Monthly Archives: October 2018

Nothing To Offer

Garlin Gilchrist afraid to debate Lisa Lyons? Makes sense.

No upside to looking the fool, right?

Typically, the unknown would welcome the opportunity to gain name recognition in the political process. However sometimes campaigns bring out the inability to stand behind their ideas.  Radical leftist and former campaign director Garlin Gilchrist has refused to Debate Lyons.

Apparently, it would hurt the campaign terribly.

By refusing to let the extreme former Director Garlin Gilchrist debate against Lisa Posthumus Lyons, Gretchen Whitmer has inadvertently admitted that her lieutenant governor selection is too radical for Michigan. The Whitmer campaign would keep Gilchrist hidden from voters so they cannot discover his past support of Hamas, criticism of Israel and its supporters, as well as unqualified support for handing out driver’s licenses to those who should not have them.

Schuette campaign spokesman Stu Sandler says:

“As a former campaign director, Garlin Gilchrist holds radical beliefs that are too extreme for Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer does not want voters to find out about Gilchrist’s far-left policies supporting Hamas, criticizing Israel and its supporters, and support for giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants”

Lisa Lyons Posthumus challenged Garlin Gilchrist to three debates, but the Whitmer campaign called the debates a “non-starter” because they were fearful of voters getting to know Gilchrist’s radical positions. Sandler asks

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(1)

Body Language

Personally, I think Ford is lying.

I don’t want to pretend sympathy, and give her some BS benefit of the doubt. Her statements are contrived, and she is manipulating the supposed adults in the room with her mousey voice and child like vulnerability. She is clearly an activist playing a dangerous game of political destruction by falsehood and theatrical presentation.

What angers me most about this, is what it does to all of the sons and brothers of women everywhere, as well as truthful women themselves who when all of this shakes out, will have to wonder if they might possibly be believed, and if it is worth it.

A body language interpreter explains in these two videos below, the difference between Ford, and Kavanaugh in recent public exposure.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(1)