Michigan Politics

Michigan Political considerations.

Common Core and the Trucker Wiser Flip-Flop Connection

Like a bad horror movie called a Nightmare on Christmas Eve this script features questionable characters. Starring in this production is Ebenwiser Scrooge a man with millions of unscrupulous ways to buy political seats. Common Core Wiser Vote No

Co-Starring is the clumsy overweight not too bright fella “Bad Santa.” This con-man known as “Bad Santa” looks like he’s been hanging out at a Fat Fellas BBQ convention.

As the movie unfolds it turns out this real “Bad Santa” is a radio show co-host on the poorly rated, small market and very undesirable RINO Supporters Broadcasting Network (RSBN).

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And Another Look At Common Core ‘Opponents’

Karen Braun posts Common Core expert Melanie Kurdys’ thoughtful commentary on the issue, and current candidates.

sccmichigan-banner2From Stop Common Core in Michigan

Today, I received intel that both Weiser and Calley are claiming to be against Common Core. This is news to me. In the 2 1/2 years I have been fighting this issue, I have never seen evidence of either of them even being sufficiently informed of the issue, let alone standing up to try to stop it from coming into Michigan.

Read the rest

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Monday Around The State

Start the week off RIGHT.

logo-sphereContagious Transformation – On second thought, I’m thinking that isn’t quite right…

Dave Lambert – Troy To Take Transit Station Title I’ve been following this. Perhaps we take a look at how it all developed soon.

Doug Sedenquist – Agema Rescinds Weiser Endorsement.  Tis the season.

Grassroots in Michigan – Latest ‘Wes Press’ This is an interesting floor battle shaping up.  In the end is it REALLY about Calley, or is it about Snyder and more progressivism? Wes Nakagiri talks about the role of Delegates.

Keith Almli – My rebuttal to Paul Neumier slamming tea party/Ron Paul supporters

Capitol Confidential – Union Dues Skim stopped at US Supreme Court. We still argue there are folks that should be behind bars for this.

Do you have some blogs that are missed?  Drop a comment!

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THIRD Party Rumblings (2nd Party, really…) and the REAL SOLUTION.

The Republican Party Needs an Enema! (barring that, some competition)

As individual operatives, patriots, and the “simply ticked-off” Americans engage in the political process once more in the intra-party politics of conventions, let us remember, this is not the only avenue. As you see the corruption and tactics of evil men in the party (holding onto their power at all costs) unfold, remember and that every road has its own pitfalls, opportunities and rules. Remember also, competition is a healthy consequence and a rich conservative tradition that Republicans have apparently forgotten when it applies to them or within their ranks. Consider the following…

With the primaries behind us for this election year, the disappointment and anger felt over those who lived sacrificially for the cause of liberty over the past 6-months-to-a-year is apparent and understandable, adding to the apathy of the spectators (who, if they’d actually gotten involved would have made a difference, but instead sought to confirm their apathetic notions with self-fulfilling prophecy after complaining). So now, I see people saying they’re thinking third party as recourse to the electorially ab[w]horrent behavior of the evil men and women in power in the Republican Party.

I’ve written about this before, and it always happens when people actually get involved in the electoral process, who naysay’d early warners beforehand about what kind of corruption and illegal activity is going on to keep the “right” people in power, from the highest offices in each district to the lowest. (Interestingly, the lower office you seek, the harder it is to find out how, which in itself is a means to keep power. Nice, huh?)

However, before anyone who reads this gets wound up with emotion about the issue, pro or con, consider the following with your higher intellect first, please. (For those who like conclusion first papers, skip to FACT 9, and then come back and read the rest. All others who prefer a logical progression to revelation, continue…)

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Weiser vs. Devos Staffer Smackdown!

Weiser appears ready to distance himself from Devos funded 'Great Lakes Education Project' and the radical activities of its MAIN MAN.

Or not.

We can be fair here.  I have never had a problem with those from all side airing out their concerns (until it becomes redundant and unnecessary torture) on these pages.  In an attempt to set the record straight before next weekend’s main event, Ron Weiser addresses the specific rumors/charges/accusations made against him in an email blast that we reprint in whole below the fold.

In the mean time, lets allow the spirit of his writing put the pressure on those in the MiGOP apparatus who are insane enough to disagree with the esteemed Mr Weiser on some very KEY points.  Weiser is clear enough in his letter, so that we know that:

  • Homosexual marriage is a bad idea Mmk?  Ron is quite obviously PRO Traditional marriage, and he is standing up and saying so.  If you are PRO Homo (GHEY ‘marriage’) You are a BAD Republican.  Obviously.
  • Common Core is also BAD Mmk?  Ron expressly disagrees with his wife, and is willing to endure interesting dinner conversations to stand on his principles.  That crazy common core is wrecking our education system and he’ll quarter NONE of it at U of M, and states he would actively oppose it.
  • GLEP and its Devos funded operator Greg McNeilly supports both of these, and Ron says will no longer be supporting GLEP financially, and has not since 2008.  BRAVO! Greg McNeilley, who supports (and participated in) both Ghey ‘Marriage’ and Common Core,  promotes the top two items through GLEP and his own personal PUBLIC displays, and THAT is enough for Ron Weiser who opposes GLEP and the Devos hired pop-gun McNeilley and his mechanization within the Republican party.  Weiser and McNeilly, and perhaps McNeilly’s paycheck, DeVos by extension, must surely be natural enemies.

We are with you Mr Weiser.  You gotta be careful who you hang with.

However, in the future, please feel free to be more direct and name names a little faster Ron.  You know who they are, but we had to put the connected dots out there for you.  No need to be coy, Mr Regent-to-be.

The letter as promised, in its entirety for full context below.

