The male version of Karen, Daren would like to talk to a manager.

The male version of Karen, Daren would like to talk to a manager.
Why her entire administration hasn’t been criminally charged by now is just sickening.
OABTW, 10 pod people or less, right?
Remember yesterday, “Democrats always project onto others what they are up to“?
Yah, well…
Just too good not to share.
Democrats: tHE PArTy oF SCiENcE
What would qualify as an “unhinged distraction.” Oh, maybe trying to use position of power to cut ahead in line to get your boat put on the water during the alleged “flatten the curve” nonsense? Mmmm, maybe continuing to place COVID patients into nursing homes and LTC facilities while knowing that is certain death for our most vulnerable? If you guessed either one you would be wrong in the vile mind of Gretchen Whitmer.
Barr took criticism this week after he called the COVID-19 lockdown orders the “greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American History” since slavery, which was a “different kind of restraint.” His comments were made at an event hosted by Hillsdale College in Virginia.
….“This is another unhinged distraction, and it’s deeply disturbing that our chief law enforcement officer is propagating it,” Whitmer said from the backyard of the governor’s residence in Lansing.
No, deeply disturbing is that Boobus Michiganderus actually elected this Exxon Valdez forehead, man-chopper sow as Michigan’s dysfunctional and corrupt governor. Because, in Whitmer’s first 510 days she owns two dam breaches and a stack of dead bodies.
Now, do you want to see a real “unhinged distraction?”
Meet the Bart Stupid Sportsmen and Sportswomen Group for Sleepy Joe Hiden’
The nonpartisan coalition includes people like Bill Rustem, who served as Policy Director under former Republican governors William Milliken and Rick Snyder. Former Gov. Jim Blanchard, Sen. Debbie Stabenow and former Lt. Gov. John Cherry are also involved the group.
Bill Rustem. Remember this Enviroloon loser? Yannow, it is actually entertaining to watch all the Michigan RINOsaurs try to pretend they’re opinion matters and are not already extinct. Enjoy your 27 days remaining, Enviroloon. Bottom line, Bart is not an oxymoron- he’s a regular moron.
Exit question: Why did Stupak exclude trannies from the name of his group for Sleepy Joe Hiden’?
Headline: Opinion: Police should partner with social workers
The tragic and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and too many Black and Brown Americans by police officers has led our nation to a moment where we must act now to make real change happen.
That means reimagining how we respond to crime and the role of law enforcement in our communities so that we can better address problems and prevent crime. This can start with social work and police partnerships.
Hol’ up a moment… let’s review what Stephanie Chang, D-Detroit, thinks about “Black and Brown” seniors in Metro Detroit assisted living, nursing and, longterm care facilities, shall we?
Gotta say it’s been an entertaining morning perusing the news. Where do we start with this LOL fest? Well, howza ’bout this.
The declaration, which was set to expire Friday, allows the Democratic governor continued authority to issue the executive orders that have created the framework for the state’s coronavirus-restricted activity in recent months. Whitmer’s response to the pandemic has so far included 122 executive orders.
“The aggressive measures we took at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have worked to flatten the curve, but there is still more to be done to prevent a second wave,” Whitmer said in a statement.
Oopsies. Guess who is in town, Big Gretch?
Bruh… world-class virtue signaling is launching a Bronco on O. J.’s birthday.
“The timing is purely coincidental,” Ford spokesman Mike Levine said in a statement.
Sure it was.
Curious tho, Mr. “Fear is a great motivator” isn’t showing audiences a particular black entertainer. I wonder why?