Tag Archive for Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey

Is That So?

No, an agonizing existence is when Rudy, and Sidney along with Military Intelligence, come after you three corrupt Democrat broads for each of your roles in committing election fraud.

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Democrat Detroit’s Decades of Corruption Exposed

First, to any Doomers who *think* it’s over in this state- GTFOH This place clearly is not for you.

Yes, the question was raised about that “private monies” within here.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(0)

Well, Would You Look at That. . .

Does it surprise readers here at RM? It shouldn’t because it was pointed out that Whitmer’s crooked MIOSHA is headed by Sean Egan (COVIDologist) and, Bart Pickelman (Suicideologist). So, bogus flu bug numbers and firing people who don’t play along with MIOSHA chief’s agendas naturally goes hand in hand with Michigan Democrats election interference game.

After all, when you have the Deputy Director of the Michigan Democrats Party working for Dominion Voting Systems and involved with a $25M State contract…

BREAKING: Former Dominion Project Manager Who Helped Execute $25 Million Contract With State Of MI Was Democrat Mayor At Same Time

So yes, I agree with B. Roubal, this is a “Shit Show.” One gigantic organized criminal Democrat shit show and, people need to be arrested- starting at the top.

You Betcha! (21)Nuh Uh.(0)

“All those in favor say ‘Aye’. Any opposed? Seeing none, the motion is approved.”

This is not the time for chutzpa!

If our elected representatives in Lansing are in need of any suggestions to “find” money to reallocate towards more important matters affecting Michigan, a local vote that was taken yesterday afternoon by an advisory committee would be my recommendation for a great place to start.

{Story continues below}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Ugh, work is stupid!

Let’s all take a break.

Just when you thought that the Three-ring Circus that tries to pass itself off as “leadership” couldn’t make an even bigger ass of themselves than they already have done to date, they just turn around and surprise you.

Same cast of characters. Same city.

And another example of ungrateful children pretending to be mature adults wasting your hard earned money.

{Click below to find out who they are and what they have done this time}

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Boy, are these people stupid!







Betcha think these comments regarding Michigan Taxpayers was “secretly” overheard coming from the confab between Gov. Snyder, Ex-Speaker Bolder, Ex-Sen. Richardville, Rep. Greimel & Ex-Sen Whitmer last December just before they announced placing Prop 15-1 before Michigan Voters?

Close, but not quite.

{Tantalizing details after the fold}

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