Anyone Who Disagrees With These Folks Is A Hate Group.
Its tough to stand for decency, rule of law, the constitution, and traditional values any more.
Its bad enough that the SPLC has been presented as a legitimate decider of who is a hate group, and who is not. Its hard to argue with their designations when listing supremacy groups (Neo-Nazis and Islamist organizations), but when calling traditionalists hate based?
Political correctness, driven by an emotional need to have a certain group’s behavior unconditionally accepted, has placed those who desire a safe, moral and aesthetically appropriate social environment in a bad light. Media driven values degradation has produced a new class of minority, and if you disagree, or are a practicing Christian, you must be a hate filled bigot.
Traverse City Family members have stood out in the cold, put up with physical assaults by those who disagree with their message, and have yet to hurt, maim, or intimidate any single person because of color, creed, their behavioral orientation, or gender. This group provides literature to help folks escape the trap of homosexuality, and produces educational videos designed to encourage more wholesome choices.
Perhaps their website seems a little frantic, but it has some good information throughout for those seeking it. In any event, they are on the SPLC list alongside Nazis, Islamists, and Black separatists because they disagree with the homosexual lifestyle.
That ONE designation isn’t sufficient for a local homosexual behavior promoting group however. For TC Equality, ANYONE who has the potential to disagree with their membership is a hate group. Listing all conservative groups as on par with true racism is their form of silencing opposition. Essentially, everyone who is not a progressive liberal is deserving of such a title.
Perhaps because they feel the platform of LGBT acceptance is sufficient to carry their political ostracism sufficiently? Certainly, the tide seems to back them up, and conservative groups MUST become the outliers.
One must wonder if their tactics are not tried and trued, given the removal of Homosexuality from the DSM in 1974 under political pressure.:
” Of course, the APA put the best spin they could on these events. The fact is that they altered their taxonomy because of intense pressure from the gay community, but they claimed that the change was prompted by research findings.
So all the people who had this terrible “illness” were “cured” overnight – by a vote! ..”
The author then argues there is no such thing as a mental illness. (trite perhaps?)
The point however, is that acceptance of any behavior is of a social construct. The sudden acceptance of what was, and then suddenly NOT an illness is premised on opinion alone? And if not even a mental illness, it is one that has been traditionally repugnant and viewed as such. And if this ONE (previously designated) deviancy (or mental illness) is now accepted as a norm, what is to say other baser activities will not find their way into the mainstream under such political pressure?
Conservatives have become merely speed bumps for groups like the SPLC and the even more extreme (local) activists who use the word “equality” in their names, who simply HATE the roadblocks of decency.

So you say they peacefully educate? Quietly hand out brochures? Ask your members about the threats issued to minors and their families. Traverse City Family is just as guilty, there is public proof of these members of Traverse City Family threatening and bullying straight and gay people for disagreeing with believes. I will happily share these conversations if needed. One occasion resulting with a Traverse City Family threatening to shoot a minor.
First off, I am not a member. But all I have seen is the production of videos, a concern over the promotion of a self destructive lifestyle in our local school, and the guy carrying the sign in high traffic areas. Secondly, if there is "Public proof" of threats to shoot, why is it not news? The R-E is hardly anti-ghey; it seems there would be a whole series dedicated to it.
Don't know about public proof. But as a "reporter" or journalist, you have shown your colors and lack of any regard. Ghey? it's gay, as a professional you should use standard or proper grammar and English in your articles and discussions with others. I do know most universities and colleges teach communication to their students these days.
To me, hate brings more hate on each side here. The Constitution clearly states all men are to be created equal. There is no discrimination clause in it. The Christians want to prevent GLBT people to have equality and equal rights bestowed typically on straight couples and individuals. Just because their GOD says it is wrong. Let free will reign here and stop preaching the Bible, let the people choose what is right and wrong to them.
As for hate? Let's go back the the Crusade era, Christians have persecuted, killed and murdered in the name of their GOD for centuries.
And you want to label the GLBT as a hate group?
This is no different in the GLBT fighting for equality since the US Government clearly stated it is a right bestowed to ALL US Citizens, not just Christians and straight, white, black, Atheist, Satanist etc.
Until equality is given, preached, practiced and more importantly TOLERANCE and RESPECT on both sides, there is no BETTER side here. But I am leaning towards supporting those who have been discriminated, demonized, murdered and belittled and have every GOD given right that is to be granted to them by our founding fathers under the Constitution.
As for their literature? It is questionable and shows THEIR side of the story, not both. If education is the ultimate goal. Give a neutral stance on it, not just one side to the entire story.
Well, I just cannot let comments like this stand. "Jayne," yes, that is your correct spelling (why you deceive now is for you to answer, not me), you are an illiterate fool. It is now written as "Ghey" for a reason. Yes, you're welcome. And, don't even get me started on the pedophile *prophet* death-cult submissionists.
TTFN, "Jayne"
I have never claimed to be a reporter.
"Gay" means happy; "ghey" is a better representation as it is a deviancy from the 'norm.' And I should note that attacks on grammar are typically made when there is little else to say that has any meaning. In other words, a distraction designed to make you feel that you have superior platform. Weak.
"All men are created equal" as a self evident truth was in the Declaration of independence BTW; so facts be damned on your end anyhow right?
And to the argument you are TRYING to make, there is nothing that prevents 'gheys' from marrying under the current definition. Nothing. There is no implied or applied inequality in play. Its a made up complaint by those who wish to redefine what marriage is.
The crusades? Wiki could help you a little here:
Take it how you want it. If you 'hate' Christians, that is your cross to bear, not mine.
And when you say
What are you saying? That the US recognizes LGBT as an inherent property? That is has equal footing on par with racial discrimination?
If so, please demonstrate your case with some form of documentation.
When you say
I can sense you realize the hypocrisy you are demonstrating , yet cannot shut up.
Its OK, I can sense the blood pressure raising from here. Let it all out.
And as for their literature, they are a group of folks that have already determined the personal and social self destruction brought about by that type of lifestyle. Why would they present their argument in a neutral manner? Why on earth would anyone who believes in something that is supported by statistic and fact, be wishy washy about their beliefs?
They are trying to help gheys become normal again.
"Hate" sells, at least for those who manufacture it on labels to be attached to others,.