Tag Archive for Michigan

Hogwash: An American Pig Tale Theater Showing Oct 6


The Michigan DNR ruled certain pigs feral and dangerous.

A Free family event in Beaverton MI!

The following popped into my in-box this morning:

“Remember our friends Mark and Jill Baker, Baker’s Green Acres, “feral” pigs, “floppy ears – erect ears”, “curly tails – straight tails”, $700,000 fine!  2 1/2 years of game playing, threats, interruption of a farm’s commerce, hearing cancellations, Dirty “Harry”, my goodness we could fill the page . .  .

Well, the story is out, it’s good and YOU need to see it.  Grab your family, your friends and join us for a viewing.

When:  7:00 p.m., Oct. 6, 2014 (doors open at 6:30)

Where:  Beaverton Gem Theater, 120 Ross St., Beaverton MI  48612

Following the movie, Mark will be available for a “question and answer” segment.  Is there anything about the story that you’ve always wondered but haven’t had the opportunity to ask? Monday, the 6th, will be your opportunity. 

There is no cost for admission.  A free will donation will be collected following the movie and “q & a”.  There will be concessions available.  Please no outside food or drink.”

There will likely be take-home copies available as well.

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Yer ‘Back Door’ Is Open

Michigan's Speaker attempts to hang on to his working capital by working around the fringe.

james-bolger-322370dbb048d092Presumably making it acceptable for Jase Bolger to accept the $100,000.00 from Pro-Homosexual millionaires, he offers butter for the burn.

Pretending that he opposes the changes in the Elliot Larsen Civil Rights Act proposed by Dems, he offers a fig leaf. From M-Live:

“Bolger is exploring the possibility of pairing an Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act amendment with a Michigan version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which aims to limit laws that would substantially burden a person’s free exercise of religion.

“I believe our society’s got to get this right, and we’ve got to get this right more than we’ve got to get it now,” Bolger, R-Marshall, told MLive. “That right, for me, is one that respects and protects individual freedom and religious liberty. It’s just so much easier to say than to do.”

Right. Individual freedom.

Though there has never been a case that any of us can recall where a person was told; “No you cannot go schtoop your friend because you are the same gender,”  its critical that we protect that freedom.  Even though most of us are perfectly willing close our eyes, and let the deviancy play itself out with the shortened life spans, and emotional destruction that envelops such behavior.

If a ‘Religious exemption’ is all it takes, then everyone who has conscience could claim it as a reason if sued by a queer who are butt-hurt over losing the apartment, job, service, smile, etc., that they want.  Right?  Certainly that clears things up to take the pressure off.

Until we realize they still have a platform from which to launch a lawsuit.  Bolger is playing the same dangerous game that the Vichy GOP has been playing for years, resulting in a corrupted party, with heavy internal fighting.

Dumb move.


You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

This Guy Has Apparently Seen Michigan Politics

There is a reason current tracking has Snyder and 'shady' Schauer in a statistical dead heat.

GOP-SplitRick Manning of Net Right Daily echoes current political CW accurately.

We have seen the efforts of the current GOP powers more strongly attacking the conservative base than attacking progressive ideology in Michigan.  It also seems to be a nationwide condition.  Writing in today’s lead NRD article touching primarily on Immigration, Manning points out that Republicans have remained the party most likely to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  He writes:

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…by the company they keep.

Chairman B.S. and the rest of Team-“r” might want to pull back on the mutual admiration society they kludged together and reach for a bottle of Maalox®.

Things aren’t shaping up too well in the fantasy world they created for voters this November.

On second thought, skip the Maalox® and go straight to the Prilosec OTC ®.

So what happened now?

{Continued below the fold}

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Balls and Boobs – The Michigan Race for the US Senate

Gary Peters' War on a Woman

Gary Peters is a meanie.  I mean if he were a Republican running against a Democrat woman he’d be called a Bigot.  He’d be called a misogynist, a bastard, a limp-wristed woman-beater.  Gary Peters would be called shiftless, a career politician, a Wall Street predator, a piece of worthless cow shit.  But, since Gary Peters is a Democrat, I am the only one who would call him such things.  M-Live, The Free Press, Tim Skubick and the whores in the Liberal media call Terri Land all these things.  She hates women, she’s rich, she’s bought and paid for by outside interests, she loves rich people, etc etc.

Ball-less Wonder

Peters Has no Masculine Side

I do see Terri Land as attacking a woman in this race because Gary Peters has no testicles.  The sagging chin and the shifty eyes pay tribute to the baby-killing Marxist that he is.  All Marxists like Peters have no will, no strength, no integrity, no balls.  Terri Land on the other hand, has large balls.  She’s picking on a girl here.  No, that’s insulting to women…Peters is a gelding.  His handler, Barack Obama, has his balls in a lockbox, to borrow a term.  Peters is all Cap and Trade and DREAM Act and Obamacare and other Marxist pogroms.  Whatever independence Peters had died long ago in NY on Wall Street.  He’s used to being told what to do and he fills the role beautifully.  I guess if you want a kowtowing, brainless, worthless marionette in the US Senate who will lie down with his ass in the air for Obama, you’ve got it in Peters.

