
Our ‘Conservative’ Candidates

Why is it harder for some to speak their 'conservative' principles outside of the election cycle? Why will some avoid conservative forums?

In the Republican primary, EVERYONE is a conservative.

I have done a great deal of door knocking as a candidate for the Grand Traverse County Commission.  I have held my record out as one of conservatism, but when approaching the potential voter, its natural to introduce myself as a “constitutional conservative,” or “conservative Republican.”  Usually, the latter is used (by habit), and I can read the face of the person I am talking with so as to determine whether they want to hear anymore.

One woman I spoke to said “Conservative? Everybody is a conservative nowadays!” She then described her potential of possibly not participating in the election process any longer. She explained her disappointment with the Republican candidates who make the claim, yet hardly stand for the values that are expressed in the platform, much less hold up to the promises they make while electioneering.

She was not the only one to express this perspective.

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Weekend Reading Assignment

logo-sphereThere is so much going on; much of which deserves a spot here but takes time to chronicle.

Current Michigan Gems?

Watchdog Wire – Did Frank Foster Lie To His Constituents? Going Negative on a challenger?  Mr Foster seems genuinely scared.  Liars Lie.

FedUpUSA – Oh, So Free Water Is Next? Crazy. Just shows how completely dumbed down the spawn of progressivism is in Detroit, and in this state, and elsewhere.

Activist Post – Michigan Dept of Agri Forces Farmer to Dump 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and Break 1200 Free Range Eggs Food.  They are throwing away FOOD. Government oversight is so beneficial is it not?

The Complete Patient – Food Dump Meant To Send A Message. Indeed it is. Another look at the story above.

Say Yes To Wes Blog – A Victory in the Supreme Court. Wes Nakagiri’s take on the Supreme court ruling and his opponent’s positions.


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I’m a Conservative, He’s a Conservative, She’s a Conservative, We’re a Conservative, Wouldn’t you like to be a Conservative, too?

Well, this day is off to a great start. Was just reading an article about Brian Ellis pulls $800,000 out of his pocket to bankroll his smear campaign in CD-3. Do I believe Brian Ellis is a slimeball? Just look at who is in his corner – slimy bastards, all of them (yes, including RTL).

BS_EllisAnyone with an IQ above room temperature should be able to figure out that a vote for Ellis is a vote against what our Founding Fathers gifted us.

Here is the part that needs to be taken seriously.

Ellis said Amash’s vote explanations don’t get him off the hook for what he’s done in Congress.

“He’s got an explanation for everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s right,” Ellis said.

Do remember what Brian Ellis just stated.

Political attacks in the race have not been a one-way street.

Amash has admonished Ellis for voicing support for Gov. Rick Snyder’s addition of more than 300,000 low-income adults to the Medicaid health insurance program. The expansion is being paid for by Obama’s Affordable Care Act.

“He supports Obamacare,” Amash said. “Medicaid expansion is a major part of Obamacare. … If you don’t support Obamacare, you shouldn’t support Medicaid expansion.”

Amen, Justin! Spot-on assessment. So, why this, and this? Your *pal* Lt. Governerd Brian Puss-cake cast the vote for Medicaid expansion. C’mon kid, yes you are a kid in my book, Justin – never do any favors for enemies.

OK, now here it comes…

Ellis said he supports repeal of the health insurance law, but understands the reasoning of Snyder and the Republican state legislators when they agreed to accept billions in federal aid for expanding the program.

“I thought it was a very tough call and I have faith in our elected leaders,” Ellis said. “They tried to do the best they could.”

And, there you go CD-3. “He’s got an explanation for everything, but that doesn’t mean it’s right”. Brian Ellis can’t even get out of his own way without being crushed by his own cognitive dissonance.

What to expect? Expect to eat Brian’s words if dumb enough to send him to Weeper Boehner’s D.C. Also, expect to keep eating Brian’s words until y’all in CD-3 can gather up the coin to outspend his nasty Democrat-lite pandering ass if actually dumb enough to send him there instead of Amash. Ellis has career incumbent written all over him, and the DC-GOP long-knives will make damn sure Ellis has a cash warchest to protect the big spending “Get your ass in line” status quo.

Ps. for those old enough to recognize the origins to the title of this post, hit the button.

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Just how stupid do they think people are.

A lot of interesting happenings this week.

The continuing conditioning of Michiganians to accept illegal aliens up in Vassar (among other places).

Netroots Nation Conference in Detroit (including appearances by Chief Fulla Manure & some guy who things that just because he plays the Hulk somehow IS  the Hulk).

