Tag Archive for Rick Snyder

How to Screw Taxpayers by Ron Weiser

Mr. Gantert, at MCC exposes more Detroit Institute of Arts deceit and treachery.

Michigan_Gang_Of_PolypsSoon after voters approved a three-county $230 million millage for the Detroit Institute of Arts, its top two officers received increases of $58,415 and $98,564 in compensation.

Graham Beal, director of the DIA, saw his total compensation increase from $455,453 in 2012 to $513,868 in 2013, a 12.8 percent increase. In two years, Beal’s total compensation has increased 20 percent from $426,699 in 2011 to the $513,868.


Like I wrote before, Because Graham Beal Wouldn’t Take a Cut In Pay. Bigger picture involving our corrupt Governerd and state legislature?

“I believe there is a possibility (albeit a small one) that there could be some state funding made available towards part of the DIA solution,” Weiser told Buckfire in an e-mail Oct. 17 after speaking with Muchmore. He added that he had been helping DIA leadership find sources of money “for a long-term payment plan” since 2007.

Weiser, who is running for a seat on the University of Michigan Board of Regents [snip]


So, “Ronald Weiser, retired ambassador to Slovakia” somehow becomes oblivious to all the corruption because he serves on the DIA Board of Directors? Bullshit!

Exit question: feeling stupid yet, Mr. Anderson?

You Betcha! (32)Nuh Uh.(1)

The Joys of Obama’s Moochercare

We’re tied for 15th lowest uninsured rate in the country.

The state should experience a further decline in the uninsured because 386,000 adults signed up for Michigan’s version of the expansion of the federal Medicaid health care plan for low-income residents, a Michigan League Public Policy official said Tuesday.

SudsBamaGov. Rick Snyder helped [Modus OpeRandy] push Medicaid expansion through the Legislature last year and it took effect April 1.

That’s because the Nerd CPA knows he’ll be long gone when the .FEDGOV monies dry up.

Take a vacation, not a vote – except for Ruth Johnson.

Screw the rest of ’em.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(4)

The Other Shady Bunch

What perfect timing to have us some Wayne County Jail indictments.

Jail contractor Walbridge Aldinger was selected over objections from contractors who complained the process favored the company. Its CEO, John Rakolta, served on a board of a nonprofit led by Mullin that was paying her a $75,000 bonus atop her $200,000 salary from the county.

Nah… nothing to see here, here, here, or here.

Move along rank-and-file Romney/Rakolta cult Party sheeple.


You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Prediction: Results for November 4, 2014

You all will see the state GOP apparatchik do a big push for *Bluer* candidates.

Peters “has proven to be an independent voice for Michigan who puts good public policy ahead of partisan gain,” Milliken said in a statement.


Just watch what happens when their self-absorbed “deer in the headlights” fails. My only hope is the other statewide losers on the ballot don’t take down Ruth Johnson, with their marooned pragmatism.

*Oh OK, the real link, here.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(3)

Uh-oh… Nolan has the Fantods

Gilligan's IslandFinley’s brand of centrist Hopium is wearing off as it appears that pragmatism now sucks.

Snyder’s response is a somnambulist commercial in which he comes across as dull as a valiumed-up dental patient with a message eerily reminiscent of Granholm’s infamous “in five years, you’ll be blown away” pledge.

Michigan hardly ever unseats an incumbent governor, particularly when the economy is on the upswing. If there were a 2010-style Republican wave cresting, Snyder would be up 10 points in this race.


Except now Snyder has his apolitical record of screwing over everyone to accomplish his amoral big government agenda, which ain’t a helluva lot different from the DNC/MDP apparatchik.

Tough lessons for those who followed a corporate snake who built the bulk of his personal wealth by means of taxpayer subsidy at the MEDC, however, if one plays in the middle of the road, sooner or later they’re gonna get crushed. Nobody likes those that pretend they’re everything while standing for nothing.

I’m staying my course with a vote for Ruth Johnson. To hell with the rest of ’em.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

Peyronie’s Baird sat on a wall

Peyronie’s Baird had a great fall


Since Baird’s tax issue came to light, he has worked to clear up residency issues. He still claims a tax exemption on his home in suburban Chicago, where he spends his weekends with wife and family, Snyder’s office has said.

Baird’s Illinois driver’s license expired Aug. 24, according to the Illinois Secretary of State’s office, but he continues to drive a Mercedes SUV with Illinois plates.

As of Monday, Baird remained on the voter rolls in Illinois, said Courtney Greve, spokeswoman for the Cook County Clerk’s Office.

Records show Baird last voted by mail in the November 2012 elections, Greve said.

Snyder, who is in a tough re-election battle against Democrat Mark Schauer, has expressed support for Baird and acknowledged he “made a couple of errors.”

All the Nerdking’s horses and all the Nerdking’s men

Couldn’t put Peyronie’s Baird together again.

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(3)

Thursday Around Michigan

Plenty to talk about before the weekend.

logo-sphereThere is a lot of chatter still going on regarding the convention results, campaign polling, and Frank Foster peddling destructive behavior as a ‘civil right’ throughout the house to those who will cosponsor it.

Before our convention in Grand Traverse County, some of us were advised to video tape the proceedings to prevent shenanigans.  Fortunately, we nipped the chair election in the bud, and any screw ups were honest and dealt with properly. (I have never seen a convention go perfectly as planned.)  Ottawa County apparently had some issues.

West Michigan Politics – Ottawa County GOP Chaos: Meekhof + Huizenga Involved? What You Need To Know & The Follow up

And while we all are arguing among ourselves, the heir to the heavily taxpayer subsidized fortune is ‘crankin.’

Channel 7 (WXYZ) – Ronald Illitch Arrested, snorts equivalent to Detroit property tax revenues.

Folks have until Oct 30 to file as a write in for the Nov 4 election. Is Greg MacMaster going to play spoiler or could he pull it off? (above my pay grade)

Antrim County Republicans – MacMaster Considering Write-in Campaign for 37th State Senate – Gongwer News Service

Peters is being accused of hypocrisy for paying women less and being a part of the group that has jammed the Lilly Ledbetter nonsense down our throats. Forget about all that (seriously Terri, fergetaboudit) and concentrate on the workable populist nonsense.  Like the “right To Have Drinking Water!”

Washington Free Beacon – Peters Profits from Detroit Water

Rick Snyder .. well hell I am not even sure how to present this one.  Yeah, we get it, reach out to everyone (except the base)!  Good luck with that.

Allen B West – Jimmy Carter to Keynote Detroit Muslim Convention (with Rick and friends)


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