Conservative News

Wishing We Were There

Admit it, you've thought about it.

I love Michigan.

It’s an amazing state with resources and some wonderful people.  Sporting opportunities are envied throughout the nation, and it’s the home to the TRUE national pastime, just going for a drive ..because you feel like it.

Unfortunately, we also have our dark side.  The political makeup of the state continually blesses us with governors who not only have no business in supposedly ‘defending the constitution,’ but in fact do as much as they can to abridge it, or outright violate it.  Sadly, we are always fighting the next disaster that is not natural, but caused by the wrong people occupying higher office doing exactly the wrong things.

While the intent of the power seekers we’ve enjoyed might well be truly direct and honorable, their actions reveal ignorance of common sense, economics, law, and for that matter, the reasons we have rule of law and our state and federal constitutions as well.  The very actions taken when crisis arises are exactly what ought not happen.

This could not have been made more clear than with the election of Gretchen Whitmer, an over zealous community organizer, who until being governor was always on the losing team.  Her perspective is made of loser ideas, loser goals, and a retarded view of the republic we live in.  the people who voted for her were clearly stoned.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

The usual suspects (Updated).

Short update from my earlier post today.

After waking up and finding that my phone has blown up with texts, I’ve been told by my sources onsite that the City of Detroit is up to its old tricks when it comes to election shenanigans.

After a pallet of ballots (yes, I said pallet), mysteriously appeared without any documentation as to its source, Detroit election officials began to play games with observers by letting Republican Poll Watchers leave the ballot counting room in Cobo Hall throughout the day, but would NOT let their replacements enter the room, claiming that their numbers were “violating” Detroit’s Wuhan Virus policies.

When things began getting contentious after being locked out (and Detroit PD called on scene), Detroit election officials began covering the windows to the room, so that no outside observers could see what was happening inside.

Just a quick reminder to readers that this isn’t the fist time that Detroit election officials have played games with elections.

During the ’16 Presidential Election, Detroit election officials couldn’t reconcile an issue where 59% of the precincts poll books did not match the results from the polling machines.

Back in August of this year, the Wayne County Board of Canvassers were made aware of problems with counting being done incorrectly (i.e. counting beginning before the required poll books were available) and how insecure the ballots were in transit to Cobo Hall for counting.

NUMEROUS issues with poll books were reported in a subsequent meeting.

And, of yeah, I cannot forget to mention how large amounts of AV ballots mysteriously went “missing”.

It should be noted that the Vice Chair of the Wayne County Board of Canvassers, is one Jonathan C. Kinloch. Aide to Gretchen Whitmer and Chairman of the 13th Congressional District Democrats (“The Mighty 13th”). Along with that brief introduction, he has a very interesting history not included in his bio that I may go into at a later date.

So not getting too far off topic, where was our Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson at during all of this?

Stay tuned…

Scratch that!

Nope, nothing irregular or questionable happening here!

Even more incriminating footage (start watching at 5:27 mark).

Anyone want to take a wild guess as to how many election protocols have been violated in just that above clip alone?


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Are we really surprised?

This really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to anyone.

Even Little Stevie Wonder could’ve see this one coming!

Despite all of the information to the contrary (along with the BEST efforts of the Michigan Sec. of State to screw things up as much as humanly possible…THANK YOU  Jocelyn Benson), what simply should’ve been a formality, meaning counting ballots and giving us a clear indication of who won last night, was turned into a huge dumpster fire that is still ablaze as you are reading this post the morning after the election.

Multiple tabulators going down in Northern Macomb County, local/statewide media who are still “awaiting a definitive count” before reporting what we all know to be true and this isn’t even going too much into the legal clown show that will ensue once those numbers ARE released to the public.

I’m going to go into this more detail on this later (I’m still very tired for obvious reasons).

Keep the faith, True Believers and stay tuned.



You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)

It’s time to Unlock Michigan.

Have you had enough yet?

Fellow Liberty-Minded Michiganians,

We are currently at a historic crossroad within our state.

Our governor has taken it upon herself, to bestow her office with virtually unlimited power and authority.

She has utilized that to imprison our fellow citizens within their own homes, unilaterally decided which Michiganians are essential along with those of us who are not, has placed the health and safety of our most vulnerable population in mortal danger for the sake of her own bureaucratic convenience, has significantly damaged Michigan’s economy through a series of contradictory and mystifying executive orders and has turned Michiganian against Michiganian via the same.

This MUST stop!

{More below.}

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(1)

Why democrats are suddenly pushing so HARD for mandatory mask “laws”.

Hint: It has NOTHING to do with YOUR health.

While speaking at a rally in Denver to “Back the Blue”…well, I’ll just let the video in the links speak for itself.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

You little snake.

When you’re the president of the Michigan SBA, wouldn’t it stand to reason that, I don’t know, YOU ACTUALLY STAND UP FOR THE MEMBERS YOU REPRESENT?

I don’t even own a business, but I do depend upon someone who does for my paycheck. I also don’t need someone to punch their lights out because they are compelled to follow some nonsensical “order”.

What has got me be cheesed off, other than the fact that we don’t have Waffle Houses here in Michigan?

{You know the drill}

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

If you want a job done right…


Whatever shall our glorious leader do?

She’s goes off the reservation and issues even more illegal and unconstitutional “orders” for her loyal subjects to obey without question.

So, what does she do when no one is following her “orders” (at least here in Macomb, anyways)?

{Post continues below}

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Succumbing to fear porn (or how to utterly destroy Michigan’s economy in one easy step).

If you’re like me, you were probably looking forward towards traveling around our state with family & friends over the spring and summer to enjoy the amenities that it has to offer. Maintaining traditions like those are one of the things that I had enjoyed about living in our state.

That was how things used to be.

Welcome to the “new normal”.

{More on that troubling reality below}

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)