I’m starting to develop a real disdain for this smarmy, slimy, term limited p****.
With @CindyGamrat sitting 10 feet away, @Rep_Cotter says he rejected her request to apologize to @MIHouseGOP caucus. pic.twitter.com/5yP1qT8EgO
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) August 18, 2015
You Betcha!
(23)Nuh Uh.

Don't you know? --> There is NO such thing as forgiveness for bucking the party elite. They aren't furious about the affair.
They are furious that Cindy is NOT a Randy Richardville.
Paybacks are a bitch..........
And in damn sharp contrast, House Minority Leader Tim Greimel allowed Gamrat's apology to be read to the House Democrat Caucus, though he didn't let Cindy read it herself.
Knowing that the democrats will be once again cranking up the "war on women" rhetoric next year, this was just plain boneheaded-level stupid.
I guess that he's completely forgotten that he owes his speakership to Rep. Gamrat's vote.