
Michigan United for Liberty – “Sunday Funday” Cancellation

From my inbox (For those who are en route or considering attending):

We will not be associated with political terrorism in any manner.”



Michigan United For Liberty, a grassroots organization of over 9,000 members in Michigan, has canceled its Michiganders’ Marketplace “Sunday Funday” freedom celebration at the Michigan Capitol, which had been scheduled for 1pm on Sunday the 31st.

The decision was immediately made when the group was informed that another group of demonstrators plans to descend on the Capitol that same day, ostensibly to protest the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin.

Despite Chauvin’s immediate firing, subsequent arrest, and the President announcing a Justice Department investigation into the incident, rioters in Minneapolis robbed and burned innocent businesses to the ground, overran a police precinct, assaulted officers, and committed other acts of senseless violence.

Riots have broken out in numerous other major U.S. cities.

“We will not allow our message of peaceful, law-abiding, positive resistance to be conflated with the violent and unlawful actions of unrelated groups, and we cannot ask our members and supporters to put themselves in harm’s way,” said MUFL spokesman Adam de Angeli. “We will not be associated with political terrorism in any manner.”

While Michigan United For Liberty acknowledges the seriousness of the issue of police brutality, the group is committed to – and must remain focused on – ending Governor Whitmer’s unconstitutional lockdown orders that are destroying the lives and livelihoods of Michiganders with every passing day. Regrettably, the organization sees no possibility of its positive message being clearly conveyed with another protest happening at the same place and time.

Instead, Michigan United For Liberty encourages its members carry out the spirit of the scheduled event – opposing and defying the governor’s unconstitutional lockdown orders – on Sunday by going to church, getting together with friends, and being productive members of society.

“Our movement honors the tradition of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who understood that only through non-violence can we achieve justice,” de Angeli continued. “We had hoped to send that message once again with an upbeat freedom celebration on Sunday afternoon, but given the circumstances, it’s clearly better that we simply move forward, roll out our legislative program and grassroots leadership program, and steer clear of this danger.

“Our movement is of creators – workers, builders, artists, doctors, entrepreneurs – united against the governor’s destructive orders. The risk of getting mixed up with potentially violent protesters over a separate issue is just not worth it.”


You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

And WE are considered the dangerous ones?

All I’ve got to say is, “WOW! What a difference 48-hours makes.”

Rather than waste my time focusing on a bunch of community agitators this weekend, I spent most of it focusing on the NASA feeds watching the SpaceX Launch yesterday.

Little did I realize how quickly an arrest over someone using fake ID (and apparently his unwillingness to follow basic commands) quickly spiraled into a series of riots which not only burned a large chunks of Minneapolis to the ground, but spread to a number of other cities across America, including several here in Michigan, resulting in at least one death (so far) and an as-yet to be determined dollar amount of property damage.

Which begs a rather obvious question regarding perceptions and politics?

{And exactly what they might be you may ask yourself? You know the drill.}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

The little people are revolting.

This came in my e-mail tonight. I thought that it would bring a smile to everyone’s faces.

According to, Mr. Governor wanted to take full advantage of Memorial Day, and take his powerboat out on Birch Lake.

Does he even sleep in the same house with Gov. Witless?

I guess not, because despite the constant reminders of her “orders” on what passes for “objective” local TV stations literally just this afternoon about not going anywhere, Mr. Governor called ahead to see if he could have his boat in the water and everything ready at the cabin by tomorrow.

Yep, that looks like their ride.

Since everything isn’t anywhere near back to running at 100%, the company he called, politely told him that would not be feasible in his time-frame. Not giving up, he wanted to impress them by whom he is married to.

Here is what he said;

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Might I suggest a nice rubber room? Be sure to bring your friends Dana & Jocelyn with you.

Talk about disconnect!

Gov. Witless demonstrates (yet, again) how so out of touch she is with her despotic “leadership” method.

It goes a long way towards explaining much of what is in the media over the last few days.

{Continued after the fold.}

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Wait, what was that again?

Prior to today’s Judgement Day Rally put on by Michigan United for Liberty, Gov. Witless, AG Karen and the media dutifully marched in lockstep belittling us and misrepresenting the true purpose behind the protest.

“This is old news, KG, tell me something I don’t know,” you may be asking yourself.

All true, except for the fact that AG Karen just got caught overplaying her hand.

I give you Exhibit “A”:

“The AG’s Office is ‘unclear’ as to whether this will be enforceable in a court of law???”

What might have been her first clue?

