Tag Archive for Liars

Granholm Strikes Again – Lies, LNG, and Lousy Leadership

Hiding more than facial deformities.

It’s always the “smartest people in the room” who think you won’t notice when they hide the truth in the bottom drawer.

Turns out Canada’s favorite export, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm during her stint at the DoE, buried a Department of Energy report that completely torpedoed the justification for Biden’s 2024 LNG export pause. The same pause that crippled U.S. energy leverage during a time of global instability and emboldened our enemies.

Why? Because facts weren’t politically useful. Can’t have reality contradicting the climate cult narrative, now can we?

According to HotAir:

“The Energy Department has learned that former Secretary [Jennifer] Granholm and the Biden White House intentionally buried a lot of data and released a skewed study to discredit the benefits of American LNG… the administration intentionally deceived the American public to advance an agenda that harmed American energy security, the environment and American lives.”

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Stabenow Openly Lies At Debate

Debbie Stabenow prevaricates like a pro!

US Senator Debbie Stabenow has lied in order to appear as-if she is concerned about border security during the October 14th debate. (@ 33:16)

Her blatant falsehood came at a point where the role of ICE and immigration enforcement came up.  Stabenow claims to oppose sanctuary cities, and also that she “Support[s] Kates Law.” However no indication of this exists and in-fact, according to the US senate voting record, Stabenow actually voted AGAINST it in 2016 when she had the opportunity to “Support” it.

Democrat politicians are desperate to hang on to whatever power they have, and apparently will stop at nothing to put one over on voters as Do-nothing Debbie has done in the 43 years she has been on the public dole.

#WalkAway is the best suggestion  could make to those who want ANY kind of integrity to remain in DC.  Michigan can do so much better.  John James would be a better fit for those of us in Michigan who are tired of the lies and deception that swamp dwellers like the ‘dangerously incompetent’ senior senator.


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Just to be clear.

A while back this site left the rah-rah part of the neighborhood.

Rightmi.com stopped being the default cheerleader for the Michigan GOP as a matter of principle.  Particularly since the primary part of the MiGOP has all but abandoned its tenets and reason to exist.  What exists now is a shell of pseudo conservatism, and a mockery of the platform under which the party pretends to exist.  Arguably, we still prefer the Republicans who run on conservative platforms but the party mechanism makes it tougher to sort them out.

There is some seriously spoiled fruit in the party.  Snyder is no ‘Republican,’ yet his ‘purchasing’ of, and carrying the flag as one, is enough to fool the soft stupid on both sides of the aisle.  The machinery in place to keep Republicans in majority has corrupted the ability to recruit and retain true conservative leadership as well.  Ronna Romney does her part to keep those crazy doctrinaire Republicans in check using party money and resources.

In fact, its one of the reasons I am changing my phone service to a different carrier.  It allows me to block solicitations for the MiGOP, and these calls usually come from outside the state anyhow.

Having said all that, I still believe today’s loyalist Democrats are the bane of intellectual development.  Even more so than the blind loyalist Republicans who still support bad apples no matter what..  Flint, Detroit, etc..  The inability to look at the results of generational liberal rule and deduce the higher incompetency rate is beyond mind blowing.

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Well THAT Was Disappointing ..

What at first appeared to be a reach out to get input for a post-SCOTUS ruling direction was just a scam.

Not at all surprising however.

Given that it was from team Benishek. I though perhaps he was noticing how folks have lost all respect for him, and as contrition, was reaching out to see what would make folks a little more confident in his future performance.  Gosh, maybe it was in response to my put up or shut up articles!

The email arrived with this heartfelt message:

” Jason,

With more than three decades in the medical field, I know how important it is for our healthcare system to empower patients and their doctors, not federal bureaucrats in Washington.

Too often, Washington politicians try to pass laws without talking to the people who have to live with the consequences. Any doctor will tell you that listening to your patients is one of the most important parts of medicine. I believe this is true in politics as well.

