It’s good to see the folks over at MCC finally catching up to our 10x25MM, here at
Double Tax on Some Fuels is Problematic for $2 Billion May 5 Proposal
Money quote? “Murray [a JournoList-esque hack] replied that he could not respond by this report’s deadline. Calley’s office has yet to respond.”
allah Shazam! Don’t hold your breath, Mr. Spencer, as Lt. Lapdog appears preoccupied with a family *matter*. And, as J-man, in comments, points out another issue surrounding the Republican Party’s big spending, nanny statist, corporate Nerd, well, with regard to Ruth Johnson, any future political aspirations she may have had are toast.
The video below is the Prop 15-1 commercial with bona fides.
Remember, Boobus Michiganderus, that May 5 proposal is a constitutional amendment vote. There ain’t no coming back from that $2,000,000,000.00 per year tax hike.