
Merry Christmas To The Calleys

The lieutenant governor of Michigan expresses his CHRISTmas greeting.

There is no doubt we feel that Brian Calley could have made a difference by fighting much of Snyder’s progressive left agenda if he had acted the conservative he has claimed to be.

But this is a different message.  It is the message of the REASON for the SEASON.  It is about the birth of our savior, and what it means.  It is also a message that the sitting governor of our state (unlike those in Wisconsin or Indiana) is afraid to, or does not believe in sufficiently, to promote.  Indeed, “Happy holidays” doesn’t cut it.  And while some folks can water down their expectations by claiming that “Holy-days” was compressed into “holidays,” we must then ask “who’s holidays (holy days)?”


Thank you Mr and MRS Calley for your heartfelt wishes and exclamation of the reason for the season; Jesus Christ, and his promise of forgiveness. It is one that goes beyond our political desires.

Merry Christmas to the Calleys from RightMi.com

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Stop The 16.7% Tax Increase

Stop the sixteen point seven percent tax increase May 5th.

Higher taxes, and the return of redistribution aided advanced by Republicans in Lansing last night.

A May 5th special election will have poor voters deciding if they will be getting more cheese.  The corporate abusers will get their pie, and the rest of us in the middle will get the bill.  Pandering welfare gimmicks, corporate cronyism on steroids and a blanket party for the working class.  Whats not to love?


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Snyder’s Not A Political Guy

Certainly, 'politics' has been the buzzword for what should be completely accepted as simple coincidence.


Some amazing things have happened over the last couple of years.  A transparency bill that had 100% support in both houses was vetoed; likely because of its implication of deals going down with Canada on the international trade crossing.  The only other way besides political pressure to stop an override of the veto would literally be a gun to the head of our legislative leaders; and we know that didn’t happen did it?

Somehow, his legislative lapdogs (Bolger and Richardville) still pushed through (against caucus desire) the medicaid expansion which has an even more threatening effect on Michigan’s treasury.  Again, seeing no open coercion, it seems he was able to get his way quite easily.

Now in lame duck, all bets are off for a couple of moves that are sure to keep the crony friends of Rick Snyder rolling in dough.  Randy Richardville has moved forward on a monster GAS-TAX increase that will stuff the wallets of a lot of contractors, put steam in train engines, and make all the bike riders ‘complete’ly happy.  I don’t even need to drop the links on those; you know we’ve talked about it before.

But what pray tell might be the payoff for Richardville?  What might he see for his part in sticking it to the taxpayer of Michigan? Well certainly he has been shtooping us for the love of shtooping, right? But I would wager that if the interviews for the following happened last Wednesday as they were supposed to, I’ll bet you can guess what happens next.

Lets lay it out there.   There is an open district judge position in Novi. Over 30 people applied for the gubernatorial appointment, which is expected this month. On Wednesday the governor’s office was interviewing the five finalists. They are:

  • Marsha Kosmatka
  • Beth Hand
  • Gary Klein
  • Lori Fitzpatrick Timar
  • Margaret Scott
Guess which one is Randy Richardvilles special friend?  Here is a clue: It AINT the guy, and she doesn’t even live in the judicial district (psst ..I think she lives over in Birmingham)
Of course..  I could be proven wrong. The clock is a ticking, and there are so many more Michiganites waiting to be screwed.


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McMillin Farewell Remarks

A great big THANK YOU to a rock solid friend of the constitution and conservatism!

Tom McMillin would have been an outstanding congressman.

Though we have some incredible voices joining the Michigan legislature this upcoming session, we will be losing one that is unique and irreplaceable. Tom McMillin has been a stalwart conservative voice in Lansing, has put his himself out in front to keep taxes low, fight the crony capitalism that seems to be the force majuere of our executive branch, and lead in the DOMA battle.   Much of it knowing the battle was lost before it began.

We will miss him as the true representative of appropriate governance, and a fine example of the best this state has to offer.

Thank you Tom.

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So You Want To Buy Something?

