Daily Archives: March 24, 2020

Breaking! Michigan Wants You DEAD!!

LARA instruction clarifies the intent of Michigan to keep its citizens SICK

This is not a drill.

In the email inbox today is an instruction to physicians to REPORT any use outside of the ‘normal’ (accepted use) of hydroxychloroquine or lose their licenses.  The following is the exact text: and available on their FB page as well

Dear Licensed Prescribers and Dispensers:

The Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs has received multiple allegations of Michigan physicians inappropriately prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine to themselves, family, friends, and/or coworkers without a legitimate medical purpose.

Prescribing hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine without further proof of efficacy for treating COVID-19 or with the intent to stockpile the drug may create a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments.  Reports of this conduct will be evaluated and may be further investigated for administrative action.  Prescribing any kind of prescription must also be associated with medical documentation showing proof of the medical necessity and medical condition for which the patient is being treated.  Again, these are drugs that have not been proven scientifically or medically to treat COVID-19.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(1)

To Serve….

It’s been a while since I’ve been compelled to do one of these but, after watching this… A Pox on Michael Shaw’s House.

When did this jackboot become a virology expert? And, he stated that he is willing to run Michiganians out of business permanently because he’s going to tattle to the AG’s office? All this because many morons like Rachel Meyers with blue hair are spouting off about their ‘feelz” on Facebook with our Fakestream news media so, we all should give a damn? Fat chance and slim just left town.

This state under Whitmer is completely and unequivocally out of control.

There is no language in the 4th Amendment that says;

“no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized, UNLESS it is a matter of national security or the government has a compelling interest in safety or security to do otherwise.

Folks, you really need to pull your head out of your ass.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)


Statistically, figures don’t lie but, liars do figure.

❝If there were ever a debate to be made for a quarantine in this state- SEMCOG is it. They probably need to be cordoned off from the rest of us Michiganians before they spread it further.❞

Information from State data as of March 24, 2020.

Livingston County- 9

Macomb County- 175 – 2 deaths

Monroe County- 7

Oakland County- 329 – 4 deaths

St. Clair County- 7

Washtenaw County- 42

Wayne County & Detroit City- 638 – 8 deaths

Total- 1,207 or, 90.88% of all confirmed cases of the China Virus and 93.33% of all deaths (14).

The only noticeable change is Kent County on the list with 28 cases and 1 death, however, is understandable with having Democrat city Grand Rapids as its county seat.

From comments….

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sorry Crisco Kid, but Your Data is Bogus

Someone has messed up figures or, is lying or, is following an agenda.

Without the stay-at-home order, current models project 70% of the state’s population of nearly 10 million could become infected, with 1 million people hospitalized, Whitmer said.


And, there you have it – https://covidactnow.org – better known as Google or, parent company, Alphabet Inc.

So, riddle me this… why is Israels’ Minister of Defense, Naftali Bennett, which Israel is not under any stay-at-home orders, openly ROOTING for 60% to 70% infection?

After having Google lead all these Democrat governors around by the nose crashing the U.S. economy and stock market back to Obama levels and disrupting supply chains like never before by deeming what is “essential” and what is not, while adding historic debt, it’ll be nothing short of a miracle President Trump wins re-election.

BUT, Trump might be getting the picture: https://youtu.be/CVkiZtYkNOM

Time will tell.

Ps. wise up, Lee.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(2)