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Convention Tips

Going to the county convention? Be prepared and have fun while you are at it!

A few thoughts on the county conventions being held across the state today.

  • First and foremost make sure you have a good parliamentarian.  This will ensure that rules (AND STATE LAW) is followed.
  • Be assertive, but polite. Don’t be angry and confrontational.  Remember, the real fight for your local party may be in November.  If you are inclined at making a difference within the party, you will want to build trust and appear reasonable to others who you want to influence at that time.
  • Be prepared to make your motions, and be prepared for motions that might be made.
  • Take video if possible.
  • Help friends and neighbor delegates understand the process BEFORE attending if you can.  In fact, talking about it will help you advocate properly in a pinch.

GOP-buttonsKNOW THE RULES  – Here are some interesting documents (Michigan statute in fact) that might help you out when the excrement hits the turbine.

  1. mcl-168-624d
  2. mcl-168-609
  3. mcl-168-612
  4. mcl-168-622
  5. mcl-168-624
  6. mcl-168-624a
  7. mcl-168-599

I’ll let you folks figure it all out.  It takes about 20 minutes to find the important parts.

If you want to get a handle, on how the county chair is going to run the convention, check this out.  They have received training and should adhere to the rules set forth by the party and state law.


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Call To Convention

GOP-buttonsBusy day tomorrow.

Your local Republican party call to convention Thursday, August 14, 2014 at 7 pm local time for the following purposes: (contact your local party for location if you are an elected delegate and have not received notification.)

(1) To appoint delegates and alternates on an at-large basis to the Fall 2014 Michigan Republican State Convention to be held in Novi, Michigan on August 23, 2014, said convention to be held for the purposes of (1) nominating a candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Michigan; (2) nominating candidates for certain other state offices (including the Michigan Supreme Court, the State Board of Education, the University of Michigan Board of Regents, the Michigan State University Board of Trustees and the Wayne State University Board of Governors); and (3) such other business as may properly come before the state convention.

(2) The transaction of such business as may properly come before the County Convention.

Only those precinct delegates elected in the August 5, 2014 primary election, and at-large delegates who are current Republican nominees to offices as defined by MCL 168.599(5), will be initially eligible to vote in the County Convention. The County Convention may, at its discretion, choose to fill any precinct delegate vacancies under the authority of MCL 168.624(d), but only after the completion of all other business items. Precinct delegate vacancies shall be filled only in accordance with statute by registered voters from their respective precincts for the remainder of the delegate term. Temporary delegates may not be appointed by the convention.

Delegate registration should begin at 6:30 pm. Arrive early as heavy turnouts are expected.

The convention will be called to order at 7 pm.

H/T Jackson County republican Party

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Lessons from the Primary Election

They don’t call it the establishment for nothing  Establishment candidates won many races.  They have the inside track on fundraising, endorsements, and organization.  Notably, several winning conservatives, including Lana Theis, Jim Runestad, Jason Sheppard, and Triston Cole had substantial establishment support.

Be the establishment  One answer to this is to become the establishment.  Lana Theis and Triston Cole are both former county party chairs.  It takes time to build political connections, but it pays off eventually.

Experience counts  Elected experience is valuable for winning candidates.  Lana Theis, Jim Runestad, Jason Sheppard, and Gary Glenn have all been elected to local office.

If at first you don’t succeed  Tom Barrett, Todd Courser, and Triston Cole have all lost elections before, but gained valuable experience in the process.  This time, they won their primaries.  Candidates who lost this time should look for opportunities to run again in the future.

Build a brand  Lana Theis, Gary Glenn, Cindy Gamrat, and Todd Courser are known across Michigan for advocating conservative causes.  This provides a larger fundraising base to tap when you run for office.

Don’t Ignore Social Issues  In recent years, conservatives have shifted much more emphasis to fiscal issues.  While these issues are vitally important, conservative candidates should not ignore social issues.  Notably, three conservative victors, Todd Courser, Gary Glenn, and Lee Chatfield, are all known as strong defenders of traditional marriage.

Don’t split the vote  In several districts (45, 47, 58, 73, 104), several conservative candidates split the vote and allowed a more moderate candidate to win.  Conservatives who care more about the cause than themselves should meet and agree on one candidate to support.

Money doesn’t buy elections  Self-funding candidates have a bad electoral track record.  Notably, Paul Mitchell and Brian Ellis, who both spent millions of their own money trying to get elected to Congress, lost handily.  Self-funder David Trott did win, but that had more to do with Kerry Bentivolio’s weak campaign.

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Has Your TEA Party Group Been Co-opted By the Michigan Republican Party?

I received an email titled “Monroe Republicans Events” from the Patriots of Southeast Michigan and when I replied to inquire why they were sending out events promoting a liberal Richardville group of Republicans I received this reply below. Patriots of Southeast Michigan Logo

I post information, not necessarily endorsing it. If any true conservatives have the courage to participate and try to influence Monroe Republicans, more power to them.~ Sara. The stated mission of this group is as follows: Patriots of Southeast Michigan  is a “non-partisan” group dedicated to holding elected officials accountable to the Constitution and to sharing information and tools to support, encourage, and connect like-minded citizens.

For those unaware Glenda Kennon is Senator Randy Richardville’s mother.

Below is the email I received and below that is an email Glenda sent out advocating “planned parenthood” also of note both Glenda Kennon and Randy Richardville sit on the Monroe Right to Life board.

Subject: Monroe Republicans Events
Date: 8/3/2014 6:12:27 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
From: grassroots@patriotsofsoutheastmichigan.org

Monroe Republicans – Events
from Glenda Kennon, 2nd V.Chair Republican Exec. Committee, Monroe County

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