God willing, all three agenda Karens will be destroyed politically and face criminal charges.
Three days after the confirmation of Michigan’s first COVID-19 cases, the state’s nursing home association leader recommended in a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s administration that empty facilities should be used as quarantine centers to “avoid widespread infection.”
But state officials declined the suggestion of Melissa Samuel, president and CEO of the Health Care Association of Michigan, and instead set up a system in which infected residents are cared for in isolated areas of nursing homes, separate from residents without the virus.
First confirmations on March 10, about 90 minutes after pedo Joe secured the primary with Gov. Whitmer’s help.
510 days. Two Flint’s.
One OK, Karen and, a lessBeing AG Karen reinforced it all to happen.
OABTW, add to it all: Electioneering!
But, keep voting Democrat Boobus Michiganderous, because all of the above was about making sure Michiganians are safe and, not about a nationwide PlanDemocrat agenda to try to steal the November election.
Either that or, your eyes are lying to you, and you get what you deserve- good and hard.