2018 Michigan Gubernatorial Race

What Is Truly Important

I was reminded today of the real treasure Gretchen Whitmer has become. (H/T CS)

In this video she singlehandedly takes on the novelty lighter cartel.  “Novelties are like toys!” She says eagerly playing with them to demonstrate how easily a child is transfixed by such captivating shapes and sounds.  The danger we all face as a consequence is just too much!

If you throw up in your mouth a little knowing this person could possibly be the next governor for our great state?

I’m sorry.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)


Gretchen Whitmer is no friend to hunters, sports shooters, or those who self defend.

The reality when looking at the gubernatorial race is that #thePartyOfCrime (as a rule) is not the gun owner’s friend.

We have had Michigan Democrats who claim they do not want to take your guns, but then speak of enhanced registration, or further limits on where lawful gun carrying might take place.  There have been legitimate Dem politicos (Bart Stupak for one) who even faced personal firearm tragedy and yet was honorable enough to respect our 2A tradition.

Those days are gone however, and the reality of the zombie #MOB Democrats is upon us.

The ACA, a health insurance mandate conveniently had lines of [code] within it to begin stealth registry of gun owners through doctor visits.  Gretchen Whitmer and other gun grabbers pushed it hard for Michigan.

Whitmer has in the past called for enhanced background checks, extended waiting lists and red flag bills that can deny due process to those with supposed mental problems and depression. (where could THAT possibly go wrong?) She has also spoken on prohibitions of ‘assault weapons,’ wherever the hell that definition falls on any day of the week.

Michigan’s sporting heritage may not be at risk in the immediate future from some of these minor tweaks that Gretchen Whitmer and today’s Democrats #Mobs advocate, but is it worth the risk?

Halloween can be spooky enough without this ghoul stalking law abiding gun owners.

Break out the garlic and set the zombie traps.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Damned Straight

Schuette fights 'misleading' health care claim, attacks Whitmer's vote cutting AG rate oversight

It had to happen eventually.

The theft by BCBS of Michigan of BILLIONS in taxpayer dollars may now be looked at a little more closely. And all it took was much of that money being used to promote Gretchen Whitmer’s candidacy for governor.

Whitmer,  who’s father once ran Blue Cross, has been working the former insurer-of-last-resort for Michigan for her campaign finances.  Her actions with regard to policy have reflected the cozy connection that has existed between her and the organization that controlled over $4billion in cash reserves as Michigan’s protected underwriter.

Bill Schuette rightly called out Whitmer today for this relationship, raising so many questions about who Gretchen Whitmer has been working for.  Is it the well connected fat cats who run health care policy with billions of taxpayer funded dollars? Or is it the taxpayers, who have seen their premiums skyrocket, and insurance worsen by her actions?

Corruption is real. There is big money in healthcare.  It would be a huge mistake for anyone to assume that because she is a Democrat, that it ain’t about taking the money.

Bill Schuette on Monday:

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The Danger Of The Left

Change you can believe .. ?

There have always been ideological differences between Ds and Rs and some other variations of the political spectrum.

What has held this country together however, is shared experience, similar desires for prosperity, and common pursuits that are rooted in the similar values. The nation has survived, thrived, and become stronger because of this. Our state and federal constitutions reflect the principle foundations upon which we as society agree to govern ourselves upon.

There are people however, that have been trying to twist those commonalities.  Recent suggestions that there is ‘polarization’ in our state and country are largely true.  Although conservatives and traditionalists can rightly argue that there has been little shift in their beliefs and mores, there can be no question the separation of ‘left’ and ‘right’ is growing.

We are a nation under siege from within.

In the video on the right, Whitmer’s extremist gubernatorial pick, displays a perfect example of what ‘Change’ has meant since we first heard that simple word used in the 2008 presidential elections.

“Movement to win this election. Because we need a movement to actually lead in Michigan. Movements are what make change happen. Movements are what deliver legislative wins. Movements are how we get to redefine the values in Michigan.”

We are the change we have been waiting for, right?

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Nothing To Offer

Garlin Gilchrist afraid to debate Lisa Lyons? Makes sense.

No upside to looking the fool, right?

Typically, the unknown would welcome the opportunity to gain name recognition in the political process. However sometimes campaigns bring out the inability to stand behind their ideas.  Radical leftist and former Moveon.org campaign director Garlin Gilchrist has refused to Debate Lyons.

Apparently, it would hurt the campaign terribly.

