Michigan governor refuses to see the error of his ways.
Republican Rick Snyder has been flat out wrong.
He was wrong when he signed Medicaid expansion into law, and he was still wrong more recently, by defending this costly and inefficient boondoggle. Sometimes it takes a great governor and statesman from another state to make the point:
“.. Second, Obamacare made millions of able-bodied Americans newly dependent on direct government assistance for their health care. Whether through a massive expansion of Medicaid beyond its original target populations of poor children, disabled and the elderly, or through exchange subsidies for the vast majority of participants, Obamacare masked the true cost of health care, rather than truly “bending the cost curve down.” Pretending that subsidized health care is affordable without considering the true cost to taxpayers is disingenuous at best. ..”
Thank you Mr Jindal.
Why does Michigan always get the [Baby Ruth in the pool] for our governors?

So, I take it we won't be seeing RM endorsing li'l cuck Brian Calley for governor?
Reminder: https://www.mackinac.org/18854
The names of those responsible.
House: http://www.michiganvotes.org/RollCall.aspx?ID=666980
Senate: http://www.michiganvotes.org/RollCall.aspx?ID=672004
Calley is a failure as a conservative. He was a failure as a Republican ready to squat all over our presidential candidate, until he realized the man was going to win.
He has the spine of a windsock.
True. Matter of fact, the entire Calley family is dysfunctional and, Brian's low T beta manlet act is not an act. More importantly, the MI-GOP apparatchik had best start figuring out who is going to be replacing snake Snyder real damn soon. Also, not liking the way Candice is in Hackel's corner with that damn sewer line. Gretchen filing to run? Big deal. The MDP pissed away their "glass ceiling" #WomanCard on epic disaster Granholm.
But, Mark Hackel... now there's a real challenge for the office of governor.
I reckon, only time will tell.
"More importantly, the MI-GOP apparatchik had best start figuring out who is going to be replacing snake Snyder real damn soon. "
Heh heh heh! That's a good one!
If Team "r" had actually learned any lessons from Trump's victory (which IMHO, they haven't and deserve to be wearing the dunce cap along with spending some quality time facing the corner of the room), it's that voters are sick and tired of brown-nosing hacks, whose only real accomplishment in life happens to be whom that can best schmooze and make nice with on the republican party totem pole.
That lesson will be driven home (again), after they loose that nice office in the Romney Building in '18.
Just watch!