Tag Archive for Elections Have Consequences

Gentlemen’s Wager: Boomers and Those Under 35-years-old are Regretting Their 2018 Vote

Yeah! An old-school return to cigarettes.

Because once one reaches Age of Majority (that’s 18 for slow folks), they all of a sudden don’t like bubblegum, Fruit Loops and, apple juice anymore? 🤦‍♂️ But seriously, Gov. Blue Shamu recently outlawed vaping for minors so, this is just a Democrat nanny-government ploy to tell adults how to conduct their life.

It is also sad to note that the only Republican leadership in Lansing, that appears to be worth a damn is- House Republicans.

On a particularly amusing note, some Boomer Gen acquaintances of mine who have switched to vaping to help them quit smoking are bitching up a storm about this. It tickles me to no end to remind them that they voted for Whitmer.

True schadenfreude it is. 🤣

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Mr. Payne, That’s Just the Most Basic Side of Whitmer’s Fuel Tax Hike

It just warms the cockles of my heart that there is someone out there putting this obnoxious redistribution of our tax dollars into figures so the public is aware. This is what Michiganians are going to immediately feel out of their pocket.

Michiganians drive an average of 14,121 miles per year, according to the Federal Highway Administration. The average vehicle fuel economy for 2017 model-year vehicles was 24.9 miles per gallon, according to Environmental Protection Agency figures released Wednesday.

Do the math, and a 45-cent surcharge would add up to that $255 per year. That’s on top of the average current fuel bill of $1,389, assuming gasoline stays at the current $2.45 per gallon average price around the state.

Are the Envirotard dopes who are government subsidized in the purchase and, charging of driving their glorified golf carts around off the hook?

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Gretchenomics: Welcome to the Granholm v2.0 era

Well, that didn’t take long to cast sunlight upon the Progressive Left’s wealth redistribution scheme.

If approved by the Republican-controlled House and Senate, Whitmer’s proposed 45-cent motor fuel tax increase would occur in three separate 15 cent tax hikes on Oct. 1, 2019, April 1, 2020, and Oct. 1, 2020.

The first two tax hikes would increase the tax by 30 cents and bring in an additional $1.26 billion during the 2019-20 fiscal year. But documents submitted by Whitmer as part of her executive budget recommendation on Tuesday indicate that the net increase to transportation funding will be just $764 million in 2019-20 fiscal year.

In other words, $499.2 million — an estimated 40 percent of the $1.26 billion gas tax increase in 2020 — would not go to roads. Instead, it would replace current transportation budget dollars that would be redirected to pay for other state government spending.


Yet, this obscene agenda has support?

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The Word DUPLICITOUS Does not Even Begin to Scratch the Surface

It boggles the mind how this clown still collects a paycheck.

I’ve advocated for a tax increase to fund road repairs, and Whitmer reportedly will call for a 45 cents hike in the fuel tax. That will be painful for motorists, but necessary. Michigan has neglected its infrastructure for so long that there’s no painless fix. The hike will give Michigan the highest per-gallon fuel costs in the Midwest, but we have to do it.

Wrong, dummy, we already ARE the highest per-gallon in the Midwest.

How quickly everyone forgets.

As for the rest of this nincompoop’s idle drool about legacy costs, Proposal A, education and other adult age socialism, well, that’s what happens when local leaders cater to public sector unions for endorsements to the offices they sought, of which, the much ballyhooed Freedom-To-Work Act never even came close to addressing.

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And The Carnage Continues

Are we at all surprised?

Yesterday Local TV 7&4 had a story on the lay off of 43 employees, and the director had only alluded to the reaosns why.  Today the report is much clearer and more direct.  Add to the layoffs a little North of where I am at is the Munson health system which will be facing significant reductions in revenues to the tune of $15 Million averaged EACH YEAR over the next ten years.


Visit the Upnorthlive.com site for continuing updates on this.

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