70% of the top 50% donors from outside Michigan?

70% of the top 50% donors from outside Michigan?
Hey, when all you have is garbage like Bush/DeVos Common Core©, the only difference becomes what the household instills.
“We can’t support choice without supporting their desire to return to their home district if it’s not working out for them,” Naeyaert said. “People are looking for a better outcome, and they think a change of scenery might be better. But the grass isn’t always greener.
….Those higher-achieving schools, however, don’t appear to be the answer for the majority of school of choice students in Michigan. The same low-income, mostly African-American students who were struggling in their home school districts are the students most likely to switch back out of school of choice, according to the study.
Personally, I’ve never been an advocate for this School of Choice crap. It’s an exercise in futility at best, and at worst, it just goes to demonstrate what abject whores districts have become, especially, when it’s headcount day.
Besides, all them gatecrashing illegal aliens are just playing Nation of Choice, right?
Sorry, crony MI-GOP toadies, however, you cannot say you all were not warned.
Jeb Bush to campaign with Michigan Republicans on Monday in GR, Lansing and Troy ahead of Governor's Gala with Snyder
— Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) October 8, 2014
Anybody care to make a gentleman’s wager that li’l Jeb has a room reserved at the hotel Dick and Barracuda Betsy™?
And, more news on their control game: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/10/09/Stotsky-What-Does-That-Common-Core-Copyright-Mean
Was just wondering… now that the Alticor/Amway cat is out of the Common Core bag, and their cupcake came out of the closet, just how much of this hyperbole would carry weight today?
What says you, Boobus Michiganderus?
Out falls from the closet another hired bone…
It is a time for @MIGOP Unity. #RightMI http://t.co/lffnp9Cl59 #TCOT
— Richard Anderson (@theNorthVision) August 16, 2014
It’s pretty sad when as of 9:30am that 40% of the signers are Jesse Osmer (Yes, this Jesse sitting in Benishek’s lap), and Bill Runco (Yes, legal troubles Third world voting DELE-GATE Bill).
A $1,000 to Slow-Joe for president in ’07, and now calls it “a tracker“? Good one. I suppose that, Bobby Schostak can now make the same claim about his $666 to Nancy Pelosi in ’07, and the Thousand$ to Jennifer Granholm, too. I also suppose there are some dupes out there that are actually gullible enough to buy that crap they’re being fed.
Sorry but, DIA Bailout Ron is still a weasel.
Nice try with the silencing spin, and so “strategic”…
How freakin’ desperate can a person get? Well, check out exactly how desperate.
All due respect to Sen. Cruz, please go take a hot shower and be sure to use plenty of soap.
See, this is exactly the problem with all this ingrained, union-type mentality that exists within the Party apparatchik. The best and brightest to the front of the line? Nope. The Party power brokers stand fast with playing the tired old seniority, and pay your dues game (nothing directed at you Dan, but you just happen to state the obvious). What serves to exacerbate this problem? Every damn time an out-of-stater comes to town, and lends credence to those who they may or may not be completely aware of who they really are lending their good name to for some $peaking engagement *wink-wink-nudge-nudge, Johnny*.
It’s not like anyone can say they have never seen it happen before in Michigan. Good intentions? Most likely. Wasn’t well informed? That would be the understatement of the decade. Fact.
Do whatever it is that pleases you but, there is no way in Hell you’ll catch me casting a vote for this weasel.
Alas! The corporate cat is finally out of the crony capitalism bag.
“There is a massive transition to digital happening across the country and around the world in education, and schools looking to prepare their students for the world beyond the classroom are empowering their students and teachers by providing devices, services, training and other elements needed for improved student outcomes,” Margo Day, vice president of U.S. education at Microsoft, said in the news release. “At Microsoft, we are proud to be a partner with so many great schools that are leading the way forward for education and in preparing our youth for tomorrow’s workforce.”
If the last part of that Day’s quote sounds familiar, it should. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and other Common Core supporters have used that same language – probably word for word in some instances – to justify the one-size-fits-all learning standards that they’re busy foisting onto schools in more than 40 states.
The official fairy tale – er, “narrative” – of Common Core goes something like this: THE REST
So, what might fit perfectly in Michigan, for that agenda? Oh, perhaps a Slick former CEO of crappy computers with cow patterned boxes who is well versed in the art of government contracts? Hmm, I wonder. Perhaps, a billionaire with stealth agenda glomming onto his longstanding crony Bush family ties to a Board that’s chaired by li’l Jeb, sniffing at a disastrous presidential run so he can share bragging rights at get togethers on the holidays?
Nah. That’s just “Wacko-Bird!” kind of thinking. Then again… res ipsa loquitur.
Good God! Frank Foster is either a functional illiterate or, a liar.