For folks coming over to post, comment or simply read.
Registration is currently open.
Commenting will NOT require registration, but posting will.
This site is hosted on a heavy backbone of a Lansing, MI based server farm, so if you can never reach us, its because YOUR power is out.
You Betcha!
(0)Nuh Uh.

Its live. Register and take for a test drive.
Registered. New Year. New beginnings are good. Up, up and away!
If people have issues connecting to the site, please do let us know.
Full Disclosure: I work at said bit-farm that this site is hosted at.
Ah, a fresh start to a wonderful new year.
The new digs look great!
Looks very good. welcome to wordpress 😉 About time ya'll switched. Thanks for linking to the blog too.
WordPress DOES offer a lot more options
There we go. I have an account too. 😀
Take it for a test drive and repost Michigan based stories and link back to your blog as well.
Nice work., new site is looking good!
Thanks Steve!