

We just did a gas and fee increase in 2015, which was also pushed by Republicans. They are getting ready to screw us again. Freshman State Rep. Jack O’Malley (the next Arlan Meekhof in training) is leading this new round of armed robbery against the unsuspecting taxpayer.

O’Malley wrote an op/ed in the Detroit News yesterday arguing how his “smart spending” legislation will fix the roads:

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So, who is up for another game of chicken?

For the next three years?

Biggest liars in political history.

“I did not have sex with that woman” – Pres B.J. Clinton

“If you like your plan you can keep it.” Pres. B.O.

“That’s ridiculous. It’s nonsense and you know it.” – Then Gubernatorial Candidate Gretchen Whitmer responding to a comment that she will raises taxes if elected governor during the Grand Rapids WOOD debate last year.

Oh, this is getting better…

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