Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…

Are these three always projecting “leaders” still hiding behind their skirts? Well, again, Karen Big Gretch would like to talk to a manager…
Why did @GovWhitmer's administration fire employees of OSHA? Why are these former employees stating that the COVID #'s in Michigan are doctored and PHONEY??? They reported 3 new cases in their zone and the Governor reported 66! Why would that be Governor?
— Mike Detmer – Michigan Patriot (@DetmerMike) November 17, 2020
Does it surprise readers here at RM? It shouldn’t because it was pointed out that Whitmer’s crooked MIOSHA is headed by Sean Egan (COVIDologist) and, Bart Pickelman (Suicideologist). So, bogus flu bug numbers and firing people who don’t play along with MIOSHA chief’s agendas naturally goes hand in hand with Michigan Democrats election interference game.
After all, when you have the Deputy Director of the Michigan Democrats Party working for Dominion Voting Systems and involved with a $25M State contract…
So yes, I agree with B. Roubal, this is a “Shit Show.” One gigantic organized criminal Democrat shit show and, people need to be arrested- starting at the top.
It’s always interesting to observe individuals revealing their true colors during the most rigged election Michigan has ever witnessed, by some Michiganians- firsthand.
Presenting Ms. Lucy Diamond! The newest member of our household. YES she is named after the notorious criminal mastermind lesbian jewel thief from D.E.B.S. and YES we adopted her bc I’m in some weird competition with the governor for cutest pet she probably doesn’t know about.
— Dana Nessel (@dananessel) November 13, 2020
Interesting what one discovers on The Internet Is Forever™ but first, a brief message.
Because taking selfies with the heir apparent of The Ed McNamara Machine in corrupt Detroit most likely will be a keeper when the Whitmer/Nessel/Benson election fraud is fully exposed.
View everything in its entirety by CLICKING HERE.
Oh, and one more thing…
November 7, 2020: “This Felt Like a Drug Deal!” – Asian-American Ballot Observer in Detroit Describes Mysterious Van Dropping Off 61 Boxes of Ballots at 4 AM (VIDEO)
November 7, 2020: Affidavits: Detroit Ballot Tabulators Entered Names of Non-Voters During Count
This is just the beginning. Ignore what our local Lügenpresse is regurgitating 24/7 among themselves. The press does not decide elections.
Federal Election Commission Chair, Trey Trainor, clearly states voter fraud is taking place. Then, we have something even more dubious coming to light taking center stage.
This is big. The software used to tabulate the votes in one county sent at least 6,000 Trump votes to Biden. 47 counties used the software. Other states may have, too. Was it a glitch or a "feature"?
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 6, 2020
This does indeed lead us to the biggest question of them all.