
And I Repeat

Congress' dereliction of duty is merely gasoline thrown on our nation's already burning compact.

homer-constMichigan’s congressional delegation must act before it’s too late.

Before anyone simply assumes that Obama is a clumsy leader and simply mistaken on taking this country to its low point in history, perhaps they consider that it is no accident.  At Townhall.com, Walter Williams makes this point about seeing a driver going the wrong direction:

“Would you call him a stupid and/or incompetent driver? You say, “Williams, what kind of question is that? Of course he’s one or the other!” I’d say, “Hold your horses. What are his intentions?” If the driver’s intentions are to cause highway calamity, one can hardly call his actions stupid or incompetent. Given his intentions, he is wisely acting in a manner to achieve his objectives.”

Indeed, one must have a full understanding of what the objectives are.

For more than five years now, our congress has not only allowed the president to act contrary to law, but they have funded his efforts.  In his article, Williams further points out the responsibility of congress to act under article 1 of our constitution.  Unless they act to suppress the objectives of this president, (or his incredible off the chart incompetence) through the power of the purse, we will have to fully admit the constitution is lost, and our Republic has been replaced by simple tyranny.

For that, who needs a congressman?

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Liar Liar Pants On Fire

A Jon Gruber production is dissected appropriately.

The recent Jonathan Gruber code blue is just too good to pass up.

It reveals so much that is wrong with the progressive mind.  In that spirit we mock the liar and his personally narrated special message for all the stupid people who buy into the ACA as anything other than the worst disaster in American Health Care.

Oh and don’t forget those who voted to expand the ACA in Michigan

Share as you like.

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And So It Begins

Taking no chances that the grassroots come out in opposition, the Progressives strike.

The Michigan State Senate nearly doubles our state gasoline taxes.

Voting to raise the gas taxes by 17 cents at legislative maturity, RINO Senate Leader and tax raiser Randy Richardville’s bill will create even more hardships on those who are already struggling to put fuel in the tank.  Much of it earmarked for mass transit too?  Wonderful.  The Ivory Tower reports:

The bill from Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, R-Monroe, was passed quickly and without debate, by a 23-14 vote, after a number of false starts earlier in the day.

The Senate took “a big step to show people we’re serious,” Richardville said. “If you’ve got an alternative, we’re going to take a look at it.”

Emphasis provided to demonstrate what double speak is


Cowards and thieves.

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Say NO to Al Psholka

A Conservatively Strong GOP house needs a true Republican leader.

A message from your conscience.

PLEASE consider talking to your newly elected rep about one of the most important decisions he/she will make very soon.  The Hastert rule being ignored brought us medicaid expansion, and will cost us more in gas taxes very soon.  From a Facebook post:

After the shellacking of the Dem Progressive agenda yesterday, it is time for the MIGOP to wake up and change direction. They need to realize that they dodged the bullet and rode the wave of Anti Democrat voter sentiment, NOT a wave of Pro Republican Sentiment.

The MI House republicans could start by electing a new House leader that will not be a rubber stamp for the Guvnerds’ agenda. Rumor is that many of the House Republican caucus want a chance to vote on the Hastert rule. I would challenge Cotter to make a Few Points into a Platform that would Garner him support from many of the incumbents and from most of the Newly minted Freshman.

1. Promise to allow the Caucus to vote on adopting the Hastert rule.
2. Promise to allow Tom Hooker’s heartbeat bill to be put on the floor.
3. Promise to allow ALAC (Rep. Tom Hooker again) to be put on the floor.
4. Promise to not allow Elliot Larsen, and other Legislation that does not have Majority Republican support to see the light of day.

We already face too much danger from the Lame Duck session. We can expect many of those term limited out, Jase Bolger, randy Randy Richardville, Haveman, and others seeking future appointments and Government job opportunities, to attempt to curry favor with the Guvnerd, and special interests.

A strong stand now would garner support, and help place those currently seated on notice that Business as usual will not be part of the agenda after Jan 1.

Call your newly elected Rep and tell them to support Kevin Cotter for speaker.


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Michigan 56th District Race Mystery Mailers

Anonymous mailers flood mailboxes in Michigan's 56th state house district.

