Conservative ideas to be argued in the primary.
One of the best parts of any election season is the opportunity for the candidates to argue that they are best equipped to represent a particular set of ideas and philosophy. When incumbency is used to mask what might be a crappy candidate, we all lose.
Yesterday, a challenger has filed to face the Red light camera king in the Northern Michigan district.
Republican activist Jim Gurr is not sitting this cycle out, and is not going to let the man who would have all property owned by government have a free shot. From his site:
Our current State Senator serves many masters, but unfortunately not the voters in the 37th State Senate District. This is unfortunate, and sadly typical of those who hold power of office to be more important than the needs of the people they serve.
And lists a number of grievances.
As always, these challenges can be enlightening and expose those who pretend support of certain philosophical tenets. The best time to make the arguments for smaller government and maximum liberty is done in the primary.
Indeed, the road is uphill, and Wayne is a qualified deflector of intent and his responsibility to constituents. I have personally challenged him in the past, and found satisfaction in the ability to expose important issues to the public, even while facing the difficult odds of defeating incumbency; one that uses the full taxpayer paid propaganda office to his benefit.
We wish the best of luck to Jim, and those who will undoubtedly work hard to give Michigan’s 37th Senate District an honest choice.

Can you explain why our request to fight for lower cost in Auto Ins was not passed. Redundant add on's in ins. is maddening. We pay for ourselves, we pay for those we may injure, then we pay for those without insurance as well. And, they can have it all forever if the law firms are quick and moving!
I believe in Insurance, but this went down from our own Republican Elected Officials right?
OOOOOOOh "The Honorable Jim Gurr" is a title he's already earned in my book--let's make it official. You Go boy!!!!!
Donations can now be made to: Committee to elect Jim Gurr PO Box 127, Alden MI 49612...
and thank you for your support!!!