Prop 1 (tax changes) wins easily 69-31.
1. Benishek wins 70-30. Alan Arcand needs to fire his pollster.
3. Amash wins 57-43. Probably not enough to scare away future primary challengers.
4. Moolenaar wins 52-36-11. Never underestimate the Midland establishment. I rated this a tossup when Mitchell led by 23.
6. Bussler gets 29% against Upton, confirming my suspicion that about 30% is the anti-Upton baseline in the GOP primary.
8. Bishop wins 60-40. No shock. Schertzing survives a scare 43-38 in the dem primary.
11. David Trott wins 66-34 after Bentivolio ran a terrible campaign. McKenzie barely wins dem primary 34-32. Safe R.
13. Conyers wins 75-25. Being on the ballot helps.
14. Brenda Lawrence wins 36-32-31 over Hobbs and Clarke.
Michigan State Senate:
2 (D) Johnson wins easily 63-22.
4 (D) Smith holds off Tlaib 52-41 after the race was initially miscalled.
5 (D) Knezek (white dem) leads Jackson (pro-life) 29-25.
11 (D) Gregory wins by 117 votes, 35-34-31.
13 (R) Knollenberg wins by 72 votes over Rocky and Moss 36-36-20. Good.
13 (D) Ryan Fishman raised 211K and lost 55-45 to Cyndi Peltonen, who raised 7K. Hahahaha! Move to Safe R.
15 (R) Mike Kowall holds off Matt Maddock by a relatively narrow 50-43.
20 (R) Margaret O’Brien wins 77-23.
28 (R) MacGregor beats Green 68-32.
31 (R) Mike Green beats Kevin Daley 49-46.
32 (D) Oakes beats Lewis 62-38.
34 (R) Hansen beats Sundquist 62-38.
37 (R) Schmidt beats MacMaster 55-45. Boo. MacMaster only won Cheboygan County.
Michigan State House:
1 (D) Felon Brian Banks wins 43-36.
19 (R) Laura Cox wins easily 73-27.
36 (R) Lucido beats Grot 51-49. UAW wins.
38 (R) Crawford beats Lauffer 59-41.
39 (R) Kesto holds off O’Hagan 55-39.
42 (R) Lana Theis beats Rich Perlberg 50-26. Good.
43 (R) Tedder beats Schroeder and Aliaga 31-29-22.
44 (R) Runestad wins 36-33. Good.
45 (R) Webber beats Avery 46-43.
46 (R) Jacobsen holds off Mark Reilly 56-44.
47 (R) Vaupel beats Day 42-37.
56 (R) Sheppard beats Kubiske 67-33. Good.
58 (R) Eric Leutheuser win with 34%.
59 (R) Aaron Miller wins with 38%. Complete shock. Miller is a 27-year-old teacher and distant friend of mine.
60 (D) Jon Hoadley beats David Buskirk 59-27. Gay beats union.
61 (R) Iden beats Stinchcomb 55-45.
62 (R) Bizon beats Kale 55-45. (D) Helmboldt wins with 39%.
63 (R) Maturen beats Potter 53-47.
65 (R) Roberts wins with 26%.
73 (R) Afendoulis wins with 36%.
76 (R) DeJonge beats Allard 44-37.
79 (R) Pscholka holds off Duran 66-34.
80 (R) Cindy Gamrat wins 42-29-25 with most in. Good.
82 (R) Todd Courser beats Jan Peabody 37-33.
84 (R) Canfield wins with 31%.
86 (R) Lyons holds off Rigas 71-29.
90 (R) Garcia beats Haveman 50-30.
95 (D) Guerra beats Braddock 58-42.
98 (R) Gary Glenn beats Karl Ieuter 51-49.
104 (R) Larry Inman wins with 21%.
105 (R) Triston Cole romps 63-29. Good.
107 (R) Lee Chatfield beats incumbent Frank Foster 54-46. Big win for conservatives.
Wayne County Executive:
Warren Evans wins with 46%. William Wild second with 24%. Incumbent Robert Ficano finished fifth with only 6%.

