Tag Archive for Rick Snyder

Ya, it is a Big Swamp


As Synder states on record about another one of his transparency indiscretions, “My cousin is involved in an office equipment business that has been doing business with the State for well over a decade, and the contract, the correct contract was done under the prior governor. So there was nothing involved in that”.

Not even a smidgen, Slick Rick? And who served out his Chair of the MEDC under the prior governors? Slick Rick. Who was it that selected the current Chair of the MEDC from the Progressive Utopia of Ann Arborstan? Jennifer MoleRattler …and Slick Rick.

The take away? Always follow the money, and keep a watchful eye on the man from Chicago behind the curtain now rolled into the Lansing fold, protected by Executive office privilege, and with a taxpayer funded $40,000/year raise.

In one of the July e-mails to Baird, George Snyder also thanked Baird for helping his accountant’s daughter get a job with the Michigan Department of Human Services.

Another take away? Being a Constitutional Conservative has absolutely nothing in common with the make up of either Party.

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Deep Pockets – Short Arms

As expected

Detroit’s planned 3.3-mile $137 million Woodward Avenue streetcar project faces a $12 million funding shortfall, and Michigan members of Congress warn the project could be in jeopardy unless the Transportation Department gives it more money.

A two-page letter to Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx obtained by The Detroit News on Tuesday warns that the project urgently needs additional grant money to proceed. But even without federal funds, officials of the so-called M-1 project says it would survive — but concede it might have to be scaled back.

Whoa! Has anyone looked at the top two names listed on the M-1 Rail Board of Directors? Click here. So, you mean to tell me that Roger Penske, or Dan Gilbert, both billionaires, can’t reach into their front pocket and pull out $6M each? YGBFKM. Better yet, if one looks a little further down the Board of Director names listed one will see Ilitch Holdings. How about giving a little back to the rest of us in the state, Mike and Marian? There you go. Penske, Gilbert, and Ilitch, can all pony up $3M each to cover the “shortfall”.

Funny how yet another .gov subsidized P3 project always has these budget “shortfalls,” isn’t it?

The May 1 letter, which has not previously been made public, discloses that Detroit applied for a supplemental $12.2 million grant from the Transportation Department’s TIGER grant program. The project received $25 million in federal funds from the program in January 2013.

“Without the requested $12.2 million TIGER grant, this important project will be delayed indefinitely, and we fear the resulting costs could make the project unaffordable,” said the letter signed by Sens. Carl Levin of Detroit, Debbie Stabenow of Lansing and Reps. Sander Levin of Royal Oak, John Dingell of Dearborn, John Conyers of Detroit and Gary Peters of Bloomfield Township. The lawmakers, all Democrats, urged Foxx to “award a TIGER grant to close the funding gap.”

Ah, all Democrats Socialists. I guess that is where the Ilitch’s paid their “fair share” already.

Subsidies in perpetuity! Get ready to keep paying up, Nerd voting suckers.

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Taxed Too Much Follow Up

That big ol tax increase a hard sell in Lansing all of a sudden

Report from Joan Fabiano

Despite the best efforts, arm twisting, promises and amendment upon amendment) of Gov. Snyder, Senate majority leader Randy Richardville (term limited) and Speaker of the House Jase Bolger (term limited) to put lipstick on a pig the legislature could not  muster the votes Thursday for a big tax increase. The Senate has adjourned until July 16 returns August 13, but doesn’t resume the regular schedule until September 9.

In fact it was high drama under the Dome as Snyder, Richardville and Snyder huddled trying to find a way to “get er done” including keeping the Senators in session long into the night on Tuesday to wear them down however, time after time the big tax increase was rejected.

READ THE REST at Grassroots in Michigan

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If it isn’t a Cousin With Furniture Contracts, Then it’s…

Other no-bid contracts on wasteful spending eliminated from Wisconsin government.

“I guess if I were running a multimillion-dollar company, which you are called MDOT, and I only got one bid, boy, would I be nervous as to what I had missed, and I guess I would step back and look at the entire process and start all over again,” said Sen. Bruce Caswell, R-Hillsdale.


Ironic is who is now the fly in Snyder’s Big “transparent” Government ointment. Yet, MDOT and the Republican brain-trust say they need more money for fixing roads? Gee, one wonders why

click to enbiggen

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Minimum Wage Insanity Passes GOP ‘Firewall’

Sausage Grinding In All Its Glory. Minimum Wage Today, Higher Gas Taxes Tomorrow.

snyderIn a move reportedly designed to head off a ballot initiative, a higher minimum wage was passed and signed by Governor Rick Snyder.

Snyder yesterday signed ‘bipartisan’ legislation raising Michigan’s minimum wage by September to $8.15, and to $9.25 an hour by 2018, a move he said “will help hard-working residents without hindering the state’s improving economy.” SB 934 is now Public Act 138 of 2014.

Oh, and by the way; It should be noted that a majority of the House Republicans voted NO on this. (albeit a small one)

We support those voting no, including one of our Northern Michigan legislators who gets it.  Greg MacMaster (R-105) says

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