BOTH Chambers will not be holding session today, so aside from a few radical black nationals showing (maybe) up to stir up some trouble (and the rain), I don’t see there being any problems later today.

Stay free, everyone!



You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Save the date – May 14th.

From the pages of Michigan United for Liberty:

“On Thursday, May 14 we will be gathering again at The Capitol!

The legislators continue to play scheduling games with us, so we will be there whether they are or not, in large numbers. We will gather to raise awareness of the many hypocrisies of Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and to give a voice to the voiceless.

We The People are done with the unfair coverage by the media, claiming we are racist right-wing extremists. We The People come from diverse backgrounds and political affiliations. We know our rights, and we stand for liberty.

Stay tuned for more details and the official speakers list!”

*** Quick side note, since nothing else is working, the other side is now trying to spin this thing into a racial issue.

The word that I’m getting is you might see more than just these imbeciles showing up as well to cause trouble.

Stay tuned.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

People are wising up, we must increase the fear level another notch.

Another day, another “objective” reporter carrying the water for Gov. Witless and her unconstitutional actions.

I cannot speak for other parts of Michigan (yet), but with the notable exception of Charlie Langton, what passes for news reporting in Southeastern Michigan has long since morphed into a non-comical farce of itself.

Yesterday saw yet another protest against Michigan Government attempting to lockup everyone in order to “keep us safe”. To their credit, Channel 7 sent a crew out to cover it.

Did they start the report on why people were there? The effect that the governess’ illegal actions were having on their physical well-being or financial status? How a governor can claim authority that expired at the beginning of this month?

Nope, within the first few seconds we got this instead:

Many without masks, not social distancing, holding Trump posters and homemade signs say its personal freedoms they’re fighting for.”

Now, we have AG Karen attempting to crank things up another notch by telling us that there is an investigation into “credible threats” against state lawmakers.

No word yet on when she’ll investigate the assault against three individuals with media credentials who were doing nothing more than sitting in the House Gallery. I’m absolutely certain that is high on her “To-do” list, and she just forgotten to alert the press.

Adding fuel to the dumpster fire that is Gov. Witless’ “leadership” during the Wuhan situation, we have businesses who have taken it upon themselves to not ask for permission from her to re-open…they are simply doing it themselves.

Oh no, we cannot have that!

Not to fear, LEO’s will step in and set those ne’er-do-wells straight.

Wait, what?

“Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy isn’t convinced Whitmer’s order is legal and said he won’t enforce the order. It doesn’t matter to Gray because he said he’d stay open even if he gets fined.”

No, no,no,no,no,no!

This won’t do!

And what does “republican” Brian Calley (now Michigan Small Business Administration President), have to say about all of this?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

The ball is now rolling.

Multiple media outlets and the Michigan Republican Party have reported that a lawsuit has been filed in the Michigan Court challenging Gov. Witless’ authority to crank out an endless litany of Executive Orders relating to the Wuhan virus.

They have asked for an expedited ruling in this matter.

Two quick points:

First, it was filed in the Michigan Court of Claims. Their track record in this area, Judge Murray’s legal rationale especially, is questionable at best and laughable at worst. Martinko, et al vs. Whitmer is a perfect example of my skepticism.

I DO NOT see them ruling favorably in this case. It will most likely be going to the Michigan Supreme Court.

Second, this is only going to address PA 302 of 1945, it does not address anything else.

We already have an AG shooting off “opinions” on the legality of a rogue governor’s actions. While it is doubtful that they will be upheld, AG Nessel’s actions do throw a monkey wrench into the works of bringing Michigan back.

FYI, I’m speaking to a few people regarding a second front to dealing with PA 302…more to follow.

Another “lost decade” is not out of the realm of possibility if the governor’s actions are not remedied in time.

Stay tuned.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Well, that certainly didn’t take very long!

After getting hit with a ton of texts in the last hour, and a few nasty e-mails to boot, I’m going to need to walk back something I wrote earlier about yesterday.

At first, I didn’t even trust my friends on this because even I thought that that was too “over-the-top” to be true.

Well, I was wrong.

I’ll explain below.

{Click on that red button for more details}

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Oh, benevolent governess, will you please allow me to work?

So, by now, everyone should’ve had an opportunity to watch what passes for objective news coverage from yesterday’s rally in Lansing.
Allow me to go over what did happen, what didn’t happen, and what others would like for you to believe happened.

I even have some interesting images from the Michigan Senate Floor that didn’t quite make the “official record”.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)