Tag Archive for Karen

Data and Science says Whitmer? Jeffrey I. Barke, MD Responds

From Big Gretch’s latest tour on the Fakestream News media circuit.

Whitmer said, “None. I’m not going to succumb to political pressure or political demonstrations or social media pressure. The fact of the matter is we have to listen to our epidemiologists, experts in our phenomenal research universities in Michigan. We are talking with international experts as well. We’re going to stay tethered to the data, follow the science, and we’ve got to get this right. Anything else puts people in jeopardy, and I’m not willing to do that.”

Watch to the end and, you decide.

Did you see the most foundation-destroying issue that begs further discussion?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(1)

And so it Begins

Imagine if you were a corrupt politician that is not going to be a VP pick because you’re now so wildly unpopular from the power-trip you been on that you’ve single-handedly delivered this state’s votes to the re-election of Donald J. Trump, and you’ve also blown a $6.2B dollar hole in the budget, which will demand deep immediate cuts by September, what would be the last thing you would want to see?

Headline: Michiganians flock to Ohio to enjoy state’s reopening

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine [Republican] on Friday restarted parts of his state’s economy, with selected businesses opening for the first time since he issued a stay-at-home order on March 22 in response to the coronavirus emergency.

Michiganians like Hamade of Temperance flocked across the border for goods and services still not available in their own state. Dozens of vehicles bearing Michigan license plates were parked outside Toledo businesses that reopened Friday.

“Staying at home was getting depressing,” said Hamade, a 38-year-old construction worker who is laid off because of the coronavirus. “You gain weight. You can’t see your relatives. This is really nice.”

The next phase of Ohio’s plan kicks in May 21, when indoor restaurants, gyms and other businesses are scheduled to reopen.

Just look at all them Michigan tax dollars now flowing into Ohio. I’m not upset, they earned it.

So, when do the Recall Whitmer petitions begin circulating?

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)

Executive Order … number … 84?!?!

65 days.

65 days from when sweaty greasy-forehead Big Gretch was busy campaigning for pervy creepy Sleepy Joe Biden, when first EO was issued to today, 65 days later- EO 2020-84

One can only hope for Nuremberg-style trials to happen with this farce of an administration.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

It’s as if Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel are Setting the Stage for Another April 19, 1775

Well, as expected, Big Gretch has LARAed Mr Manke into submission.

Karl Manke’s license and the license of his shop, Karl Manke Main St. Barber & Beauty Shop, have been “summarily suspended,” said David Harns, communications director for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The documents confirming the suspension were sent to the barber and his attorney.

Harns said he was unable to provide further comment on the pending case.

Separately, Manke faces “$1,000 and 1 year in jail per haircut” under a Department of Health and Human Services order, said Manke’s lawyer David Kallman.

Meanwhile, convicted prisoners are being released into public. This is a sick game the Democrats are playing.

How sick?

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

Virtue Sniveling is NOT a Good Look (Caution: NSFCucks)

This kind of stuff must be a gray hair, plutocrat “normie” thing?

OK, Boomer. 🙄

You know, one would be led to believe that our still getting their paychecks Republican Nancy-boys would have figured out all this “cruel as it is illogical” crap by now with the absolute corn-holing Big Gretch gave them on the budget, right?


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Support Your Local Sheriff

Folks, if anyone does not by understand the importance of your County Sheriff by now (READ), then follow this to the end.

Geez louise, it took 8 storm Troopers to serve a 77-year-old cutting children’s hair Nasty Nessel’s bogus harassment papers? I mean it’s not like Whitmer/Nessel are running cover for their illegitimate Executive “Orders” because a death occurred, right?

May I also suggest that the Michigan State Police (average salary is 24 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 30 percent higher than USA median) change their “Value Statement” to: “A PROUD tradition of SERVING and PROTECTING our Public Sector Union GOVERNMENT RETIREMENTS.”

C’mon, guys in blue… just because your ‘just following orders’ schtick was polite, it does not excuse you from being lawless enabling cowards. Disgraceful.

Now, what do we know are the next actions by AG Nasty Nessel?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

The Estrogen is Strong in This One

Got that kids? You taxpayer’s pay for the house a Half Whit resides that’s unconstitutionally ordering you under house arrest and into unemployment but, keep off your lawn. LONGER!

Minnesotans have the Right spirit! Sorry [no I’m not] if that kicks up a little dust in your mangina, Mike.

The words of character Arthur Fleck come to mind: You get what you f*cking deserve.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

Just a Few Days Ago She Was Demanding a 70 Day Extension

Clown world never sleeps in this state.

“Take me in, oh tender woman. Take me in, for heaven’s sake. Take me in, oh tender woman,’ sighed the vicious snake.”

She wasted no time capitalizing on this dynamic. The first call Whitmer made, after winning the primary in a landslide, was to Brian Calley, the lieutenant governor. He had just lost the Republican primary to Bill Schuette, the polarizing attorney general. According to multiple people familiar with the conversation, Whitmer began selling Calley on the need to defeat Schuette at all costs and asked him to connect her with disgruntled Republican donors. (Calley declined to comment.)

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)