Tag Archive for Tea Party

Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out Carl

Senator Carl Levin's involvement In IRS Targeting Was Inappropriate And Repugnant

sencarllevin-jokerIts one thing for a US Representative, or US Senator to intervene on behalf of a constituent when government is running amuck, but its quite yet another when a powerful elected member uses the ‘running amuck’ government to stifle free speech.

Michigan Senator Carl Levin took it upon himself to challenge eligibility for non profit status of certain groups.  He SPECIFICALLY targeted 4 groups; each of which lean conservative and exercise their first amendment rights as protected by our constitution.  A Letter to the IRS by Mr Levin names the following groups response to a certain question to be reexamined:

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This Is How They Are Born

Frank Foster Explains How Concern Over Common Core Is Just Silly.

Tea folk in the 107th district should know that Frank Foster no longer needs you.

He pretty much has said as much.  To him, you are searching for something that will make you “relevant.” (his words) That is your goal now since the ACA is the ‘law of the land’ and all.  And since you have lost THAT battle, common core is the way you want to flex your political muscle.

Oh, and he expects to be speaker of the house next legislative session.

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Tea Party Pow Wow

gadsden-flagRegister for the upcoming Michigan Tea Party Pow Wow. Register by Clicking the picture!

Friday, March 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM – Saturday, March 22, 2014 at 5:00 PM (EDT) Mt Pleasant, MI at the Soaring Eagle Resort.

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Straw Poll Eye Opener

Its already assumed by many within the Michigan Republican party that Governor Rick Snyder will essentially cruise to a win over a scandal ridden Schauer campaign.

wes-nakagiriWe have had a different take on it; essentially arguing ANYONE could beat Schauer, so why not have a robust primary on the GOP side?  Alas, as there are few who wish to spend money fighting both the candidate, AND risk being on the outs in the GOP in the future, we are relegated to the squishy liberal incumbent.

Someone HAS taken a cue from the weakness of the establishment in the supporting organization however.  When challenger Todd Courser came within a couple dozen votes to oust sitting MiGOP chair Bobby Schostak in a prior convention, it sent a message that a shakeup is in the works.  By the time the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference had happened, no challenger had yet appeared to depose Snyder, but a contender willing to stand before Republican Delegates in 2014 and challenge Sitting Lt Governor Brian Calley had made it clear he was in it to the end.

Wes Nakagiri announced his candidacy, and the Snyder Calley folks took him seriously.

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Mike Lee Response To SOTU

Last night the Prevaricator did what the Prevaricator does; he lied through his teeth, pretended that his policies are effective, and then complained about how much of a failure government has been, as not doing enough.

It was an exercise in pandering to all groups and deflecting any responsibility for being the lousiest of leaders.

The GOP response was predictable and boring, but provided no inspiration and left  those of us right of center with a sadness and nostalgia for Reagan’s bold colors.  Not surprisingly, the alphabet networks, and even Fox left out the only response worth listening to.

Sen Mike Lee  – R has been a solid conservative who like most of us here, rejecting Corporate cronyism, and supports a return to the constitution. His efforts reject the ongoing destruction of our culture and country by the Prevaricator in chief, and his party; the Democrats.  He stands apart from those within his own party who appear to be cowering in the corner, afraid to speak out against the lawbreaking by this administration.

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