Conservative News

The Future of Michigan’s GOP

More Michigan Media Lies; Not Even Quality Fake News

Ingrid Jacques tells us that the Michigan GOP is “running scared” in an opinion posted yesterday at The Detroit News. “Republicans fear that the end of traditional district drawing by lawmakers is their death knell.” Michigan’s Republican Party leadership shares our dismal view of the baleful effect of Proposal 2 on our future.

Ms. Jacques goes on to quote Secretary of State elect Democrat Jocelyn Benson, who will be in charge of the Proposal 2 redistricting commission:

“I have a deep background in redistricting law and in particular citizen-led redistricting,” Benson told me in an interview last month. “I do believe that it is the most impactful way that you can remove the conflict of interest that currently exists in districting, where people are drawing their own districts and preserving their own power.”

Ms. Jacques concludes her opinion, however, with soothing ‘independent’ reports from Wayne State Law Professor Robert A. Sedler saying there’s no doubt this will benefit Democrats, but that’s just because the contorted districts Republicans have drawn will no longer exist; and Eric W. Lupher of the Citizens Research Council imagining the GOP will keep control of at least one legislative chamber in the coming decade.

Republicans have nothing to fear. It is another tin foil hat conspiracy beloved of Trump supporters.

Feeling some reassurance?  You shouldn’t.

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2023 Is On The Ballot Tuesday, Not Trump

Your Vote Tuesday Will Determine Political Control in 2023

A lot of Michigan’s independents and weak Republicans are planning on voting against President Trump on Tuesday.  They are being very short sighted.  Actually shooting themselves in the foot.  They will not get another chance to influence Michigan politics or our economy for a decade or more.

Few analysts are predicting that the Democrats will take control of the Michigan Senate on Tuesday, but quite a few are saying that the Democrats have a good shot at taking the Michigan House.  Polls show Bill Schuette at some disadvantage to Gretchen Whitmer in the Governor’s race.  Those same polls are projecting easy wins for Proposal 2018-02, the Democratic Party redistricting coup, and Proposal 2018-03, the voting fraud promotion plan.

Keep in mind that Governors tend to get reelected, so if Whitmer wins on Tuesday, she could well be in charge out to the end of 2026.  Projecting another lost decade for the Michigan economy is entirely reasonable.  Taxes and regulation will skyrocket.

But the Democrats won’t win the State Senate, they say.  They are being very short sighted.  Democrats will win the Senate, but not until 2022.  Here is why:

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Oakland County Medical Examiner Releases “Trunk Abortionist” Babies for Burial

Funeral Rites Will Take Place for 14 Aborted Babies, Saturday, Nov. 3rd & 24th

There are some disturbing things that happen around us.

In August 2018 the bodies of 15 unborn children, discovered in the trunk of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth’s car by West Bloomfield police officers, were released by the Oakland County Medical Examiner’s Office to the Borek-Jennings Funeral Home. This was the result of a two-year effort by Citizens for a Pro-Life Society to obtain the aborted babies’ remains for burial.

In the wake of Detroit funeral home these 14 aborted babies will finally be laid to rest in a dignified service, Saturday, Nov. 3rd with an funeral Mass celebrated by Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit Robert Fisher, Transfiguration Parish, 25225 Code Rd., Southfield, MI. Burial to follow at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, 25800 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI.

A second funeral will take place for the 15th of the “Trunk Abortionist” babies as pro-lifers in Livingston County desired to bury one of the abortion victims in their area. That funeral is Nov. 24th, Mass, Holy Spirit Parish, 9565 Musch Rd, Brighton, MI. Burial will take place in cemetery.

The story behind this is disturbing.  In Sept. 2015 the remains of 15 aborted babies were discovered in the trunk of the car of Michigan abortionist Michael Roth by the West Bloomfield police department.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(1)

Oh no, you’ve caught me in another lie! Now, what do I do?

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren't very smart nor can think for themselves.

Jocelyn Benson obviously thinks that women voters aren’t very smart nor can think for themselves.