Bain-card3Randy Bain was pleasantly surprised that someone supports him in his bid for the Michigan House of representatives..

When mailers arrived at his home not just once, but TWICE, he wondered who might it be that would be sending out the cards describing Democrats and Republicans as having no discernible differences.  Who was it saying “Al Bain isn’t a party robot!” in two separate mailings?

Bain-card1Did we mention R. Al Bain is a candidate for the 56th District house seat as a (Constitution party) US Taxpayer?

Bain says that he knows of other Republicans who have received the postcards, yet his neighbors who are Democrats, have not. This could feed the speculation that Democrats are subtly assisting 3rd party candidates who have a strong possibility of drawing votes from Republicans to give THEIR candidates a better shot. This is not out of the question, as we have seen THAT before.

Interestingly, there is no disclaimer, a part 47 campaign finance violation.  The return address could be any number of businesses in the tower address. There are a number of election contributions from that address over the years, but nothing that would indicate a pattern of contributions or big money.   Bain says:Bain-card2

I googled the address it’s a 12 story office tower in Southfield I called a number and the girl said her company had the whole 12th floor they are a automotive marketing and research firm. There are several businesses in that tower.

Candidate Bain is already planning his victory speech.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)


Michigan can learn a lesson from the new schoolyard bully; The homosexual activist who gains power.

One has to wonder about the mental defect in those who support a change to the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act when looking at the evidence before us.

There is little that is protected more than the right to free speech, and by extension the right to proselytize, preach, minister or practice one’s faith as shown in this nation’s constitution. There is a reason it was numeral UNO insofar as clarifying amendments go.

The mayor of Houston is off the hook tyrannical, and should not only be removed from office but sanctioned for attempting to subvert the constitution and abuse her elected position of trust. There MUST be consequences for such actions, or we will continue to see more of it.

And Michigan is under the threat of the same type of abuse, as behavioral quantification is used to qualify ‘protected’ classes of people. Any legislator who opens up the door further to this type of terrorism on individual, business owners or (as we see in Houston) our spiritual leaders, needs to be run out on a rail.

We’re laying the track right now.

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Attack Ad On Republican Candidate Draws Sharp Rebuke

The first complaint about an attack ad by Michigan Democrats against 104th Candidate Larry Inman comes from where?

coffiaA political attack television ad aired in the 104th district (which covers Grand Traverse County in its entirety)  is drawing an immediate call for its removal. Not from candidate Inman, but by his opponent.

An advertisement that suggests Republican Larry Inman is out of touch, voted for tuition increases as a university trustee, supports higher taxes, and is guilty by association with those who voted to raise property and pension taxes is under fire by the person who would benefit from such ads. Betsy Coffia, a Democrat who has sworn off PAC money and these types of ads says “We have committed to running a positive campaign, and we consider negative ads to be part of the problem, instead of part of the solution.”

Coffia then goes on to ask supporters to call the Democrat state party directly and ask them to remove the ads.

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Freep Editorial Board Endorses ‘Slow Progressivism’

Seeing little difference, the Ivory Tower goes with the 'devil they know'

happy-snyderThe Detroit Free Press has joined liberal Bill Milliken in endorsing a continuation of Rick Snyder’s governorship.

Admitting that it prefers the more effective measures of sliding towards progressive goals, it endorsed Rick Snyder over Mark Schauer. The Ivory Tower editorial board suggests that it doesn’t think that Schauer can accomplish its wishes.

Schauer says he’ll shape state government according to the progressive values the Free Press Editorial Board believes are embedded in Michigan’s DNA — expansion of civil rights, protections for workers, environmental stewardship, plus investment in schools, roads and the social safety net.

But only one candidate could bring his agenda into practical, achievable focus. And so by the narrowest of margins, with keen reservations, the Free Press endorses RICK SNYDER for a second, four-year term as Michigan’s governor.

Of course when they say “his agenda,” they mean the governor’s.

However, for those of us who question the anti transparency veto, higher gas taxes, ‘cool cities’, trains, [Granholm agenda item[ NITC,  welfare expansion, growing the Michigan budget, Elliot Larsen signalling to special right pro-homosexual groups, bailouts to progressive bastions, and failure to fully defend Michiganians’ right to keep and bear arms? We see little difference.

We know they do too.




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