Tag Archive for Dana “Nasty” Nessel

Executive Order … number … 84?!?!

65 days.

65 days from when sweaty greasy-forehead Big Gretch was busy campaigning for pervy creepy Sleepy Joe Biden, when first EO was issued to today, 65 days later- EO 2020-84

One can only hope for Nuremberg-style trials to happen with this farce of an administration.

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It’s as if Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel are Setting the Stage for Another April 19, 1775

Well, as expected, Big Gretch has LARAed Mr Manke into submission.

Karl Manke’s license and the license of his shop, Karl Manke Main St. Barber & Beauty Shop, have been “summarily suspended,” said David Harns, communications director for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. The documents confirming the suspension were sent to the barber and his attorney.

Harns said he was unable to provide further comment on the pending case.

Separately, Manke faces “$1,000 and 1 year in jail per haircut” under a Department of Health and Human Services order, said Manke’s lawyer David Kallman.

Meanwhile, convicted prisoners are being released into public. This is a sick game the Democrats are playing.

How sick?

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Virtue Sniveling is NOT a Good Look (Caution: NSFCucks)

This kind of stuff must be a gray hair, plutocrat “normie” thing?

OK, Boomer. 🙄

You know, one would be led to believe that our still getting their paychecks Republican Nancy-boys would have figured out all this “cruel as it is illogical” crap by now with the absolute corn-holing Big Gretch gave them on the budget, right?


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Remembering Morris Hood III

Video description: In Michigan’s primary election yesterday (Aug 2, 2016), a Project Veritas undercover journalist could have voted for Michigan state senator Morris Hood. Hood is a Democrat from District 3. Polling Location: Charles Drew Academy. This is the fourth video in a series of ballots Project Veritas could have cast under Michigan’s voter ID laws.

Move along, no underlying kidney transplant condition… it was the Chinese Communist Party Virus.

If you disagree- Dat’s raycis!

Now, I return you to regularly scheduled virtue signaling, and corrupt Democrat Big Gretch.

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Big Gretch “asks,” Do You Want to be Destroyed?

Bend knee, kulaks.

Stalin is smiling.

Exit question: is everyone enjoying their 1 month, 19 days (13.66% of 2020) in Gretchen and Nessel’s unconstitutional, Chinese Communist Party Virus lockdown?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Support Your Local Sheriff

Folks, if anyone does not by understand the importance of your County Sheriff by now (READ), then follow this to the end.

Geez louise, it took 8 storm Troopers to serve a 77-year-old cutting children’s hair Nasty Nessel’s bogus harassment papers? I mean it’s not like Whitmer/Nessel are running cover for their illegitimate Executive “Orders” because a death occurred, right?

May I also suggest that the Michigan State Police (average salary is 24 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 30 percent higher than USA median) change their “Value Statement” to: “A PROUD tradition of SERVING and PROTECTING our Public Sector Union GOVERNMENT RETIREMENTS.”

C’mon, guys in blue… just because your ‘just following orders’ schtick was polite, it does not excuse you from being lawless enabling cowards. Disgraceful.

Now, what do we know are the next actions by AG Nasty Nessel?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

Nah, This Ain’t Gonna Fly With Michiganians

Law enforcement officers, I feel your pain.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) on Thursday extended the state’s stay-at-home order put in place to stop the spread of coronavirus.

A news release from Whitmer’s office noted that the order would expire on May 28. Previously, Whitmer’s order was set to expire May 15.

State county prosecutors recognize the illegality and, many “elected” Sheriffs (very important difference) are not willing to walk the Road to Hell Democrat Whitmer is leading this state down.

Even soon to be recalled sweaty forehead Whitmer’s Attorney General Nessel flinched at these unlawful actions, which ended up with a father of 8 being shot dead by governor GRETCHEN ESTHER WHITMER illegal agenda. Those that see the name in all capitals understand what that means.

Walk away, LEO.

Simple as that.

Avoid what every freedom loving citizen in America dreads but, are losing everything they ever worked for, that will answer the call, God forbid- if stupid enough to “follow orders” after 8 weeks out from house arrest.

Walk away.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Finley Suffering Another Bout of Constitution Indigestion

Is there really any doubt as to why the Fakestream News media is going the way of the buggy whip when Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation associated Digital First Media‘s Nolan Finley writes such mindless drool.

But just because you have a right, doesn’t mean you should exercise it in irresponsible ways.

Showing up at a mass protest with a pistol on your hip or a rifle slung across your shoulder is irresponsible.

It could easily be read as an attempt to intimidate. That’s particularly true when the guns are brought into the Capitol building where lawmakers are doing the state’s business.

Police monitoring the gatherings are put in the extremely difficulty position of trying to discern whether those carrying weapons are a threat to commit violence. Officers have to guess which guns are present as a symbol of protest, and which are there for ill intent.

Things can go bad in a hurry if they guess wrong.

Sorry, dummy Nolan, that’s just not how “…shall not be infringed.” works. Furthermore, if/when police are complicit in any politicians’ disregard for Rule of Law, and tyranny reigns, then Rebellion becomes Duty.

More please!

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