There is a lot to say about all that.. I have a lot of sign gathering to do this morning.. Then lets chat.
When I was listening to the returns driving back into Michigan this morning on 'JR, I caught an interesting theme starting when Paul W. Smith was interviewing Trott and continuing when Beckmann interviewed Bishop and Schostak (FYI, only Trott's interview is now available on podcast...go to 1:18)
When asked about what they will be focusing their campaign on leading up to the General , all three were regurgitating the same speaking points.
- Economy.
- Job Creation.
-Federal Government too large.
Another interesting blurb in the same interview (go to 2:00), Paul W said that Trott received kudos and an offer to "work together" from none other than Debbie Dingell earlier in his show.
Bishop and Schostak also reached out to the Tea Party and implied that they stand for the same things we do.
Look, I really don't know how they got forging sweetheart deals for his family's business and capitulating with democrats to hold a vote on an income tax hike resonates with the Tea Party here in Michigan, but I digress.
It's not even a full day after the election and they are already prostituting themselves.
I can't help but wonder that even with all of the gerrymandering, they have just a little bit of fear in the final outcome in November.
"Take a vacation, not a vote." See that? It works both ways.
Ruth Johnson is the only Republican vote I will cast this November.
Indeed, though I have a few more options than you do (but not many).
Ruth Johnson, Bill Huizenga, and Tonya Schuitmaker are the only three republicans currently on the general ticket for whom I require no further motivation to cast a vote in their favor 88 days hence.
Education boards and judicial seats, we'll see what comes out of the convention three Saturdays from now.
Bill Schuette, maybe, and that's as far as I go right now. Call me, Bill, and let's talk that over.
The only way that I'll even think of voting for the Nerd King is if the convention replaces the Nerd Prince with someone who isn't an automatic yes man.
I'm hearing plenty of people tell me that we must vote Terri Land into the U. S. Senate, because we have to flip control of that chamber. I get it, but given that everything that Ruth's done to clean up the election process in Michigan had to begin by cleaning up the mess that TLL left behind . . . nope, I need more than “flip this house” as a rationale.
Yonker? fuhgeddaboutit. And if I have to say more than that, then y'all haven't been paying attention.
Mast for County Commission? Uh, no, not really. Being unopposed for the republican nomination for District 12, there was no good reason for him to put his name on the ballot to run for Precinct Delegate (which is the only legitimate way that you can appear on the ballot twice in the same primary election). But he did so, at the personal request of Lt.Gov. Brian Calley. Thus, since he wanted to sideline me, I'll accept the result of the ballot box, and sit this one out. (Christie finished second in a two-seat contest, so she’ll be at convention, but other than that, she shares my position on this.) Given that this will be at least Round 3 of Mast vs. Hickey, it’ll be interesting to see whether the end result more resembles 2008 or 2010, given that the republican caucus chair has been sidelined from this contest.
I will no longer accept as logical that “we now must all work together for a republican victory in November,” when the party bosses (and their consulting class) routinely alienate their grassroots base during primary campaigns and convention campaigns, and openly reward those who use the party platform and/or the constitution as a doormat. I will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils, nor will I waste my vote on a third-party or independent option who’s done nothing to convince me of their value.
It is my vote; I, and I alone, determine its worth. I refuse to reward it to anyone who hasn’t earned it. Therefore, if I have no affirmative reason to vote in favor of a candidate at any particular contest on the general ballot, then I will purposely undervote that contest, even if it means leaving that stop blank. If enough of the republican grassroots share my view, then the party bosses are in for a rather rude surprise on the evening of November 4th, but they’ll never understand it.
Just to point out, according to the Rothenberg Political Report, the Michigan Gubernatorial is currently rated "Toss-up / Tilt Republican" (as of August 1st), the Michigan U. S. Senate Class 2 seat is currently rated "Lean Democrat" (as of August 7th), and MI-01, MI-07, MI-08, & MI-11 are currently rated as "not safe for the incumbent party" (as of July 18th).
So, yeah, maybe the party bosses (and their consulting class) are rapidly realizing that using the grassroots as a urinal during the primary was a bad idea. Then again . . .