How many GOP politicians have you heard mention the Antrim County Audit Report of voting machines?
What does that tell you?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 2, 2021
Every lie will be revealed.

How many GOP politicians have you heard mention the Antrim County Audit Report of voting machines?
What does that tell you?
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) January 2, 2021
Every lie will be revealed.
How easy was it for Donald Trump to crush 17 Republicans during the 2016 Primary?
I’ll open with that it’s amazing Bill Schuette didn’t lose 2018, by larger numbers. That, and we now have hard evidence that our experiment with term limits is an abject failure on two levels.
Not that I believe the 2018 elections were without fraud either, however, this is what Michigan deserves for electing mental illness into office.
As much as I would like to hold Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum (actually, it’s difficult to figure out which one is which) solely accountable, I can’t. There are 137 other sonsabitches responsible for this as well. OABTW, heads up: MANDATORY CONTACT TRACING IN MICHIGAN GOES INTO EFFECT NEXT WEEK.
Tis true.
“We are taking targeted actions via the order to address areas that are particularly severe sources of spread, and we are issuing guidance that is a very clear road map for what we need to do bring cases down,” said Robert Gordon, the director of the Department of Health and Human Services.
And just think… these midwits played nice with crooked lawyer Gordon. That said, any business owner who wants to play agent of the state with attempting to collect personal information will be told to get bent, and me with my money will walk out their door. Those business owners are free to do what they *think* they can afford- without my money ever again.
Bottom line: I have had enough of this farce that Democrats are using to try to steal an election.
Got that? 94% of “COVID deaths” are not because of COVID.
Jason posited a comment in other topic, whether realizing it or not, one sentence is undeniably true across all elected office alleged leadership spectrum.
For someone who has held elected titles in Lansing, from 2001 thru 2015, this was not an accident unless she has Richard Bernstein selecting attire for her. Curves? Is that what corpulent menopausal females refer to it as now? It’s as if they believe that others do not have eyes.
And, on cue, not allowing an opportunity to go to waste, a white male Republican steps forward to Virtue Snivel. Lee, shall we discuss what a loser is and inappropriate? Soros NPV junkets? Millennials… the guiding compass in the House, which means this state is- totally screwed.
That stated, I fully cede the notion that there is a way to vote our way out of this creeping socialism, nanny-government mess that is Michigan. There are just too many bent-knee pandering fools and reprehensible, Retreads within to counter the opposition.
Hmmm, now where have we seen this exact kind of pathetic display of low T beta manlet before?
Grown man cries when he gets a video gaming graphics card for Christmas.
American betas have regressed to infancy.
— ChateauEmissary (@ChateauEmissary) December 28, 2015
Oh! That’s right …it was in this Michigan video here starting at the 1:32 mark.
Sorry, Lt. Puss-cake, forget about 2018. Man Law: you poke it you own it.
This ought to be fun to watch play out.
No Todd, it’s irony you elected and, endorsed as MI-GOPe approved.
20% more on January 1.
Money Rolling Into Lansing from State License Plate Tax
Annual vehicle registration revenue up 24 percent since 1990, even after inflation
Yep. Keep on blindly voting Republican, as that’ll fix everything.