I’m getting involved in politics again because that’s where the work has to begin.says @JebBush
— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) February 4, 2015

I’m getting involved in politics again because that’s where the work has to begin.says @JebBush
— Kathy Gray (@michpoligal) February 4, 2015
This is why I appreciate money, and those who appreciate using it wisely as much as I do.
The ballot proposal would increase Michigan’s 6 percent sales tax [16.7%] to 7 percent as part of a complex plan to raise [registration fees 30% and double taxes on gas and diesel]
$1.2[$1.9] billion more annually for roads [and $410 million going to the IRS]. But the plan, hatched by Snyder and lawmakers last month, also earmarks $300 million for schools, $260 million for tax credits for the working poor [illegal aliens with up to four wives] and $95 million for municipal revenue sharing.Mitchell said it’s the “grab bag” spending on items unrelated to road repairs that Snyder and Republican legislative leaders tacked on to get Democratic votes that motivates him to spend some of his own money trying to defeat the initiative.
“In order to repair our roads, we have to pay a $700 million toll to special interests — and that just astonishes me,” Mitchell said in an exclusive interview with The Detroit News. “I think it speaks for politics as usual. Special-interest lobbyists held our roads hostage and they got a $700 million toll.”
Sorry, but, it’s unfortunate that Mr. Livengood still sees it necessary to disinform his readers, hence, the inclusion as was pointed out here on RightMi.com
OABTW, has anyone heard U.S. Rep. Moolenaar, opine on the Republican governor’s CPA shell game? No? Go figure.
Um, your endorsement, ma’am… well, I just threw-up a little in my mouth here.
Rep. @JohnMoolenaar addresses the #4thDistrictRoundUp on why he supports @RRMGOP for @MIGOP Chair #Ronna4Chair pic.twitter.com/1X0uqRe18c
— Brian Koss (@KossCountry) January 10, 2015
Do they make their decisions based on sound conservative thought, or do they make their decisions based on short-term political pressures and opportunism?
As I see the score to, Mrs. Kirk’s question… sound Conservatism: 0 – Expediency: 1, and Opportunism: 1 because .. reasons.
NOTE: One half of the 2012 ticket, which neither carried their *home state*, has had an epiphany.