
Trump In Traverse City

Some photos from Traverse City November 02, 2020.

Donald Trump is a machine.

Not only is HE a machine, they clearly have a machine working full time to manage the logistics of the Dozens of last rallies.  Managing 10s of thousands of rally goers and getting the president in and out of each event is mind boggling.

The only possible trouble his team might have had is evidenced by the President joking with the tech crew in Wisconsin as I type this. His management skills, or those of whomever he chooses are clearly superior.  Especially when one considers getting a 70+ year old guy to each of said evens in one piece, and having him remain coherent and understandable.


I want to give a shout out to the RBSN folks for a second.  (See pic at right)  These guys have made it possible to watch most of the Trump rallies out of sheer tenacity and showing up.  They have overcome technical issues and done what NONE of the other networks were willing to do; namely bringing the immensely popular president to those with an internet connection when ‘regular’ media refused.  God bless em for being able to keep up with Trump.

And Trump’s stamina notwithstanding, the throngs of supporters seemed to make all necessary efforts to attend the rush of gatherings scheduled iin the last days of the 2020 election cycle.   All these things were attended ‘bigly.’

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Donald Trump JR In Traverse City

Jr, joined by Ted Nugent et al made an amazing speech in TC today!

Unscripted and impactful!

When folks started to arrive the temperatures were about 35 degrees, and the wind was blowing hard.  The sun was shining however, and the Saturday Traverse City matinee to the main event Monday could not have been better. Donald Trump Junior blew it up!

General Jack Bergman (incumbent/candidate CD1), and John Roth (candidate R-104) opened the event, and were followed up with Ted Nugent and Cam Hanes doing warm up for the son of our President.  A warm up I might add, that was both entertaining, (Think hunting stories about truck beds full of goats) but not even necessary!

The President’s progeny brought it home.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)


Trump's last stop before winning in 2016 will cap this year's effort as well!

In 2016, tens of thousands of folks in Grand Rapids gathered to wish the President well for the following day’s vote.

Trump won in Michigan by less than ONE vote per voting precinct, and won the election overall.  Grand Rapids was his ‘lucky charm so-to-speak.

Make no mistake about it, the president is working twice as hard this year, and his efforts will see him TWICE in Michigan on the same day, the second time returning for an encore ‘WRAP UP’ with his friends in Grand Rapids.

The First event in Michigan will be at 5PM in Traverse City.  I will of course be there to report and gather pictures, but those of you who want to travel can make your plans HERE

The Grand Rapids event will be at 1030PM reminding us of how late it ran in 2016.  It also reminds us of how hard President Trump is willing to work for us!  Make your plans HERE!

Gather your friends and make those events!

Have fun!


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lawlessness In Lansing?

Jocelyn Benson continues her lawless (or ridiculously failbot) ways.

The Court of Claims today shot down another power grab by the SoS.

This is a good thing.  But not the first time.

Ignoring years of established law on subjects ranging from when votes are counted, to the secretary trying to avoid administrative procedure,  Benson is carrying on SOP.  Arguably the most corrupt official in State government today, and there is one more act from her office that needs to be called out.

Right To Life of Michigan posted this image (on the right) on FB today, a photo of a ‘sample ballot’ issued by the SoS.  It was originally thought to be a ballot, but the state department ‘assured them’ that it was ONLY a sample ballot.

The ballot in question was missing the names of Brock Swartzle, Mary Kelly, and Elizabeth Welch. So ONLY a sample ballot means that the real ballots contain ALL the names, right?  And gosh, Welch (the left’s less-than-stellar nominee) was missing too ..so all is ok?


You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)

Narrative Brokers Don’t Like Rule Of Law

It is especially sad that the writer of a recent editorial may actually think this way ..for real.

I often marvel at how a political perspective can be so exposed in a single editorial.

The left would upend all manner of things traditional Americans and Michiganians stand for. Rule-of-law, constitutional authority, and what constitutes voting access. Today, the Traverse City Record Eagle editorial bemoaned the decision by the Michigan Appeals Court to uphold our state statute regarding absentee ballots:

“There’s nothing more frustrating than a last-minute rules change.

But that’s exactly what voters face after a three-judge panel at the Michigan Court of Appeals decided to overturn a lower court’s decision about how and when absentee votes should be counted.”

Actually, the rules have been in place for 66 years. One would think THAT is enough time to get your affairs in order to vote. The rules are the rules, and Act 116 of 1954, MCL 168.764a provides the rules for absentee voting, and specifically in Step 6: “The ballot must reach the clerk or an authorized assistant of the clerk before the close of the polls on election day. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. “

So there is that.  (it continues ..)

