Michigan's Legislature Seems To Be Considering Legislation That Would Be Dead On Arrival
A strange thing is happening.
I am not sure if it is the disease that has spread from the federal administration and is now infesting the minds of Michigan legislators is curable, but we had better get a handle on it. Ignoring the constitution of the US by the president, and now that of Michigan by its lawmakers seems to be happening at a near feverish pace.
For the sake of not embarrassing 14 Michigan congress critters for their inability to serve articles of impeachment, we’ll forgo the multitude of Obama violations in this essay. And perhaps we can breath a little easier (but only a little) that our legislators don’t enjoy the benefits of a Pen and a Phone, and a cowardly congress to make their abrogations easier.
Currently, and perhaps for very a reasonable cause, there is legislation that has already passed the house designating as legal, a violation of Michigan’s constitution as amended in 2006. Perhaps without realizing it, State Representatives have passed 69-41, HB 5255. The legislation is part of a package that will provide a mechanism for carbon sequestration, and apparently provide as well, a means for the use of CO2 as an alternative to fracking fluids or for pressurizing depleted wells.
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