Peters is a devout Communist.  His stance on how much he loves baby-killing is right in line with the Democrat platform.  He never met a violent illegal immigrant that he didn’t want to steal money from taxpayers for.  He’s all in for keeping blacks as servants to the state.  He loves tyranny, dysfunction, destruction, cowardice, greed, apathy, ignorance and slavery.  He’s a great Democrat.  He worked hand in hand to increase CAFE standards with the biggest job killer in US history, John Dingell.  Jennifer Granholm, his other mentor, is second, but Dingell worked for 50 years to kill nearly 750,000 UAW jobs.  You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but Peters can blow a Marxist with the best of them – even female Marxists like Granholm.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(7)

Monday Around The State

Start the week off RIGHT.

logo-sphereContagious Transformation – On second thought, I’m thinking that isn’t quite right…

Dave Lambert – Troy To Take Transit Station Title I’ve been following this. Perhaps we take a look at how it all developed soon.

Doug Sedenquist – Agema Rescinds Weiser Endorsement.  Tis the season.

Grassroots in Michigan – Latest ‘Wes Press’ This is an interesting floor battle shaping up.  In the end is it REALLY about Calley, or is it about Snyder and more progressivism? Wes Nakagiri talks about the role of Delegates.

Keith Almli – My rebuttal to Paul Neumier slamming tea party/Ron Paul supporters

Capitol Confidential – Union Dues Skim stopped at US Supreme Court. We still argue there are folks that should be behind bars for this.

Do you have some blogs that are missed?  Drop a comment!

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Weiser vs. Devos Staffer Smackdown!

Weiser appears ready to distance himself from Devos funded 'Great Lakes Education Project' and the radical activities of its MAIN MAN.

Or not.

We can be fair here.  I have never had a problem with those from all side airing out their concerns (until it becomes redundant and unnecessary torture) on these pages.  In an attempt to set the record straight before next weekend’s main event, Ron Weiser addresses the specific rumors/charges/accusations made against him in an email blast that we reprint in whole below the fold.

In the mean time, lets allow the spirit of his writing put the pressure on those in the MiGOP apparatus who are insane enough to disagree with the esteemed Mr Weiser on some very KEY points.  Weiser is clear enough in his letter, so that we know that:

  • Homosexual marriage is a bad idea Mmk?  Ron is quite obviously PRO Traditional marriage, and he is standing up and saying so.  If you are PRO Homo (GHEY ‘marriage’) You are a BAD Republican.  Obviously.
  • Common Core is also BAD Mmk?  Ron expressly disagrees with his wife, and is willing to endure interesting dinner conversations to stand on his principles.  That crazy common core is wrecking our education system and he’ll quarter NONE of it at U of M, and states he would actively oppose it.
  • GLEP and its Devos funded operator Greg McNeilly supports both of these, and Ron says will no longer be supporting GLEP financially, and has not since 2008.  BRAVO! Greg McNeilley, who supports (and participated in) both Ghey ‘Marriage’ and Common Core,  promotes the top two items through GLEP and his own personal PUBLIC displays, and THAT is enough for Ron Weiser who opposes GLEP and the Devos hired pop-gun McNeilley and his mechanization within the Republican party.  Weiser and McNeilly, and perhaps McNeilly’s paycheck, DeVos by extension, must surely be natural enemies.

We are with you Mr Weiser.  You gotta be careful who you hang with.

However, in the future, please feel free to be more direct and name names a little faster Ron.  You know who they are, but we had to put the connected dots out there for you.  No need to be coy, Mr Regent-to-be.

The letter as promised, in its entirety for full context below.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(2)

Convention Tips

Going to the county convention? Be prepared and have fun while you are at it!

A few thoughts on the county conventions being held across the state today.

  • First and foremost make sure you have a good parliamentarian.  This will ensure that rules (AND STATE LAW) is followed.
  • Be assertive, but polite. Don’t be angry and confrontational.  Remember, the real fight for your local party may be in November.  If you are inclined at making a difference within the party, you will want to build trust and appear reasonable to others who you want to influence at that time.
  • Be prepared to make your motions, and be prepared for motions that might be made.
  • Take video if possible.
  • Help friends and neighbor delegates understand the process BEFORE attending if you can.  In fact, talking about it will help you advocate properly in a pinch.

GOP-buttonsKNOW THE RULES  – Here are some interesting documents (Michigan statute in fact) that might help you out when the excrement hits the turbine.

  1. mcl-168-624d
  2. mcl-168-609
  3. mcl-168-612
  4. mcl-168-622
  5. mcl-168-624
  6. mcl-168-624a
  7. mcl-168-599

I’ll let you folks figure it all out.  It takes about 20 minutes to find the important parts.

If you want to get a handle, on how the county chair is going to run the convention, check this out.  They have received training and should adhere to the rules set forth by the party and state law.


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