By refusing to let the extreme former Moveon.org Director Garlin Gilchrist debate against Lisa Posthumus Lyons, Gretchen Whitmer has inadvertently admitted that her lieutenant governor selection is too radical for Michigan. The Whitmer campaign would keep Gilchrist hidden from voters so they cannot discover his past support of Hamas, criticism of Israel and its supporters, as well as unqualified support for handing out driver’s licenses to those who should not have them.

Schuette campaign spokesman Stu Sandler says:

“As a former Moveon.org campaign director, Garlin Gilchrist holds radical beliefs that are too extreme for Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer does not want voters to find out about Gilchrist’s far-left policies supporting Hamas, criticizing Israel and its supporters, and support for giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants”

Lisa Lyons Posthumus challenged Garlin Gilchrist to three debates, but the Whitmer campaign called the debates a “non-starter” because they were fearful of voters getting to know Gilchrist’s radical positions. Sandler asks

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Coming up next: Christians against Christ!

In a move that I heard rumblings about them for some time now, but felt they had slightly more of a chance of existing than, say, The Nain Rouge, Dogman, The Little Blue Man or even Luke The Spook, The Detroit News reported today that a group calling themselves “Republicans and Independents for Whitmer” have finally made their existence known.

Yes, the name is exactly what is says, although the “republicans” in the aforementioned name aren’t even on the radar when it comes to promoting anything even remotely close to Conservative Values.

Calling them RINO’s would actually be a complement to them.

I’m a little pressed for time today and have to keep this short, but will share one quick quite from Sen. Shirkey and Rep. Chatfield on these knuckleheads before I have to run.

“Anyone claiming to be a ‘Republican for Whitmer’ is someone opposed to lower taxes, limited government and fiscal responsibility.”

I will be touching on that glaringly obvious problem within the Michigan GOP and expanding on this post a little later.


Who loves ya, baby!

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Convention Time

Step Right Up - The Greatest Show On Earth is about to begin!

Every two years, the factions of the Republican party get to have a little fun.

Don’t get me wrong, the democrats run the fun/ridiculous machine overtime.  No matter what anyone tells you, those who hook their wagons to the Socialist lite democrat banner are already exhibiting what should be in the APA DSM manuals.  The GOP has a few critical cases, but generally the differences are in the way we want to approach the argument.

However, there are still too many people who think that a life of crime  ..er a life of service ..  a political paycheck is the way to go.  Perhaps the prestige of those ‘power’ positions, and maybe even the real reward of patronage while in and out of office can make such aspirations appealing.

It may seem that the time spent and asses people have to kiss to grab that golden ring would be far better spent with family, doing vacations, building a business, etc.  I have run a couple of primary challenge campaigns to incumbents, but have no desire to be seated long term.  Some folks do it to effect REAL reformative change however.

I suspect most politicians actually feel that they have a ‘mission’ as well when starting on such an adventure, but also having won a campaign against an incumbent in a primary, I have also experienced the pressure of acceptance.  To the novice of political office, it is exceptionally easy to be sucked into the ‘best intentions’ paradigm.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Schuette #NeverTrump Pick Disappointing

GOP Nominee reverts to comfort zone.

We already knew Bill Schuette’s choice for Lt. Governor Lisa Posthumus Lyons’ words:

“Demeaning women and disrespecting others is unacceptable behavior. I am raising four kids to stand up for others, to love their neighbor, to exemplify respect and integrity. I do not tolerate anything less from my kids, and I will not tolerate anything less from someone who wants to be President of the United States,” she wrote in 2016.

She wrote that she had remained quiet until then out of respect to voters who had chosen Trump as the nominee, “But it is clear that Donald Trump has not earned my respect or my vote.”

Apparently, she didn’t give that vote to him either.

This morning’s radio audio has Tim Skubick asking if she voted for him.  She replied with “I support President Trump and the policies that are coming out of his administration. ” or some other variation of this, but for the three times she was asked, three times she avoided directly answering the question.

Clearly, she didn’t vote for the president in the general election of 2016.  It is understandable that in the primary other Republicans might get the vote of the flag bearer, or flag bearer jr.  Hell, we all had our favorites.  But when the choice in the general means electing a Republican or promoting a dedicated criminal enterprise, it seems a person of reasonable intelligence might choose the former.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Republican Kakistocracy concedes election to Gretchen Whitmer

But it is clear that Donald Trump has not earned my respect or my vote.” – Republican state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons (October 8, 2016)

This is the same Republican state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons,  Guv wannabe Bill Schuete just tapped on to be his LG.

I told you so just doesn’t cover it.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(5)