Monthly Archives: October 2014

Nice job, Bobby

The Schostak Party of Stooopid strikes again.

Booby ShowStackA local Democratic state House candidate is crying foul after the Michigan GOP sent out campaign mailers this week directing Republicans to call him at a number for his 91-year-old mother’s room at a Portage-based nursing home.

The mailers, which were paid for by the Michigan Republican Party, urge voters to call John Fisher, a candidate for the 61st state House District, and “Tell him hard-working Michiganders are being hurt by Obamacare and the health care policies (Democrats) support.”

Fisher’s campaign acknowledged it had no issue with past Republican mailers that told voters to call him at his personal number, but the candidate said Republicans took it too far by directing citizens to call Fisher at his mother’s number. The number is registered under Fisher’s name, but is a direct line to his mother’s room at Tendercare Portage, where Isabel Kramb is currently receiving hospice care for congestive heart failure, said Fisher’s campaign manager David Topping.

All because Team R sycophants chose to miss the boat on principled leadership.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Transparency? Nahh, we don’t need that.

Yes, it’s long, but I highly recommend watching the whole thing (well, you can probably skip the part that the 10A guy starts talking, he was missing the mark all over the place).

Yesterday (1 October 14), the House Criminal Justice Committee finally heard testimony on Rep. Tom McMillin’s HB4914 (introduced back in July 2013). This legislation would require that law enforcement agencies report every six months on the usage of their SWAT teams.

From the language of the bill:

Sec. 3. Beginning October 1, 2013, and every 6 months after

that date, any law enforcement agency that maintains a SWAT team

shall report all of the following information to the office of the

attorney general using the format developed under section 4:

(a) The number of times the SWAT team was activated and

deployed by the law enforcement agency in the previous 6 months.

(b) Without identifying an exact address, the approximate

location within or outside of the jurisdiction of the law

enforcement agency to which the SWAT team was deployed, including

the name of the county and the city, village, or township, and the

zip code.

(c) The reason for each activation and deployment of the SWAT


(d) The legal authority, including type of warrant, if any,

for each activation and deployment of the SWAT team.

(e) The result of each activation and deployment of the SWAT

team, including all of the following:

(i) The number of arrests made, if any.

(ii) The type of evidence seized, and whether property was


(iii) Whether a forcible entry was made.

(iv) Whether a weapon was discharged by a SWAT team member.

(v) Whether a person or domestic animal was injured or killed

by a SWAT team member.

But we don’t need reporting for these sorts of things though, right? I mean, bad raids never happen in Michigan!

Well, apparently the Republicans on the committee think otherwise. For example, Rep. Joseph Graves finds it worrisome that the officers would have to go back and justify their actions (7:20 in the clip). Heaven forbid a SWAT deployment be justified, or even just tracked! Further he goes on to say that filing a report of the incident doesn’t take it away (8:58). Really? I didn’t think about that.

However, that’s just one of the many gems coming out of Team-R in this hearing. The amount of stupid coming from them just boggles the mind.

Yup, just shows Team-R is all for transparency!

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Jase Bolger is in Bed With This Dude?

Ya, right. Let’s talk about “bigots” for a moment:

Makes one wonder what decent folks like, Senator Hunter think about that ^ or, parasitic slime like this.

For some time now, Speaker Bolger has given many reasons to think of him as a despicable cretin within a dysfunctional state Party, however, with Jase taking Tim’s $50,000 – all doubt is removed.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(0)

Heretic-The conservative case for voting “democrat”.

Will conservative Republicans continue to fall for the football pulled out routine of the past?

thCross posted from Muskegon Pundit

(Note-This discussion does not include the Presidency or national candidates. Because of unique Presidential powers, “best of the worst” is our only option)

In August of this year, the MSM reported the death of longtime democrat Senator Jim Jeffords. Coincidentally, his death was one week before the Florida primary election which elected Charlie Crist as the democrat nominee for governor.

It occurred to me that, not long ago, both men were respected republicans. A review of their political activities shows they were not just turncoats. They were hardly even moderates. They were liberals hiding under the cloak of the republican party.

And it worked…for them.

How’d that work out for us republicans?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(4)

Here Comes the Snyder Gas/Diesel Tax and Fee Hikes

As if raiding pensions (wasn’t necessary), raising the State Income Tax, and growing a budget now spending $1 Billion per week were not enough, Snyder broadcasts the real MI-GOP wallet gouging and family budget busting.

ThroughYourWalletGov. Rick Snyder said Monday he wants legislation boosting road funding to be the Legislature’s top priority during its lame duck session after the Nov. 4 election.

The Republican governor, who faces a tough re-election against Democrat Mark Schauer, has struggled to get the GOP-controlled Legislature to adopt a plan to raise at least $1.2 billion in additional annual revenue for road funding through increases in the fuel tax and vehicle registration fees.


“I still consider that a priority I want to get done in the first term,” Snyder said at the West Michigan Policy Forum’s conference at the Amway Grand Hotel.

As the Senate adjourned in June, waving off the proposal for a gas tax hike, residents in Deerfield Beach could feel reassured that while infrastructure funding remains a complex issue, their safety from potential fire hazards doesn’t have to be. Thanks to the professional network and dependability of a local fire watch company in Deerfield Beach, property owners can rest easy knowing that a team of highly trained experts is always ready to respond. This assurance is much like a reliable infrastructure—essential for the smooth functioning of everyday life. While the debate on the gas tax continues, the commitment of the fire watch service to the community stands firm, offering an immediate and well-coordinated defense against any fire-related emergencies that might arise during the languid Florida summer.

At least Schauer has sense enough not to tread into that particular Nerd swamp, especially, when MDOT’s multi-million dollar operation is dabbling in Wisconsin’s unwanted choo-choos, and tax dollars wasted on Hollywood productions at every turn. For that matter, let’s table for discussion the Nerd’s “Showcase Trail” at the cost of $1 Million per mile. Yes, our fuel taxes go to Complete Streets bicycle nonsense.

So, what does Mr. “Never publicly opposed the governor” have to say about this wholesale price tax hike?

You Betcha! (53)Nuh Uh.(3)