That’s why I want to hear from you.

Jason, please take my survey to let me know what you think of ObamaCare, and how we can build a better healthcare system.

Our current system isn’t working, and I know we can do better. With your support, we can fight for a bottom up healthcare system that empowers people not politicians.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

Dr. Dan”

So I clicked the link.   I diligently filled out the form answering the ready-made questions, and then I offered offered some “other thoughts” that were being solicited at the bottom.  I typed in:

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Reconciliation To End Obamacare

Dear Congressmen, you have not done everything in your power yet. The End.

Lying liars.

Frankly that is the first description I have for the Republican Congress critters who have assumed their positions of power in the last few years.  Especially given that there have been several ways to stop Obamacare in its tracks; up to, and including impeachment for executive authority run amuck.

Heritage makes a point that there is STILL a way to effectively repeal the ACA, aka: Obamacare.  It is called reconciliation, and it merely requires a majority vote in the Senate.

Dan Benishek – Put Up Or STFU.  I name you specifically, because you are my congress critter. You are also arguably the most ignorant in Michigan of the power that congress wields.  Get this message across to the senate Republicans or get lost.  If you leave office and have not even tried to own up to the multiple promises you have made with regard to appeal of the ACA, then you are as much of a worthless liar and cheat as the president.

H/T Abigail

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Acta Est Fabula

Proposal 15-1 died as it was supposed to, but there is still work to be done.

tombAssume ‘gloat mode,’ then get back to work.

If anyone thinks it ends here, they have forgotten the lesson of 2013 when we eased up pressure, (if only temporarily) and the governor slammed us with Medicaid expansion.  In fact, when looking at the way things happen with this progressive mess in Lansing, scales put it this way to me directly:

“The gross underestimation has only brought a hike in the State Income Tax, Medicaid expansion, retirement pensions being raided, Common Core, 300+ Ghey *marriage* licenses, a quarter of a billion to the Ilitch’s ice rink who vote Democrat, a Detoilet bailout for the DIA, a recapture of control of the state Party via his pal Baird from Chicago and the Rockefeller-wing Romneys, a monolith of a Health Department, a NAFTA Bridge, a cousin with furniture contracts, more slightly faster Amtrak railcars, driver licenses for illegal alien anchor brats, a H1-B visa center operating out of his MEDC, the launch of moonslime Day at the Capital, Boji payola buildings, no-bid Medicaid contracts with moonslimes, a pending abomination of energy policy waiting in the House and Senate, and this goddam ballot proposal, of which, you notice the Nerd ain’t wooing anybody who falls within the Right side of the political spectrum, yes?”

His point can be taken to the bank.

And it will earn interest.

You Betcha! (23)Nuh Uh.(1)

Getting The Message Out

RightMI.Com readership can make a difference in the effort to defeat the $2 Billion Dollar tax increase.

STOP-167Scales reminds us yesterday that all it takes is 50% +1 to “entrench this mess into our constitution.”

Even the polling a month out that shows the crushing defeat of this boondoggle, but we need to be aware that it probably ought not be trusted.  People are fickle, and the herds of Michigan voters are carefully being prodded along using every tool in the toolbox.

On this site there are no fewer than 70 articles directly or otherwise related to proposal 15-1.  Each of them highlighting a failure of leadership, misuse,  or misrepresentation of resources and fact with regard to the stewardship of our transportation dollars.  We are doing our part to make folks aware that all-is-not-as-it-seems in our state capitol.

But our readership is not the entire population of the state.  (even though it should be)

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Liar Liar Pants On Fire

A Jon Gruber production is dissected appropriately.

The recent Jonathan Gruber code blue is just too good to pass up.

It reveals so much that is wrong with the progressive mind.  In that spirit we mock the liar and his personally narrated special message for all the stupid people who buy into the ACA as anything other than the worst disaster in American Health Care.

Oh and don’t forget those who voted to expand the ACA in Michigan

Share as you like.

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