INBOX: Michigan House has cancelled Thursday's session. Reps following senators out of town for nearly 3-week recess.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 10, 2015
Tar, feathers, rail, politicians… some assembly required.

INBOX: Michigan House has cancelled Thursday's session. Reps following senators out of town for nearly 3-week recess.
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 10, 2015
Tar, feathers, rail, politicians… some assembly required.
Sorry, we’ve got our perpetually bowing to Obama, nasally Progressive quisling, and his obedient toad, so, forget about that, Boobus Michiganderus.
Yessirree, we’re about to get the *best* energy policy that money can buy in Lansing, and get it good and hard.
H/t Sundance
#Detroit Public Schools to pay $350,000 to teen suing Charles Pugh in sexual harassment case via @detroitnews
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) November 4, 2015
Yet, another way to reach into resident’s pockets without a shred of accountability.
Pettalia (R): ‘We have a monumental opportunity to finally put in place a funding source to fix Michigan roads’ #MILEG
— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) November 4, 2015
Yessirree, that is, as chair, one helluva record you got going, Pete.
AG @SchuetteOnDuty has #Michigan join a 23-state lawsuit to overturn @EPA’s power plant rule via @nannburke
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) October 24, 2015
Um, not so fast says Sterling Heights, and we don’t want your 97% moonslimes, Slick Rick.
♫♫ It’s the current year! It’s the current year!….♫♫
Well, this is rather embarrassing for the RNC/GOPe, that is, if they had any shame.
"@Politics_Reddit: That feminist who called out Trump last night? She's a Jeb intern." Jeb always gets caught, sad!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 13, 2015
Yep, that’s what Bill endorses but, like all other Cuckservatives, ‘ol Hinky Bill is just doing what those who hold the strings tell them to do.
H/t Sundance
H/t Sundance
Seriously, where did you Party lemmings find this buffoon?
Bottom line, y’alls Party sucks.