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Something Doesn’t Add Up

We are in deep doo-doo or ..'science' is simply out of control.

Fish are spreading the China virus.

Well maybe not that, but something strange is going on.  Researchers are only now discovering the virus on the beaches of Lake Superior. WZZM reports that weekly testing has finally revealed another danger to our very existence.

”  It’s mysterious, as Melvin says, because since the Fourth of July, he’s been taking samples every weekend from eight beaches along Lake Superior and testing them with his team for the presence of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.


Then, after sampling the weekend of September 11, he found trace amounts of the virus in water along four Duluth beaches: Brighton Beach, the 42nd Avenue beach, the beach near Leif Erickson park, and the beach on Park Point near the Franklin Tot Lot.   “

Which is particularly odd if we operate under the assumption that sunlight or UV light within sunlight kills Covid-19 within 30 minutes.

Or does it?  Try #DuckGo ing sunlight and Covid-19.  Half is dedicated to “YES – Sunlight kills it,” and the other half is “Wait – Not so fast!” ..Hoo boy.

My guess?  Someone is messing with the equipment, someone handling the tests is infected, or someone is looking for a grant.  When something makes zero sense, it either is as ludicrous as it seems OR it is intentional.

Or we really are in the middle of the apocalypse.

You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(0)

Malfeasance Or Involuntary Manslaughter

Could a Supreme Court decision open the door to legal sanctions?

Michigan’s governor continues to violate the law.

Tomorrow begins that part of the process where our state’s highest court decides whether it agrees with our laws and constitution.  It will decide whether it will join the executive branch and perform legal ju-jitsu to ‘protect’ Michigan citizens from the pandemic, or whether it will take the absolute legal and uncomfortable route of holding each of the branches to the purposefully limited and separated authority they wield.

There are reasons each branch of our government hold powers that are separate and distinct.  This pandemic has very much revealed what happens when that separation is not upheld immediately.  People through no act of their own will die needlessly.

A case before the Michigan Supreme Court suggest as much.  An opinion piece in USA today highlights the plaintiff’s many concerns for the patients under his care.

One of my patients came to see me when he felt like he had nowhere else to turn. The governor’s orders prevented him from getting regular treatment for his diabetes. By the time he came to me, he was in a full-on medical emergency. He told me about an odor coming from his foot — it turned out to be gangrene. His kidneys were in full-blown failure.

We rushed him to the nearest hospital, but it was too late. His foot had to be amputated. And then, just days later, he died from complications.

None of this trauma had to happen. But happen it did, because of shortsighted executive orders issued unilaterally by Gov. Whitmer.

Irresponsible action from the governor, and the slow-to-act courts have resulted in misery and death for Michiganians.

Add to this the already huge death numbers of those exposed to the China virus in nursing homes due to the governor’s actions, it should give pause to those who think government protects us in any meaningful way.  Clearly we cannot put our faith in those who are willing to break the law, if even ‘for our own good.’

Malfeasance and criminal disregard for the law must have consequence.

Such a concept is no stranger to the rest of us.  Should it give pause to the state’s highest court as deliberations are made?  Should the court waffle in it’s responsibilities in order to protect the sanctity of absolute government authority, or should it uphold the law which renders government leaders accountable and responsible?

And should an affirmative verdict that the governor has broken the law be issued, what are the consequences?  What should they be?

We know.  We know what the answer is.

And it should never have to be decided in such a way again.


You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

Pusscakes Was NEVER A Republican

Former cow box king joins the losers club.

There are Republicans, and there are those who abuse the title so they can assume power.

Power is the aspiration of the leftist. And even ‘nice’ leftists want to have power so they can perform their niceness on the population. Benevolence and ‘caring’ are more important than the truth and harshness and character building of real life.

And heaven forbid anyone is a bully. Pusscakes Snyder, noted abortionatarian and politically cross dressing slide-rule sucker is following his mentor BK Bill, and John Kasuck into the oblivion of former governors who were elected as Republicans but proved the point that even a chicken can dress as a dog.

The Two Term Michigan serial Killer, nerd funder, and Obamacare expander is the latest to dislike that big bully president Donald J Trump.

“A great leader treats people with respect even when they present different opinions. Without a variety of views and opinions, we would have no innovation or creativity in our nation. Being a bully and being strong are not the same thing. Being strong is standing up for your convictions. Being a bully is trying to intimidate those who are perceived to be weaker or a threat. As a proud nerd, I had to deal with bullies over many years; it is tragedy watching our world suffer from one.”

I suppose one might take a lesson from this.

He did not get enough swirlies.


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