Perennial Michigan Secretary of State Candidate Jocelyn Benson was on Michigan Matters last weekend.

Despite claiming to be THE candidate for Michigan SoS (even noted democratic contributor Nolan Finley felt that she was more up to the job than Mary Treder Lang), she succeeded in shoving her head firmly up her anal database even before she bothered to open up her mouth.

Let’s just say that Carol Cain’s question right from the start immediately gave Ms. Benson the deer-in-the-headlights appearance for this so-called “Ready-for-Prime-Time” player.

Submitted without any further comment (the fun starts at this link right at the 1:00 mark).


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Protect The American Dream Tour

John James surging in Michigan, taking nothing for granted.

John James will be making a number of Northern Michigan Stops this Friday.

Friday, October 26th, John is making a tour through Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula– and you have the chance to meet him at one of four different rallies.

Alpena County Breakfast
Location: Alpena Victory Center, 1201 W. Chisholm, Alpena, MI
Event Time: 8:45 AM Doors Open, Breakfast 9:00 AM-10:00 AM

Marquette County Rally*
Event Time: Doors Open Noon, Event runs 12:30 PM-1:30 PM
Location: Marquette Commons, 112 South 3rd Street, Marquette, MI 49855

Iron Mountain Rally*
Location: Lake Shore Systems, 2141 Woodward Ave, Kingsford, MI
Event Time: Doors Open 1:00 PM, Event Runs 1:30 PM-2:30 PM (Central Daylight Time)

Traverse City Rally*
Location: Traverse City Victory Center, 1148 W South Airport Rd, Traverse City, MI
Time: 4:30 PM-5:30 PM

*Marquette, Iron Mountain, and Traverse City stops Congressman Bergman will be joining

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Say NO To NPV – RALLY September 25

If you can break free, rally to defeat the misguided effort to destroy our Republic.

Sept 25, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Anderson House Office Building – 124 N Capitol Avenue, Lansing, Michigan 48933

Michigan lawmakers are moving legislation to undermine your vote for President of the United States. If it becomes law, your local delegates will be controlled by the National Popular Vote winner, NOT you, the voters. It is known as “The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.. It takes advantage of a loop hole in the Constitution. Article 2, Section 1, Paragraph 2, Line 1. Come out to the Rally and learn how to stop this in your state.

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Coming up next: Christians against Christ!

In a move that I heard rumblings about them for some time now, but felt they had slightly more of a chance of existing than, say, The Nain Rouge, Dogman, The Little Blue Man or even Luke The Spook, The Detroit News reported today that a group calling themselves “Republicans and Independents for Whitmer” have finally made their existence known.

Yes, the name is exactly what is says, although the “republicans” in the aforementioned name aren’t even on the radar when it comes to promoting anything even remotely close to Conservative Values.

Calling them RINO’s would actually be a complement to them.

I’m a little pressed for time today and have to keep this short, but will share one quick quite from Sen. Shirkey and Rep. Chatfield on these knuckleheads before I have to run.

“Anyone claiming to be a ‘Republican for Whitmer’ is someone opposed to lower taxes, limited government and fiscal responsibility.”

I will be touching on that glaringly obvious problem within the Michigan GOP and expanding on this post a little later.


Who loves ya, baby!

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Convention Picks. winning choices.

Our first recommendation is the “real deal” according to the people he has worked with.

It is easy to support Tom Leonard for the nomination of Attorney General. Aside from the points made in the video on the right, he has not wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on landfill content as has the other convention candidate, and has a full war chest to battle the pussyhat wearing leftist the Democrats are nominating.

Tom Leonard is our recommendation for attorney general of Michigan

Board of education choices find us with two GOP nominated seats expiring at this time. We defer to the MCU recommendations Of Dr. Zeile and Tami Carlone. at this time.

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Republican Kakistocracy concedes election to Gretchen Whitmer

But it is clear that Donald Trump has not earned my respect or my vote.” – Republican state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons (October 8, 2016)

This is the same Republican state Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons,  Guv wannabe Bill Schuete just tapped on to be his LG.

I told you so just doesn’t cover it.

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