Some say he was, and some say he was not.
In any event, here is a message from Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel and Co-Chair Bob Paduchik on celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
“Today, we honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who helped forge the path toward equality for all,” said RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel. “Led by the principles of peace and nonviolence, he inspired generations with his enduring vision of realizing the American Dream. As we pay tribute to Dr. King today, we must continue to work towards making his dream a reality.”
“Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” said Co-Chair Bob Paduchick. “We commemorate a man who saw the need for change and an opportunity to lead by example. Through nonviolent activism Martin Luther King, Jr. altered the course of American history. May we remember and cherish the things he held dear and treat one another with dignity and respect, today and every day.”

A more accurate question is whether or not MLK was a Conservative, rather than a Republican.
My experience has taught me that party labels don't mean anything if you will not abide by the philosophy that usually accompanies it.
A perfect example is the actions of'Lil Guv and his recent epiphany.
Another good example happened when I took the Family to the Henry Ford recently. I nearly caused a small riot in the "Liberty and Justice for all" exhibit after I was asked why there was two of everything at the Civil Rights displays. When I explained that it was the direct result of Jim Crow laws passed by democrats after the Civil War, I got an awful lot of angry stares from other visitors (who also promptly began looking things up on their cell phones and tablets after they thought that they had walked out of my sight).
Actions speak louder than words.
This was the commentary I was looking for. Especially love the fact checking reference of the indoctrinated around you. Precious.