Daily Archives: February 18, 2014

Obamacare’s Part-Time Side Effect – Michigan Employees’ Hours Cut

As a result of the cut, Karyn’s hours were reduced from 37-39 hours per week to an average of 25 hours per week.  She says the lost wages equate to more than her mortgage payment each month.  She is incensed that she has gone from paying extra on her mortgage each month–with money left over–to the situation of having to dip into her nest egg.  “This is just not sustainable,” Ruley said.  “I can’t save for retirement.  I’m taking side jobs to make ends meet.  They told us to wait and see how great it was going to be when it was fully implemented.  Why couldn’t they just let us keep what we had, what worked for us?”

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DNR Strategy & Land Grab Update

After Event Report - MUCC Hosted Event In Acme, Michigan February 17, 2014

DNR-trust-fundLast night’s Agenda 21 party (oops, I mean Land Trust Town Hall) showed Rep. Wayne Schmidt as the pro-government, anti private property progressive he is. Sitting on a panel hosted by MUCC, surrounded by reps from the Land Conservancy, MEDC, and League of ‘Conservation’ (NOT conservative) Voters; he pressed this audience for support of his bill (HB 5210) to remove the cap on State owned land in the Northern Lower and UP.

Apparently, 5 million acres of State owned land is NOT enough.

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