Tag Archive for Payola

Billionaire Desperately Seeking Hillary

Hospital concern prepares itself for Dept of Justice assault.


Wikileaks is incredible.

Its hard to look away as the latest and greatest insights into the mind of political players are exposed to the public eye.  Much of what we KNEW was going on, has been validated, and every day something new has opened our eyes as well.

John Podesta, if one takes the time to read his one line responses can easily be imagined as the cool character who knows everyone, can say volumes with a word, and has kept the Obama/Hillary train on the track as a masterful puppeteer.

The puzzle that is being put together before our eyes and only days away from the most important election of our lifetime is spattered with purposeful deception, organized chaos, and a drive to keep certain players in power.  Of course, money as the milk of politics is always subject matter, and the Hillary For America campaign will leave no stone unturned in order to fill the bucket.

john-mallikA great example of how Team Hillary works the money angle.

“After our meet and as per Vardhan’s advise, I went and met the Indian Billinaire Dr. Prem Reddy.Dr. Prem Reddy is a founder, Chairman and CEO of a privately held 44 hospital chain called Prime Healthcare.He would be interested in contributing large some of money (Over a million).We would like to discuss with you about the modalities.”

“Over a million.”

Let that sink in.  Over a million to a campaign for a candidate on the losing side of Citizens United.  Messaging not allowed, but direct assistance welcomed.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Same As It Ever Was

Why would we expect anything else from the party of Clinton?

Flint Water ImageDemocrats have been screaming about Republican leadership’s failure on the Flint water issue.

While we have no overreaching love for the governerd, who brought us expansion of Obamacare, lost our insurer of last resort, broke the law for his ‘roads’ funding boondoggle, and still hands out money like its not his own, it was not Rick Snyder who put lead in the pipes of Flint.  He took credit for the failure of his bureaucracy to properly assess a fast developing public health issue, but he surely did not cause the problem.

Was it the bureaucracy itself?  Yes.  Decades of poor decision making by those who have by hook or crook made their life’s work to be the decimation of ‘Buick City.’  Poor planning and perhaps a little power mongering graft?  From Reuters:

“Henderson’s lawsuit alleged that Mayor Karen Weaver ordered her assistant and a volunteer to redirect donors from a local fund set up to help families affected by the water crisis to her political action committee instead.

The lawsuit charged that the city employee was “specifically directed” to instruct people “step-by-step” to donate to the mayor’s “Karenabout Flint” fund through its website, rather than the Charity Safe Water/Safe Homes fund through the city’s website.

Sure thing.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Payola Or Pretense?

Is The Traverse City School District Ignoring A Gift, Or Is That 'Gift' Completely Valueless?

What does the largest government body North of Clare do when it sees a case of vendor provided payoff to an employee?

It blesses the transaction.  <– yes, that is the punchline

As yet another example of misplaced priorities, and a misunderstanding of the roles they play, the Traverse City Area public School board trustees have approved a ‘settlement’ which involves a payment from the soon-to-retire superintendent Stephen Cousins, and a gift from one of the school’s vendors to make up the difference between the $25,000 owed to the school district by the superintendent and his $14,800 cash reimbursement component.

First a recap of the facts as we know them.

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