So far, second thoughts might keep the additional burdens of doing business in Michigan at bay.

I have lost some big sales in other states because of ‘Amazon Laws’ in the past few years.

Its an amazing thing that happens when your cost of doing business in a state goes up by 10%. (Michigan will be 6%) You lose customers, they pay more, or you eat the costs.  The first option is of course the worst of the three, but when profit margins range between 15-20%, 10 points represents at least HALF the profits, and can be discouraging to even attempting to sell.

California has some of the most used shipping ports, so its natural that many warehouses are located there. It also has quite a large population.  Our business has historically sold more to California customers, than those in Michigan. But a few years ago, I was notified by one of my suppliers who drop ships for me in that state, that unless they had an exemption form on file for the customers, they would have to charge an additional 10% for the product to cover THEIR tax liability; CA Sales tax being 8% and an additional 25% tax for assumed mark-up.

I had a choice.  I could in some cases ship product all the way here, then ship all the way back, and salvage a few pennies, OR I could simply find a supplier for similar product in other state warehouses willing to ship to California.  The unnatural commerce that had to evolve (and quickly), wound up raising the cost of doing business.  It raised the cost and in some cases slowed service for the customers in California who were STILL expected to report their ‘USE tax.’

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Crush The Little Guy.

Kowall and Verheulen play along with monster rent seeking bills.

Bills 4202 and 4303 are designed to do just that.

Every layer of regulation has a time cost.  Never mind that (PER THE LAW) our business already collects sales tax from those who buy retail in Michigan. The big box stores want us to go through enhanced reporting requirements and spend additional time in the entire process of collecting tax as a service to the state.  This form of rent seek is commonly used to suppress competition.

Kowall and Verheulen or anyone who votes for this are the enemy of the ‘small e-tailer.’



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Before Its Too Late

Hello Michigan Republican Congressional delegation.

It’s time to grow a pair. Its time to recognize the damage this president has done, and can do as he ignores the constitution, lies to the American People, and turns our nation into a laughing stock and third world parasite. On immigration, judicial appointees, environment, energy policy, education and health care, he is laughing at you.

You have an option. Tie him up in impeachment proceedings until the new US Senate takes over, then REMOVE him permanently.


And if you are worried about Biden? Don’t be. He is more of a coward than you all are.

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Cuban and Gilbert On HB5606

Perhaps it takes a rent seeker to know a rent seeker?

I have spoken to a couple of representatives about the passage of HB5606, disappointed with the way that they voted.

One says “It was not at all presented to us in this way,” remarking that he would have voted differently if he had only fully understood it.  This of course revealing that sleight of hand, obfuscation, and maybe a little laziness by representatives is easily exploited in Lansing. Should there be any wonder why a certain amount of time must pass before bills are voted on in their finality?

This competition limiting act is perhaps a little rent seeking at its best, and flat out corruption by those who designed the changes.

Two folks whom I regard as rent seekers in their own right are correct in this video; Dan Gilbert in particular. But when he says “Man up and compete” with regard to the automakers? 


Oh, and thank you Representative Tom McMillin for actually paying attention.

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Hey Tim Skubick!

Where is that 'tax cut fever' you promised?

cobweb-booksReposted from the Mackinac Center

Posted by Michael D. LaFaive on November 5, 2014 at 12:55pm

Nearly a year ago, popular Michigan pundit Tim Skubick opined on MLive.com that “another disease is starting to make the rounds in this town (Lansing): Tax Cut Fever.”

Personally, this observer welcomed the prospect of a bipartisan frenzy to convert a projected state budget surplus into tax cuts, even if the politicians’ motives included wanting to “help cement their 2014 re-election bid …”

The promise was especially welcome given that Lansing then looked more ready to raise taxes than cut them. I pointed out some examples in an article published last January. Among them:

The Legislature had recently enacted $82.6 million in fee hikes. It had also granted certain local “Business Improvement Zone” authorities the power to levy additional property taxes. And there was plenty of chatter about imposing taxes on Internet transactions (an Amazon tax) and other new extractions.

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