
Why Are We Bailing Out DPS Again?

Detroit is flush with taxpayer cash.

Not its own taxpayers mind you, but nevertheless, it has a spigot it can apparently turn on at will. A Granholm era program that somehow still exists and ‘guarantees Detroit HS graduates two years of college will apparently come out of the taxes collected for schools.  Even after getting the State bailout money going forward?

Duggan on Tuesday said that in the 2018-19 tax year tax dollars from the growth of the city will start to go into the scholarship fund.

“What the chamber has done is raise the money to create a bridge for that,” he said. “We can’t expect the chamber to raise scholarship money forever. This is the way that it was intended to work. They’ve done a wonderful job in the short-run. We will have funding out of the education tax in the long-run.”

The city forecasts the tax capture, once effective, would provide funding for the next two decades, ranging from $1 million per year up to $4.5 million projected in 2035, according to property value estimates rooted in the city’s bankruptcy Plan of Adjustment.

Money is fungible.


Ask your legislator how they could allow this to go on.

H/T 10x25MM

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Too Big To Fail

The stage is set for more mis-'appropriations' ..

malfeasanceHow on earth could any legislator demand accountability after voting to pay for the ongoing malfeasance of the DPS?

With a vote of 104-5, the Michigan House of Representatives cleared the deck for the ultimate prize of over $700 Million for continued operations.

Passed 104 to 5 in the House on March 17, 2016, to appropriate $48.7 million to keep the insolvent Detroit school district afloat until the end of the current school year. This is essentially a “down-payment” on a larger bailout package whose details have yet to find a consensus (the House majority wants more education reforms). The bill essentially “borrows” the money from a state account used to pay for college scholarships, and also places the Detroit school district under the same state oversight commission created to oversee the city after its 2014 bailout(see House Bill 5385).
Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No”

we just need to get em to the end of the school year,” right?

Anyone who thinks there will be a plan from the current legislative slurry to fix the fundamental problems with the DPS is lying to themselves.

Even worse, they are lying to the kids who suffer under the inability of the DPS to teach.

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Free Speech?

Beware the unintended consequence of shallow thinking.

sexy2Sometimes, folks want to have an impact in their communities.

They might oppose a millage, pass out literature and information about proposed spending by their local governments. Some might simply try to engage their neighbors in a campaign process through simple means.  They might try to encourage certain priorities as well, and may do so by only spending a few bucks at the local copy mart.

All of this free speech is protected, right? In fact, such expression is legally permissible without a legal regimen, allowing up to $1000 to be spent currently.  Candidates for public office, as well as ballot advocacy groups can opt out of reporting requirements if they do not reach that $1000 spending threshold.

However, as long as there are men occupying government, this too can change.

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Former MiGOP Comm Director Freak Out?

Medical attention required, as stroke victim cognitively impaired beyond reason.

11703079_10207830552694502_7459487762420931420_nPerhaps Bill Nowling, formerly the Director of Communication for the Michigan Republican Party has popped a vessel.

In a Facebook post, Nowling now pleads with his fellow Republicans to vote for Bernie as apparently he did “feeling the Bern” yesterday.  Nowling says that “the only way to defeat an anti-establishment candidate, in an anti-establishment environment, is with an anti-establishment candidate.”

Also making comparisons of Trump to Hitler, he calls himself a yellow dog republican.

Unless this is an elaborate prank, this is a perfect example of the establishment self destruct that is going on right now.  As a former apparatchik of the MiGOP, Nowling once used his communications skills to target liberals and their antics.

Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.


H/T Joan Fabiano

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Detroit Schools Bailout Opposed

MRG Poll Shows Michigan Voters Strongly Oppose Using Taxpayer Money for DPS’ $715 Million Bailout.

bailoutsSome information from the Michigan Association of Public School Academies

MAPSA notes that the the poll is very timely, because the bailout is up for a vote today.

As expected, Michigan voters strongly oppose using taxpayer money to pay off the Detroit Public Schools’ $715 million in debt, according to a new poll by the Marketing Resource Group (MRG). The poll of 600 likely Michigan voters, commissioned by the Michigan Association of Public School Academies, was conducted Feb. 22-27.

Statewide, only 33 percent of voters favor using taxpayer money to pay off DPS’ debt, while 56 percent oppose it (with most of those saying they “strongly” oppose it). Even among Detroit voters, sentiments are almost evenly split, with 40 percent favoring the bailout and 38 percent opposing it. In the entire Metro Detroit region, the bailout also isn’t popular, with only 37 percent favoring it and 52 percent opposing it.

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Kasich Surge In Michigan Changes Math Slightly.

Fun with delegate numbers

bizarro-voteMichigan has a proportional system to settle the 59 delegates choosing the GOP candidate for the presidential primary in 2016.

Because legislators chose a date prior to March 15, the is no winner take all system in place.  Currently polling has Trump at about 42%, Cruz and Kasich each at about 20, and Rubio falling flat at 10 or so.  In the delegate pooling (hopefully I calculated this correctly), this would result in 25 delegates for Trump, 12 for Cruz, 12 For Kasich and zero for Rubio.  The remainder is split the same 8 for Trump, and 1 each for Kasich and Cruz.

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Draft Ben Carson For US Senate

Ben-CarsonPopped up in my Facebook feed today:

Run, Ben, Run! Join our effort to draft Dr. Carson, a Detroit native, to return to Michigan and run for the U.S. Senate in 2018. https://www.facebook.com/Draft-Ben-Carson-for-US-Senate-1560440750949118/

I agree.

Come on home Ben.  Bring your politically incorrect platform back to Michigan and show how a real conservative can win a US Senate seat in Michigan.  Stabenow has been allowed far too much time in DC working against us and the constitution, and the GOP bench repeatedly puts up weak candidates.

This is an outstanding idea.

Run Ben Run indeed!

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MiCPAC – Janine Hansen

Thought provoking analysis on the possibility of an Article 5 convention in our time.

Janine Hansen is the Nevada Chair for Eagle Forum, and is their national constitutional issues chair.

She is a constitutional expert who heads up a task force to address the misguided move toward a constitutional convention.  In this video, she speaks on the status of the Article 5 convention effort, and also on the National Popular Vote.

Its a half hour well spent.

More videos from the 2016 MiCPAC coming soon.

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