Dovetailing on the good news from Trucker Randy yesterday, according to today’s Detroit News, Speaker Bolger has declared that BOTH HB-5959 (Rep. Foster) and HB-5804 (Rep. Singh) to be dead this year.
***Side note to Chad Livengood: Both bills were written to create a protected class in Michigan, NOT prohibit discrimination. I will be more than happy to cite numerous examples in Kentucky, New Mexico, Oregon ,Texas and New York (just for starters) to prove you otherwise. I shouldn’t have to remind you that you are a reporter, not an editorial page writer.***
{Still, I’ve got more after the fold}
The usual cast of characters are disappointed: Rep. Foster (good luck finding a job in the private sector next month), ACLU Exec. Dir. Kary Moss, Equality Michigan Exec Dir. Emily Dievendorf (she was the one with the hardware store attached to the side of her nose on last weeks OTR) and Rep. Singh.
Normally, I’d take everything above as good news.
It would be even better if Speaker Bolger just declared sine die in the Michigan House and let everyone go home just to drive that fact home.
It would take care of a multitude of problems this session including this one.
But personally, I don’t see that happening.
To put it simply, I don’t trust him.
I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if the LGBTIQ-crowd is ringing the phones off the hook in his office and doing their best today to personally pound the doors off of his office lobby him to reconsider his statement.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this were a ruse to disperse the standing room crowds that were reported in Lansing yesterday to speak out against these bills.
And I can think of at least 100,000 reasons to the, ahem, “Restore Michigan Fund” that just might get him to reconsider his assessment on the viability of these bills.
Prove me wrong, Rep. Bolger.
Declare sine die and demonstrate your sincerity.

So, there's that.
I don't know if I should be relieved or worry that I was right all along?
And, there's that.
And see above for my take on that....