Tag Archive for Executive Order No. 2014-2

The Nerd’s Potholed Pathway to Indentured Posterity

Because we all know exactly how much Higher Ed matters.

Are you understanding it, yet?

Bonus. We all now know what the jagoff on the right in the photo above collects a taxpayer funded paycheck for.

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Reaping What ya Sow

Hey, when all you have is garbage like Bush/DeVos Common Core©, the only difference becomes what the household instills.

Bosco-countday“We can’t support choice without supporting their desire to return to their home district if it’s not working out for them,” Naeyaert said. “People are looking for a better outcome, and they think a change of scenery might be better. But the grass isn’t always greener.

Those higher-achieving schools, however, don’t appear to be the answer for the majority of school of choice students in Michigan. The same low-income, mostly African-American students who were struggling in their home school districts are the students most likely to switch back out of school of choice, according to the study.


Personally, I’ve never been an advocate for this School of Choice crap. It’s an exercise in futility at best, and at worst, it just goes to demonstrate what abject whores districts have become, especially, when it’s headcount day.

Besides, all them gatecrashing illegal aliens are just playing Nation of Choice, right?

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Americans are Sucking Hind Teat, huh?

Executive Action amnesty in the DHS spending bill is the issue? Gee, look who in Michigan mocks that, and has many Rea$on$ to. C’mon, folks. None of this is anything new. Sure, it’s nice to hear Rep. Issa’s lofty platitudes he talks but, “they’re the jobs that are sometimes undermined by companies just trying to shave the edges”? What utter nonsense. Remember, Buy ‘Merican!, right? Everyone with an above room temperature IQ understands the game while others parrot the *bipartisan* line. Matter of fact, one of the biggest H1-B lies is the 65,000 cap needs to be expanded when foreign nationals with a Master’s degree or higher is exempt, as well is the O-1 visa = unlimited.

So, the next big budget question…

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Snyder, Calley, Obamacare, and Their 42%

The fine folks over at MCC may as well get this plan out of their heads because this state has a load of English as a second language deadbeats waiting in the wings when .FEDGOV tightens its pursestrings.

Immigrants and their U.S.-born children make up more than 40 percent of new Medicaid recipients at a cost of $4.6 billion, according to an analysis of government data.

The Center for Immigration Studies, a low-immigration advocacy group, released a report early Thursday that found both legal and illegal immigrants [aliens] and their minor children made up 42 percent of Medicaid growth from 2011 to last year.

Part of the increased enrollment came as a result of the new healthcare law’s expansion of Medicaid to impoverished and low-income adults.

“The high rate and significant growth in Medicaid associated with immigrants is mainly the result of a legal immigration system that admits large numbers of immigrants with relatively low-levels of education, many of whom end up poor and uninsured,” the report says. “This fact, coupled with the extensive supports we provide to low-income residents, unavoidably creates very significant costs for taxpayers.”


As an aside regarding Obamacare, newly elected SML Arlan Meekhof is proving his weight in Nerd gold as to what a useless ass he’ll be for Conservatives.


Frankly, I just can’t begin to wrap my mind around the concept of Michigan’s delegation fighting anything in D.C. when they willfully turn a blind eye to sonofabitches in their own Party in Lansing, who work to implement Obama’s agenda.

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Ready for some Common Core©?

Anybody care to make a gentleman’s wager that li’l Jeb has a room reserved at the hotel Dick and Barracuda Betsy™?

And, more news on their control game: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/10/09/Stotsky-What-Does-That-Common-Core-Copyright-Mean

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Uh-oh… Nolan has the Fantods

Gilligan's IslandFinley’s brand of centrist Hopium is wearing off as it appears that pragmatism now sucks.

Snyder’s response is a somnambulist commercial in which he comes across as dull as a valiumed-up dental patient with a message eerily reminiscent of Granholm’s infamous “in five years, you’ll be blown away” pledge.

Michigan hardly ever unseats an incumbent governor, particularly when the economy is on the upswing. If there were a 2010-style Republican wave cresting, Snyder would be up 10 points in this race.


Except now Snyder has his apolitical record of screwing over everyone to accomplish his amoral big government agenda, which ain’t a helluva lot different from the DNC/MDP apparatchik.

Tough lessons for those who followed a corporate snake who built the bulk of his personal wealth by means of taxpayer subsidy at the MEDC, however, if one plays in the middle of the road, sooner or later they’re gonna get crushed. Nobody likes those that pretend they’re everything while standing for nothing.

I’m staying my course with a vote for Ruth Johnson. To hell with the rest of ’em.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(4)

When is a Failure not Deemed a Failure?: Part Deux

When Republicans raised the State Income Tax.

“We could have balanced the budget without taxing pensions,” [John] Nixon said.

Yes, raised the State Income Tax on E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.

Special thanks goes to Dick and Betsy’s cupcake for once again illustrating the Recucklican treachery within the MI-GOP.

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