More shenanigans with Detroit Water (along with our long time friend Maureen “The Moocher”  Taylor)  with the inhumane and appalling concept of having people pay for a service.

That “One small step” thing.

But, I’m going to focus today on the (yaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn) Michigan Gubernatorial “Race”, a link that someone sent me, and a troublesome detail that was missed by everyone covering the story this week.

And that detail?

That would be telling.

{Just kidding, details below the fold}

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Who Says It Won’t Happen?

A Political Star Is Born On Facebook

Need some conservative inspiration? Last May, 17-year old, Saira Blair, walked away the winner in a West Virginia Republican primary for the state legislature. If Blair wins the November election, she will become the youngest lawmaker in West Virginia history. There’s more rising stars, and for those who prowl Facebook well after the stars have risen, here is one you may have missed….

rigasAngela Rigas was born trailer-park poor in Hastings, Michigan, 39 years ago. Her mother had serious personal issues and walked out on the family when Angela was thirteen years old. “My grandmother was the only person who loved me,” Rigas said during a July 14 interview. “When she developed Alzheimer’s, I had to watch while she forgot me.”

There were two choices she could make: become a victim or become a champion. Her story speaks to spiritual deliverance, and to turning anger into a loving toughness that put her squarely on the path to becoming a voice for those who have been denied having one.

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This Would Make me Crap my Pants

Ellis, might want to consider sending some hush monies

“Bottom line, I strongly endorse Brian Ellis because he will be an effective conservative voice and a consistent conservative vote for solutions that will help hardworking Michigan taxpayers,” Hokestra said. “Brian Ellis will not just talk conservative, but he will vote conservative.”



The last line has been a cornerstone of the Ellis campaign, which has continuously denounced several votes the libertarian-minded Amash has taken in Congress.

Ellis has racked up several big endorsements this cycle over Amash, R-Cascade Township, including Right to Life of Michigan [Big Yawn], Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce [who doesn’t like a Tax Hike for prevailing wage, anyway], the Michigan Farm Bureau’s political action committee [$5,000 to Debbie Stabenow? Go figure] and others.

Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers [taking a break from palling around with the Moonslime Brotherhood] snubbed Amash, too, by appearing at a $1,000-per-plate breakfast fundraiser for Ellis in June.

Nothing like having the MI-GOP’s perennial loser Pete TARPstra flapping his gums about you or, a jagoff like Mike Rogers in your corner.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(2)

Calley Ended The MBT, So There.

Brian Calley was instrumental in ending the "stupid" business killing Michigan Business Tax

I’ll be clear, my preference for a challenge in the executive arrangement for Michigan would have been to go after the Governor directly.

However, the cost difference between a statewide gubernatorial contest versus a delegate election is significant, and Wes Nakagiri in his bid for LT Gov at convention STILL has a high hurdle to leap. Especially with MiGOP resources being used to recruit ‘establishment-GOP’ loyal delegates throughout the state; with rumored bribery in some districts raising eyebrows. Some delegates might already have made up their minds whom they will support if they are selected to go to state convention. I wonder if all the delegates are even aware of easily identified history?

I wonder too, if it even matters to them.

This weekend’s Governor’s breakfast in Traverse City had all the top players present.  The guv, lt. guv, AG, SoS, and candidate Land all there.  Brian Calley was touted by the governor as the man responsible for eliminating the MBT. 

The MBT as you know, was a stupid tax.  No Doubt about it. Snyder even said so.  Right in this video:

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Buy ‘Merican!

My inbox never ceases to amaze me. I really do keep a good circle of Patriot friends. Here is a li’l something sent to me from my friend Pres, that relates directly to what Gov. Snyder has accomplished by Executive Order #2014-2, and his wants of 50,000 cheap laborers for his Big Corporate cronies.

Maybe it’s time we re-think what a proud American brand the Harley Davidson motorcycle company is. Not too long ago I told you about the man whose warranty claim was rejected by the company because he was flying an American flag on his bike. And who can forget their new addition of an all-electric motorcycle (seriously?) But those things pale in comparison to a story I just found: Harley Davidson uses the services of a company that helps them replace fairly paid American employees with cheap foreign-born workers through the H-1B visa program.

The LA Daily News tells us about Kelly Parker, a divorced mother of three, who landed her dream job at Harley Davidson in tech support. That dream turned into a nightmare when she was laid off less than a year later, replaced by an H-1B “guest worker” from India. The biggest indignation: Parker had to train her replacement before she was fired.


You were warned here on RightMi.com, Boobus Michiganderus.

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