Donald Trump has passed through the gauntlet and is the Republican nominee
Its been a personal quest to stay out of the presidential contest debate to whatever extent possible.
Now the nominee is clear. Though not surprising today, it was not the person most folks would have predicted in July of 2015. In fact it was likely that even Donald Trump thought he could roll for a while, be outrageous, and then get back to business as usual.
The more he stretched credibility however, the more he appealed to those looking for the ‘not normal’ in politics. Many, whom we might describe as angry and disaffected with politics-as-usual, found his antics refreshing and (in some strange way) appealing. They see in him a willingness to confound convention and ‘normalcy’ in the body politic; “normalcy,” being a condition which has proven inadequate for our nation, and has created a slow road to some bizarre and unrecognizable dystopian squalor.
At the same time, those who created this environment through passive aggressive politics and (even worse) outright compromise of principle, have been freaking out. The #NeverTrump brigade was born and now faces a conundrum with an impending Hillary presidency. ‘Moderates’ who give in to the liberal agenda frequently, screamed “He’s not a conservative!”
As-if conservatism was ever really important to them.