Check out the latest installment from MediaNews Group who appears to have taken on a pro Prop 1 slant.
With one week until the special statewide election next Tuesday, the Safe Roads Yes ballot campaign is deploying teams of volunteers to call voters and track down unreturned absentee ballots over the proposed constitutional amendment
linked to boosting road funding $1.2 billion annually[No it DOES NOT. That is disinformation, Chad.]. The campaign wouldn’t divulge who will be on the bus. [maybe an AFSCME stooge?]“I don’t care what side you’re on, everyone agrees Michigan’s roads have gone from bad to worse, and they’ve got to get fixed,” said Roger Martin, spokesman for the Safe Roads Yes campaign.
“It is the only solution before us.”
That so, Roger? Your boss doesn’t think so.
Asked by @TimSkubick if the ballot proposal fails, @onetoughnerd replies: "Then we have to start over." #MiLameDuck
— Chad Livengood (@ChadLivengood) December 18, 2014
You know, it’s become typical of these creeps who get elected to office. They always start believing the lies they spin and overload their asses.
Some of us out here do have memories, you know?